Mack Major #fundie

Many of you are slowly being initiated into witchcraft through unknowingly participating in occult activity.

Tattoos, piercings, horoscopes, fornication, masturbation, using dildos and other sexual objects, yoga, tantra, watching occult-based movies such as Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc; and listening to secular music such as pop, rock, and especially hip hop: are opening people up like never before to having actual encounters with real demonic spirits.

These are but a sampling of the different ways people are being led down a dark path into the world of the occult. People are literally being initiated into witchcraft, and they don't even know it. And in case you were not aware: you can also be initiated into witchcraft through SEX.

Some of you have literally laid with witches unawares, thinking you were just having a good time.

But that witch actually imparted something spiritual into you that has been attached to your life ever since. And this is most likely what has been keeping some of you from getting married, staying married, having stable income, or being able to prosper at anything for any length of time.

This type of demonic initiation that happens through sex also manifests in the form of reproductive health problems, a recurring infection, mental or emotional health issues, depression, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, sexual addictions, nightmares, night visitations and sleep paralysis, etc.

Witchcraft is real. And one of the most effective ways to establish covenants within witchcraft is via sex.

Far too many Christians remain oblivious to the methods Satan is using to stifle their gifts, callings and the purpose that is on their lives. He knows that if he can get a believer into sexual sin, he can attach a demon to them: sometimes even for life.

I do my best to expose these things here on my blog, on my Facebook page, as well as through the various ebooks that I write and make available to the public. You can download these at any time right here on this website.

I'm warning you about these things because the occult realm really does exist; and Satan's tools are NOT to be played with. Holy living is your only shield against the demonic in this evil day.

Be mindful of the type of music you listen to, the movies and TV shows that you watch, the books that you read, and the types of other seemingly harmless things people often do (like yoga and getting tatted up for instance); without any awareness that those things are also subtle doorways through witch demons gain the right to access a person's body and mind.

And don't just be a Christian: be an enlightened Christian. Read. Educate yourself. Buy books. Study the Word of God like your life depends on it. Because it does!

Make it your mission to know why fornication is wrong in the eyes of God. Know why there is such a big push in society for homosexuality to now be out in the open. Be aware why 7 out of every 10 movies released from Hollywood now feature some element of witchcraft, demonic activity and the occult.

In fact, know why Hollywood is even called Holly-wood in the first place! FYI: the holly tree was the sacred tree from which witches and warlocks (male witches) made their magic wands.

So "holly" "wood" is none other than the magic wand of witches used to cast spells over the unsuspecting. That has always been the purpose for making movies. Entertainment is just a modern form of spell-casting and bewitching.

For instance: I was watching one of those "Hobbit" movies not too long ago, and it blew me away when several of the characters started speaking in demonic tongues right there in the middle of the movie!

Who knows what spells or incantations were being cast during that scene? I couldn't even enjoy watching the movie after that demonic sneak attack.

And if you're a Christian who thinks you are immune to the occult simply because grace covers you, and therefore that makes it okay for you to watch or listen to it: you're only fooling yourself. Satan will make a slave of you if you keep engaging in his stuff!

Spiritual wickedness is coming HARD these days. Meanwhile, Christians are busy having debates over how 'nice' a person's tone should be when warning others to turn away from sin and darkness.

Avoid fornication. Quit masturbating. Turn off the TV set and spend that time studying your Bible.

Turn down that #6 value meal every once in a while, and spend the evening fasting and in prayer. Find a good church and stick with it. Up your godly spiritual power!

And whatever you do: stop entertaining yourself with demonic stuff! This is for you horror movie hip hop tattoo-loving "saints." Ask yourself: why are you so attracted and drawn to dark and demonic spiritual things?

Some of you need deliverance, and you don't even realize it. But that's okay. Just stick around a little longer, and those demons will run screaming out of your life before you know what hit you.

Make sure to download my ebooks if you want a deeper education on these sort of things. And whatever you do: draw closer to Jesus in this hour like never before. My ebooks will help.

Satan has pulled out all the stops. And only those who are rooted in Jesus Christ can withstand the onslaught of evil that's coming. God bless.



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