Mack Major #sexist

When I watch the NFL draft, I can't help but wonder how many of these young guys are prepared what's ahead of them.

I wonder how many are particularly ready to deal with poisonous relationships and 'friendships' that come with fame and fortune - especially the predatory women who often prey on unsuspecting guys fresh in the league.

These predatory women will twist a guy's life up so fast, they won't even know what hit them!

Many of these fresh faces will fall for the old trap of thinking that having lots of money will somehow compensate for not having any 'game.' Game represents life skills, wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to rightly apply it as needed.

Some of the most disgraced athletes and stars were men who thought they could spend their way out of having game too.

Shows like Real Basketball Wives, Real Housewives of Atlanta, Love and Hip Hop, etc, are all built on the backs of guys who lacked the wisdom and knowledge to avoid getting caught up - and later thrown under the bus by scrupulous women.

You can't "buy" your way out of a lack of wisdom by spending a ton of money. Life doesn't work that way. You have to put in the work to gain the lessons that can spare you from taking deep losses in life.

Hopefully they're preparing themselves by ordering copies of my ebook for men titled POWER. I wrote a special chapter in there for guys who are in high profile positions in sports, entertainment and business.

It's a blessing and a privilege to be able to do something you love, and get paid lots of money for it at the same time. But that privilege comes with a price. So don't allow the blessing to become a curse, all because you weren't up on game!

(And remember: 'game' represents life skills, wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to rightly apply it as needed.)

Some will say that all these young men need is God. May I remind you that Samson with all his strength had God too.

But having God was not enough to prevent Samson from losing his power to Delilah's seducing ways, or losing his eyes to her wiles - and ultimately being enslaved and imprisoned due to his lust for the female gender.

What these young men need today is God AND wisdom - from someone who has a godly perspective and the experience to know how to apply supernatural wisdom the right way.

God + wisdom + knowledge = an unbeatable strategy for winning in life.

****If you or someone you know are in professional sports - or perhaps in some other high profile position that makes them an easy target for thirsty females and other predatory individuals - make sure you download a copy of POWER right now.

Do it for you and for them. You'll be more than happy that you did.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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