David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia lovethetruth.com

Don't be too hard on Brother Jimenez, because he is standing on the Lord's side. If you think homosexuals ought not be executed by the government, then you do not believe the Holy Bible. This is nothing to do with hatred or bigotry. Homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin in God's site. Several big name preachers of mega-churches agree with God's Word in Leviticus 20:13...

Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz’s Embrace of ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor?

Michelangelo Signorile | November 12, 2015

Last weekend Senator Ted Cruz, along with fellow GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, spoke at a conference in Des Moines headed up by a man who advocates the execution of gay people — per his interpretation of the bible — and who made his call for mass extermination once again, onstage at the event, the National Religious Liberties Conference. Pastor Kevin Swanson has said in the past that Christians should attend gay weddings and hold up signs telling the newly married gay and lesbian couples that they “should be put to death.” ...

SOURCE: Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz’s Embrace of ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor?

God made His laws to protect the innocent, to protect families and to safeguard society. Homosexuality deprives a child of a normal family. It is cruelty to force a child into a so-called “new kind of family” with two lesbians and no fatherly image in the home. Homosexuals statistically never live in a monogamous relationship with one mate; but rather, have intimacy with thousands of sex partners. Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is insane! When men disobey God, bad things always happen. Wicked people blame God for the starvation, war and the problems in the world, but mankind has caused his own problems because of greed, selfishness and his own foolish choices.

The homosexual lifestyle is really a “deathstyle.” Statistics Reveal 83% Of Homosexuals Have Had Sex With More Than 50 Partners (Gay love?) It is not surprising that America's fornicating “hook-up” culture no longer see the harm of homosexuality. Married couples, who honor God in a committed heterosexual relationship with each other, clearly see the horrible reality of homosexuality. However, the younger generation (who've have been indoctrinated by Hollywood and Walt Disney to have pre-marital sex, with dozens if not hundreds of sex partners) are desensitized to the awfulness of homosexuality. Satanic influences like Taylor Swift are destroying our youth. Homosexuality nearly always means having dozens, hundreds, even thousands of sex partners. The statistics cannot be erased! A disgusting 28% of homosexuals admitted to having over 1,000 sexual partners! Only an adulterer or fornicator with dozens of sex partners would see no harm, or defend, homosexuality (because they're all in the same boat)! Now you understand why Satan is relentlessly pushing sex, sex, sex on young people today, to demoralize them, so they'll go along with homosexuality, then incest and pedophilia, and ultimately sell their souls to worship the man of sin, the Anti-Christ!

Think about this. If someone truly wanted to hurt you, they would hurt those whom you love. Usually this is a person's family. Well, Satan hates God and wants to hurt Him, so the Devil hurts the object of God's love, which is mankind. Satan loves to hurt God's children, the born-again Christian believer, to hurt the heart of our great God. Satan wants to destroy you my friend, because God loves you! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked!

Not All Homosexuals are Pedophiles, But They are in the Same Sex Pervert Camp

Pastor Jimenez stated: “Every sodomite's a pedophile!” Despite being downplayed by the secular media as a false fact, The Family Research Council has actually done research evidencing that there is a definite link between homosexuals and pedophile tendencies. For example: Homosexual literature is saturated with themes of pedophilia. A study on pedophilia in the Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa reported:

“According to the literature, findings of a two-to-one ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles have been documented.” —John M. W. Bradford, et al., "The Heterogeneity/Homogeneity of Pedophilia," Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa 13 (1988): 225. Elsewhere the study notes: "Researchers have variously estimated the incidence of homosexual pedophilia between 19 percent and 33 percent of reported molestations," p. 218.

Statistically, pastor Jimenez is telling THE TRUTH. And there's plenty of evidence to indict homosexuality as a perverse deathstyle!!! There is an undeniably creepy link between homosexual perversion and child sex, and Hollywood is ground zero for child molestation...

Actor Elijah Wood Says: Hollywood Full Of 'Organized' Child Sex Abuse (We've known it all along!)

I went to search Google for a photo of a “homosexual pimp” for my article and I kid you not... Joel Osteen's photo came up! Ha, ha, ha! Figures! She-boy!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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