Hunter Wallace #transphobia #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "New York Times: Transgender Childhood Is Not a “Trend”"]

I can remember the exact moment when “trans” took off.

It was in the wake of the Obergefell decision in the summer of 2015 when Bruce Jenner reintroduced herself to the public as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of [i]Vanity Fair[/i][…]Progressives jumped from gay marriage to “trans” which was the next novelty in the culture war. 20,000 different genders were discovered over the last decade and we’re all a bunch of bigots now for “misgendering” people with the wrong made up pronouns
I can also remember the exact moment when systematic racism became the next novelty and took off like a rocket with progressive activists. It was after George Floyd died last summer. From that point on, “racism” became systematic and “equity” became fashionable and “equality” fell out of fashion

None of this garbage has anything to do with morality[…]It is a disease of the degenerate professional classes. The Soviets used to call it “bourgeois decadence.” Modernism was banned in the Soviet Union
It is true though that the Weimar Republic got there in the 1920s. Modernism and gender fluidity began bubbling up in this country in the work of Gertrude Stein via Otto Weininger
From the mind of this Jewish lunatic at the turn of the 20th century sprang the idea of gender fluidity that has now seized control of the Democratic Party[…]Weininger shot himself in the chest and committed suicide. He was mentally ill



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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