David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist jesusisprecious.org

It is no longer safe to be unpopular today in the United States. The media today bullies fundamental Bible preachers, labeling them as hate-preachers. What the ungodly media does is to stir up the public—inciting hatred and instigating anger—and then when they have stirred public unrest, they film the blasphemy being spoken in hatred against God's men. 1st Kings 21:25, “But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.” Acts 14:2, “But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.” The ungodly Zionist-controlled U.S. media (MP3, Unholy Alliance) stir up hatred against pastors and churches who oppose the LGBTQ homosexual agenda!!! I agree with Pastor Anderson on the meaning of LGBTQ (Let God Burn Them Quickly). Oh, you say, that is hate speech! No, that is the inspired Word of God! Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” The homosexual community are wicked! Homosexuality is a vile sin, just as adultery, fornication, rape, bestiality, polygamy, uncleanliness and all other forms of sexual immorality.

Pastor Anderson has been banned in at least 32 countries thus far. God bless him! Matthew 23:31, “Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.” Luke 11:47, “Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.” Luke 11:48, “Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.” Bible preachers have always been rejected and hated by the wicked! If you value your liberty and freedom dear reader, then you ought to embrace, support and love Bible preachers, because apart from faith in the God of the King James Bible, this country is doomed to destruction!!! I dare say that America can be saved, because we have gone too far into apostasy and decadence, to the point that homosexuals are legally getting married and adopting children!

What the media and city of Knoxville are doing to punish Grayson Fritts, evidences how far gone America is today. We are truly now living in the 11th hour of Bible prophecy. For merely expressing his rightful opinion (spoken from his own church pulpit), it has compelled ungodly critics to bring down the roof upon Pastor Fritts. Pastor Grayson has been forced into early retirement, and the ungodly media are boasting that he was fired. What ever happened to the First Amendment? What ever happened to freedom of religion, freedom of press and freedom of speech? If a preacher upholds the Biblical truth that homosexuals are worthy of the death penalty by the government, they want a pound of flesh from that minister. Unfortunately, things are going to get worse. If you haven't watched it yet, please find out what happened to a godly youth pastor in Canada, who called for parents to take a stand against sodomite propaganda being targeted at their children. The pastor was charged and convicted of hate speech...

SPEECHLESS: SILENCING THE CHRISTIANS (increasing violence perpetrated against Christians)

Twisted critics start touting, “Love thy neighbour,” as if rapists, pedophiles, adulterers, kidnappers, homosexuals and other Biblical crimes ought to be ignored by the government. Only a Luciferian government would sanction such evils. Hence, the United States! There was a time long ago when all these moral offenses were punishable crimes. Who gives any human being the right to pick and choose which sins ought to be punished? Who are men to say that homosexuality is or isn't a sin? God says it is! This entire matter boils down to whether or not people have FAITH IN GOD'S WORD. Why do you think the Devil has entered into the Bible publishing racket? Satan wants to obscure the Words of God, to confuse and obliterate, and change the truth of God's Word into a lie (Romans 1:25).

Check this out, how the scum-bucket Rockefellers and Western powers have destroyed Asia, through forced abortion policies, and paying women to get sterilized. It seems that most of the evil things in this world are perpetrated by the Freemasons who control the United States and created modern manmade Israel in 1948. Hell will be hot enough!

Americans in the decades to come, if the Lord tarries, WILL LOSE their freedom of speech. It is already happening across the country. It Is Tragic That Truth-Teller Alex Jones Has Been Banned From YouTube, Facebook And Media. Alex told the truth about Sandy Hook being staged. Alex told the truth about the 9/11 attacks being an INSIDE JOB! Read this: Florida Schools Ban Exposing Zionists. So now in Florida colleges you cannot expose the Masonic Zionists running and ruining our country. By merely slapping a derogatory label of “conspiracy theorists” across any truth-teller, they are instantly deemed a nut. Please watch the documentary titled: SILENCING THE CHRISTIANS! The LGBTQ community wants tolerance, but they won't tolerate the Christian community who refuse to accept the homosexual deathstyle. Being politically correct has replaced being Biblically correct! Homosexuals use the attack strategy of: desensitize, jamming and conversion to promote their ungodly agenda. Little by little, Americans will not be able to say anything negative about homosexuals or the sin of homosexuality in public. Nor will we be able to speak out against the crimes of government, the evils of Zionism, or tell the truth about staged false flag terror attacks (e.g., Sandy Hook). A truly free society is only one in which it is safe to be unpopular.



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