sobercommunist #fundie

[Anyone who has an STI and doesn’t disclose it to someone they’re about to sleep with because they think that person will remove their consent is participating in sexual coercion. Full stop. That is not a negotiation. It’s a fact. It doesn’t change this fact just because that person is afraid to disclose.

If someone does not feel safe disclosing their status to someone, then they should not sleep with that person. No one is entitled to sex, people have the right to say no for whatever reason and if someone says no because they don’t want to sleep with someone with an STI, they have every right to remove their consent, even if the transmission of that STI is impossible or low.

There is literally no difference between this and someone saying they will wear a condom and then they don’t. It’s sexual coercion. And it is a crime.]

oh fuck off you stupid ignorant fuck. “even if the transmission of that STI is impossible” seriously? just expose yourself to the potential for violence, HIV+ person, even if you know that transmission is impossible, because if you don’t you’re a rapist.

take responsibility for your sexual health and stop foisting it off onto sick people.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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