Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: Farmers React to Billions in COVID-19 Relief Bill for Black Farmers

(Leif Erickson)

“Just because you’re a certain color you don’t have to pay back money? I don’t care if you’re purple, black, yellow, white, gray, if you borrow money you have to pay it back,” Kelly Griggs, who runs her 1,800-acre farm with her husband in Humboldt, Tennessee, told Fox News in an interview.

Because Mrs. Griggs, it’s not about being fair, it’s about screwing Whites and exalting blacks.

The shock of reality hitting people is entertaining. I am not surprised. Maybe that is one of the blessings of bussing. I quickly determined my government hated me long ago. It was nothing more than racial warfare against whites, and I saw how effective it was. I am getting a kick out of all the patriotic types who got that macho feeling when watching Saving Private Ryan or Inglorious B. imagining themselves as freedom spreading heroes as it slowly dawns on them that they're the new Nazis.

What further proof is needed that the democrats are antiwhite? They need to GO the way of the dinosaur. To hell with their DAMNED RACISM against white people!!! Maybe they need a demonstration in front of the heavily fortified Capitol that people are pissed off with their racism. Just to prove how racist this is, reverse the word black farmers getting a break with white farmers. We should stop this insanity now. Where are OUR leaders? Can't they do anything but cower before the leftist media? Blacks are OK with this because THEY are the most racist group on the planet. They could not make it without whites as proven in "AFRICA".

(Phantom Piper)

Liberals say they see no color, but then they see color when grating freebies. They cannot have it both ways. Stick to one.

I think you are wrong, sir. Liberals see color EVERYWHERE, and are proud of it. Indeed, in a bizarre distortion of logic, they say that seeing no color is RACIST.



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