Rob Smith #fundie

Hillary I'd classify as a Leninist. Technically speaking, there really is even a subdivision between Leninist and Marxist-Leninist. Hillary appears to have studied closely Lenin's, Leftwing Communism: An Infantile Disease.

Counterpunch magazine documented how Hillary built a vanguard party of a chosen few which is 100% Leninism. Marx made no such reference to vanguardism or the idea of a "permanent revolution."

I wonder where Trump falls in this scheme. What sort of commie is an isolationist-militarist-federalist with ambitions of outerspace-expansionism who ostensibly supports the previously discarded proletariat?

Good question. I had to point out today to the anti-neocon anti-globalists that Trump's Iranian policy is the same as the neocons. But it's how you phrase it. Instead of saying Trump's bowed to the neocons, you have to say the entire neocon movement suddenly woke up and saw the wisdom of Donald Trump.

[Note: Rob Smith is also a Conservapedia editor.]



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