
Daniel Davis #fundie fantasticfossils.quora.com

People looking for meteors to have wiped them out; dividing the fossil layers like tree rings; extrapolative age calculation by context of half of what their eyes tell them; ignoring the mid oceanic ridges/trench; ignoring polystrata fossils; claiming that hundreds of millions of years of star soup can mutate into micro cabbage patch children that while yes any life can evolve non life can not do so. If a leaf fossil showing its veins can be half darker and half lighter based on which layer each half of the fossil occurs in and showing itself to be by current agreed upon theoretical standards half fifty million years older than the other half, the people saying that are utter morons standing on the shoulders of guesses they are too afraid to question anymore because of the politics of funding and haven’t done any real science a day in their lives. Sedimentation at the rates it had to occur to make lakes of fossil fuels could only be caused by millions of megatons of force obliterating the surface of the earth so that the bodies and plants of a region were all sealed in together like biological soup; and even microbes in the seawater itself - innumerable oceanic microbes died all at once to settle atop the other fossils and form various chalks. The force that it takes to make a crevice a third of the way around the globe and break apart the continental plates - we have all the evidence of that staring us in the face but our eyes have refused to see out of hatred for God of the scriptures; it was a great breaking open of the pressurized deep as Genesis states plainly. No dinosaur in those layers lived at any different time than each other or than man; we simply lived in a higher EM environment with a different atmospheric composition closer to the sun with earth on a vertical axis and some bodies of deep sea creatures and elements separated from the force of the shaking and earthquake waves were more dense and dark, settling deeper; while others contained more oxygen and bacteria that cause bloating and did not settle as deep in the resulting mineral mire.