Mack Major #fundie

Learn the difference between a possible soul mate and a Satanic assignment! Many of you have been courting the assignment over the promise. God promises to supply ALL your need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:19]

This means if you need a mate, God is more than capable of supplying you with one. But you have to wait on God. He doesn't move according to our schedule: God is a GOD! He moves when He feels like it: not when you think He should!

Stop getting impatient and settling for just having someone. This is why you find yourself doing all of the heavy lifting just to make a relationship work; to the point where your soul gets drained and misery becomes your constant companion. Meanwhile the other person really couldn't care less.

You ever get so low that you feel like dying in a relationship? This is because that other person was not a God assigned mate.

They're demonically assigned to slip into your life, lower your defenses and completely derail your walk with Christ.

"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich: and He doesn't add any sorrow to your life." [Proverbs 10:22]

This doesn't mean that a relationship won't have its challenges. It most certainly will. But you must learn the difference between someone sent from God, and someone sent to turn you away from God.

» Here's a hint: if they lead you into sinful activity...GOD DIDN'T SEND THEM!

Let patience mature you in hope and expectation: and God will grant the desire of your heart in due season.

That's when the right person will come along and fight with you (on the same team together): not against you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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