Todd Strandberg #fundie

When it comes to Christians determining whom will get their vote, many base their decision on the candidate who offers them the greater financial reward. It doesn't matter if a Democrat has a poor record on moral issues. Many believers apparently think nothing of putting their pocket book ahead of their faith.

All disciples of Christ need to realize that some political issues should take priority over all other concerns. If a white supremacist group formed a national political party, it would be foolhardy for people to support that party based upon the fact they like the white supremacists' health care platform.

It was this type of narrow-minded thinking that got Adolf Hitler elected to office. Most citizens of Germany knew full well that the Nazis were brutalizing the Jews, but those citizens were mesmerized by utopian propaganda Hitler and his henchman were preaching.

Because we all will have to give an account of our lives, it is very important to realize the choices we make in the privacy of a voting booth will someday need to be defended before the open throne of God.

All end-time minded Christians should know that at some point freedom and liberty will be surrendered to a global government.

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

You can be a perfectionist and find a hundred things wrong with the Republicans. It is serious error to try compare a floundering friend to a deadly enemy.

Human government never will be able to solve the world's problems. There never will be true peace until the Prince of Peace establishes His Millennial Kingdom. That understood, until the Lord Jesus comes for His Church in the rapture -- presuming both major political parties in America continue to hold to their present party lines -- it is the view of Rapture Ready that Republican values are America's best political option.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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