Origen #fundie evolutionfairytale.com

To build a bridge between science and faith is to question whether or not the United States has gone into communism and abandoned freedom of religion and speech in America? Has evolution become the State religion?
Being a former heavy metal vocalist (yeah--I took a piss) I can testify that the music Industry has fashioned evolution AND the occult has normalcy in the form of ritual Darwinism. Most of all the songs today in the Hard Rock world combine the occult and evolution in their lyrics. The Industry are some of the worst Special Interest groups out there on a limb. Their influence has grown into a ginormous following of Devil Worshipping Darwiniacs. I mean this is serious occult and capable of brainwashing a multitude into the NewAge Occult. And all this is done first in politics, for the purpose of legalizing drugs and destroying the right for the Church to remain on State property. Christian metal (or co-called) today is usually owned by secular labels which water down the lyrics and eventually ruin the Christian bands with drugs and idolatry. Music is the biggest form of expression and today's youth can only hear what their peers hear and thats occultic evolution (i.e., theistic evolution; the same mystic faith of Hitler believe it or not. Consider this: The Jesus of Dan Brown is the same Jesus of Hitler! As Jesus would say, "he who has an ear better listen!").



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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