Gampy Mike #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

@rex king
Nationalist Socialists, that is what Hitlers party was called. Might want to read up on their actual tactics. Socialism always reverts to fascism. Russia and Venezuela come to mind. Might want to actually read history, instead of getting the opinion of liberal talking heads. I know, I know, the liberal education system has been too busy indoctrinating instead of educating.
@stephen turpin
Why yes, I do, yet socialism devolves into communism, which devolves into fascism. Once again, Russia and Venezuela. This is why socialism needs to be stomped out with prejudice. Just a bunch of fascist wannabes.
@Rebecca Martin
Projectile vomit, just another description of liberals. Apt and on target.
@rex king
While liberal morons will fail as usual. Nobody said that Nazis were leftists, just that leftists use the same tactics. See the difference? Probably not. Liberals are morons after all.



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