voiceoftruth #fundie raptureforums.com

When all is said & done, on what basis was the USA founded upon. Was it Atheism by any chance, was it Hinduism, was it Mormonism or even islam. No it was founded on Christianity, it was from Christianity that its laws, rules & its constitution was founded upon. So that being the case & history shows & proves this & these people where not around at the time to try to change it as they are trying now. Why on Earth are they given any credence now, why is anyone giving them the time of day. Why are those in power even listening to them, if it was not for these same rules, traditions & constitution from the very start of that country being founded. There would be no country there now & so no free speech or the free way of life they now live. So basically these idiots should shut there mouths & be thankful that they live in such a country & not is a country like Iran or any of the other muslim countries. Lets face it, these people may claim that they are atheists but if they where in a muslim country, that would count for nothing at all & they would be made through threat of death, that if they did not worship allah & become a muslim that threat would be carried out. But not only on themselves but also there family, these people do not realise & or appreciate the freedom they have living in such a country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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