ZeroNegro2020 #moonbat #racist

RE: Identity Politics is the means whereby hostile . . .

Identity Politics is the means whereby hostile (((globalizing elites)))) weaponize every single identity group against the middle identity group (aka heterosexual White men of the working- and middle-classes).

Read my very short blog entry, "Identity Politics: A Primer", to learn how it all works.

Identity politics is controlled opposition.

The remedy to defeat capitalism is unite the working class. Identity politics instead creates divisions and by targeting whites, encourage whites proles to side with the ruling class.

Unite the working class? Sounds like Communism. No thanks, Capitalism is just fine.

Yeah letting bankers run your society is just fine. If you don't mind poor people dying of plague..

Right... all a hoax to discredit your hero Trump, I know

The White working class elected Trump in 2016

They were tricked. Trump is a puppet for the 1%.

America is capitalist. Rich people own both parties. So the left is controlled opposition.

Instead of promoting the interests of workers, the liberal democrats encourage minorities to blame their grievances on white people.

This makes white people abandon the left and vote for increasingly right wing republicans.

The fake left then blames everything the republicans do on the poor whites who voted for Trump and not the 1%

I think you've wrapped toilet paper too tight on your head. Go outside and get some fresh air. But make sure your have a face mask!

Real socialists hate SJW's.

It is basically just like the difference between nationalists and conservatives.

SJW's think the system can be fixed by removing white males from positions of power. But these SJW's are capitalist shills. They only seek to insert a few token blacks and other minorities into the bourgeoisie.

Socialism only ever works when it is used by nationalists. As happened in China and Vietnam.

If White Nationalists stop dicking around with Libertarianism and embrace Socialism as the best economic system for white people then more whites will join. But as long as WN's cling to some romanticized view that the capitalist system that brought millions of Negros and Chinese and other non-whites to America to exploit the working man is a sound system then most radicals won't give a rat's ass about nationalism. The left will believe exactly what they are taught, that nationalists are evil reactionaries who will side with the rich against the poor.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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