koNko #moonbat #pratt #racist dailykos.com

[Yes, and Xi is actively engaged in, among other things, genocide. So, murderous autocrats gonna murderously autocrat.]

Then you should post credible evidence of this. You might not realize these accusations have been denied and are based on a limited number of sources that have been largely discredited.

In fact, the recent International Tribunal held in the UK to independently review the charges did not make such findings, and rather, found that other countries making such accusations and enacting sanctions (including the USA) did not do so on the bias of evidence proscribed by International law.

This means the ICC, the UK Tribunal and the US Justice Department agree, the charges of genocide are not verifiable. It is worth noting the US Justice Department previously ruled that intelligence and evidence available did not constitute genocide.

You say Xi is guilty of muderous atrocities?

Really, that is a ridiculous charge you cannot back-up.

Since Daily Kos is a fact based site, I suggest you post a story on this topic and research the subject with due diligence, otherwise you are just making extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence, and given courts and independent tribunals have not found this, you might find yourself had pressed to do so.

That failing, perhaps you can post a story on the Yellow Cake smuggled by Iraq that justified the Iraq War,where the US government went to war on false pretenses without actual evidence, that killed upwards of 500,000 Iraqis

Then perhaps you can present to us justification for actual genocides such as the carpet bombing of civilians in North Korea and even worse the bombing of Laos that killed 20% of the population and made it the most intensively bombed country in history — a well-planned campaign to eradicate people.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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