
Götz Wiedenroth #racist wiedenroth-karikatur.de


The black woman is saying: "My car! How should I now go to the night shift! Can't I permit myself another one?

After the star and bracket the following is written: "complacent young repulsive creep"

Below there is written: "Eat, you fascist scum. I am fighting against poverty and injustice."

Götz Wiedenroth #conspiracy wiedenroth-karikatur.de


On the dais "FRG-Elite power" is written.

On the gray pillar "Asyl-costs" is written.

On the orange pillar "ARD and ZDF* propaganda delivery" is written.

The supreme court judge on top is saying: "This pillar conforms completely with your fundament."

Below there is the text: The carried ones explain it to the obtuse ones obliged to carry.

* Germany's public broadcasting networks - Pharaoh Bastethotep

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