
Ayo Kimathi #fundie waronthehorizon.com

Black Brothers and Sisters worldwide, it’s time for a change! The Black Race is the oldest, strongest, wisest, and most beautiful Race of people this planet has ever known. And it’s long past time that we become a living reflection of who and what we are by nature – Righteous Rulers. We may not be perfect, but at our best we are certainly the closest thing we can imagine to being so.

It’s time to pick ourselves up and race towards greatness. We have no more time for pity, self-doubt, depression, laziness, and/or backwardness. It’s time to shed the skin of self-hatred and Racial suicide. It’s time to stand strong for Afrikan/Black culture and create a world that our children can feel safe in. It’s time to purge our communities of european sexual insanity. We have to educate our youth to move from the bottom of the global Racial hierarchy to the very top.

Our great leader and eternal ruler of Afrika, the Most Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, told us that we would see him again in the world wind. And that world wind is here. His vision and goal of an internationally-unified Race of Afrikan people is right around the corner. The seeds of global Afrikan unity are blossoming and this generation of Race men and women will not allow anything to stand in the way of our movement for power and Black Racial dominion.

Listen to the inspirational words of President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia in West Afrika as he fights for the rise of his nation. In this particular instance, he is an example to all Afrikan leaders and people worldwide of what the 21st Century is supposed to look like for Black people.

This is just an early example of what the 21st Century will look like for Black people. We are going to repair the relationship between the Black man and woman worldwide. Black men will fight to gain the respect of our women and children. Black women will become the world examples of dignity, self-respect, beauty, intelligence, etc . . . Black children will outpace every other Race of people on this planet in technology, building infrastructure, food production, entertainment, economic development, and military warfare.

And in 2015, an international movement that will capture the imagination of every decent Black man, woman, and child on this planet will sweep through this planet. 2015 is the year that the Straight Black Pride Movement (SBPM) will become the movement that shapes the future of the Afrikan world. Under this banner, we will triple our population before the close of this century and be in position to protect the interests of Afrikan people worldwide.

This is a movement designed to synthesize the interests of Black people worldwide in a tangible and meaningful way. There are (3) pillars that mark the criteria for involvement:

1. You must be a heterosexual (straight) Black person who is definitively against “homosexuality”, pedophilia, bestiality, etc . . .

2. You must be a Black person whose mother and father are Black. Mulattoes cannot be actual members of this movement.

3. You must be proud of your Afrikan heritage and your Blackness and demonstrate this pride in your behavior.

Ayo Kimathi #racist waronthehorizon.com


This is an extremely important fact for us to pay attention to. In amerikkka, we should all be clear that there is an overt sexual war against our children where white perverts promote “homosexuality” and pedophilia to our youth as a viable alternative to normal, healthy sexual development. The impact has been epidemic. But we need to understand that the genocidal war against Black people in amerikkka and Afrikan people worldwide has taken a clear and definitive twist for the worst.

Instead of focusing on the general oppression and abuse of Black people as a global family, white racists have narrowed their assault and made it much more specific and lethal. They are only attacking family-oriented Black family members. More specifically, they are allowing pedophiles, “homosexuals” and lesbians free reign to roam Black communities and practice free enterprise in amerikkka. Only heterosexual Black people who are actively engaged in raising families or have the potential and/or likelihood to raise healthy Black families are being targeted.

Think about it. In almost every story of white-on-Black terrorism and/or murder in the united states of amerikkka over the past decade, all of the Black victims have been obvious heterosexuals. Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Kathryn Johnston, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, etc . . . In many cases, we see the husbands, wives, boyfriends, and girlfriends of these individuals emotionally grieving over the loss of their loved ones. Too often, there are children and spouses left behind to fend for themselves. And with the explosion of sexual insanity in the Black community and the vulgar, aggressive, and extroverted behavior of the Black “homosexual” community, it is no coincidence that Black “homosexuals” are never the target of police nor general white terrorism.

The 21st Century “homosexual” war against the Black Race significantly intensified after the Million Man March in 1995. After (2) million Black men converged on Washington, DC and showed how quickly we could put together an army of men, whites decided to intensify the war against the Black family to ensure that this kind of organized manhood could never resurface again. “Homosexuality” was their primary tool in their war against our racial progression and for our racial genocide. The following is a brief clip from Sexual Warfare: Black vs. Homos that shows the waging of the homosexual war against the Black Race in the aftermath of the Million Man March of 1995.

What we are witnessing with the recent white terrorist murders by dylann storm roof in Charleston, NC, the murder of Brother Freddie Gray in Baltimore, police assaults on Black families while driving, police terrorism in New York with the “Stop and Frisk,” etc . . . is nothing short of the intensification of the “homosexual” war against Black people. It appears like generic white racial hatred; but it is more than that. It’s the Obama(nation) administration genocidal war against Afrikan people with the destruction of the Black family at the core of its mission. (2) of the current primary tools for the destruction of the Black family are the Effeminization of the Black Male and the promotion of Feminism and Lesbianism. Because these methods have been extremely effective, but aren’t killing Black people at a fast enough rate to satisfy the white supremacist global genocide mission, whites are systematically lashing out at the heterosexual Black population across the globe.

And of course, Barack Insane Obama(nation) has been the key to suppressing our people’s natural inclination to resist white sexual tyranny. If any white president would have sponsored this sexual tyranny against our people while simultaneously unleashing the full blunt of white aggression and violence against our people, Black people around the world would have reacted sharply. But this mulatto has been used to wage a “homosexual” war of genocide on Black people around the Earth and very few Black people have been willing to speak out against his actions. Here is a video that provides a much more in depth look at the impact that Barack Insane Obama has had on Black people since coming into office – Dear Obama.

War on the Horizon #racist waronthehorizon.com

It’s 2014 and Afrikan people worldwide are under a genocidal assault from the usual suspects — anglosaxons, arabs, asiatics and smallhats. The smallhats (white so-called jews) are working particularly hard to kill Black people as quickly, effectively, and efficiently as possible. To this end, they have made an international business out of starving, malnourishing, sodomizing, organ trafficking, and poisoning Afrikan people.

Before we discuss the Ebola outbreak that was apparently unleashed by whites in Afrika, we should look at the pretext under which it falls. The smallhats have made their desire to depopulate the planet of Black people well-known. In fact, they have enlisted many of their powerful and wealthy white anglo-saxon brothers and sisters, along with a few Blackskinned Negropeans in this effort. The Global 2000 Population Reduction Plan was first documented in length (as far as we know) during President jimmy carter’s term as president in the late 1970’s. What many people don’t know is that henry kissenger (another smallhat) was significantly responsible for making Black genocide the “highest priority” for the white world community.

Now, in 2014, the wealthiest male in the world (according to many sources), bill gates, is spearheading the global depopulation movement. 21st Century white-on-Black genocide is in full effect with the collaboration of the wealthiest members of the white anglo-saxon world community working in conjunction with their smallhat supervisors. The extermination of Afrikan people worldwide is in full motion. Listen to bill gates above describe his desire to depopulate the world (of Black people).

As we look at the picture of bill gates feeding death to our Black babies above, one is reminded of his promise to help save the planet by depopulating it by billions of people — and he wasn’t talking about white folks. Let’s remember that his father was the head of Planned Parenthood (margaret sanger’s white-on-Black racial genocide organization). This means that the wealthy white elite in conjunction with the smallhats have decided that the process of white-on-Black genocide is moving too slowly for their tastes. As a result, they are using biological and chemical warfare as a means to speed up the process. And disease creation and vaccinations have become their primary physical tools for Racial annihilation.

Now, the smallhats are boldly exporting Ebola to the Afrikan continent and unleashing it on our people. Thousands of Black people have died and if Black people don’t put these white demons out of our countries immediately, thousands will soon become millions. Thank Amen that some of our Brothers and Sisters on the continent are beginning to understand what’s happening and they are taking appropriate action:

[Youtube video of a news clip describing attacks on foreign ebola doctors]

What is so disturbing is that the Chinese and other groups appear to be totally on board with this organized genocide against Afrikan people. This means that Afrikan people have to organize extremely quickly and prepare for total war. The specific enemy is the smallhat. The general enemy is the white race. Almost every Race outside of the Black Race is beginning to step on board for global Afrikan genocide. And if this isn’t enough, the infectious internal enemies are the Mobutus of the Race who can be used under the guise of humanitarian aid to infect millions of our people with diseases that will wipe the population of Afrika out. Here is an example of how this can work.

It is now time for Afrikan people worldwide to come together in unison and agree on the fact that we are in a Race war for our survival and that Black life takes precedence over every other concern on this planet. If we do not organize quickly and chart the course for our Racial conquest and survival, we will be exterminated worldwide much like the Native amerikkkans of the western hemisphere. Black Afrikan Brothers and Sisters, let’s come together. It’s War Time!

Ayo Kimathi #racist waronthehorizon.com

Trayvon Martin & white smallhat Terrorism

In recent War Rooms, WOH has been very clear about the fact that whites are waging a full-scale war against Black people on the Afrikan continent . . . However, this reality in no way takes away from the war that’s raging against Black people here in amerikkka. In fact, white amerikkkans of all different ilks are binding together to commit genocide against our people in this country. And many people have no idea how the white terrorism leading to the murder of Trayvon Martin is but a microcosm of what whites are doing to Black people throughout this country and abroad.

*Please pay close attention to the fact that smallhats (white so-called jews) are disproportionately involved in the process of white terrorism against Black people in amerikkka. The war is a white-against Black war; but the smallhats clearly outdo the average white anglo-saxons in their zeal to carry out white-on-Black terrorism in amerikkka.****

To put this terrorism in perspective, let’s examine the following incidents of white-on-Black terrorism in amerikkka over the past few decades[...]

This is a very short and abbreviated list of white terrorist attacks and/or murders that have occurred over the past 20 years. It probably represents less than 1% of the white terrorist assaults and murders that actually took place in this country since 1990. However, it does provide Black people in amerikkka with a context in which to understand the Trayvon Martin execution-style murder committed by the smallhat george zimmerman. whites in general and smallhats in specific have been on a door-to-door campaign of Black extinction in this country. And because Black men do not kill the perpetrators of crimes against our Race, whites feel justified in killing our people. Moreover, our Black male acceptance of white-on-Black murder is taken as a kill-at-will card for whites in this country.

In this light, zimmerman saw an easy opportunity to kill a defenseless Black boy who he knew would have no Black men to avenge his murder. He took this opportunity and murdered our young Brother in cold blood. Because he is a smallhat and lives in Florida e most smallhat-friendly state next to jew york) is unlikely to face any real time. His only real just punishment would have to come at the hands of Black men in amerikkka.

The bigger picture is that we are in an emerging police state that will quickly lead to the physical enslavement and/or genocide of Black people in amerikkka. Since the whites who rule this country are looking for an excuse to physically invade Black communities around this country anyway, they will use the Trayvon Martin murder scenario, and others in the days to come, to fan the flames of Black racial dissatisfaction in this country. After we have our standard, militant, 3-day insurrektion, whites plan to seize Afrikan communities and begin the process of physically re-enslaving and/or executing Black people. This process is already starting subtly in some areas of this country. But within (2) years, it will become blatantly obvious to everyone as the overt murders of Black people in broad daylight by law enforcement officials increases exponentially.

Ayo Kimathi #racist waronthehorizon.com

Haitianists, PanAfrikans, & Black Nationalists

Beware: The Faggits Are Coming!

Brothers and Sisters, this is an emergency alert. We within the Haitianist, PanAfrikan, Black Nationalist, and Black Power Movements have become disunified, disorganized, unfocused, irrelevant, weak, and isolated since the death of Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad in 2001. In his absence, there has been a huge void of outspoken, unapologetic, non-compromising, relevant, well-known, militant Black manhood. Though there are many strong Brothers still on the battlefield, there is no one who has reached his level of popularity and influence.

As a result, many Black men have been struggling to fill these shoes, individually and collectively. As we struggle to ignite a militant and effective campaign for global Afrikan resurrection and empowerment, a bizarre reality has surfaced – the Militant “Afro-centric” Faggit Assault on our movement. Even though our movement has not yet taken form, anyone with eyes can see the global impact that revolutionary Black consciousness as espoused by teachers like Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Neely Fuller, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Bobby Wright, and other giants is having on our people. Black people are slowly waking up all over the world. And the opportunity for an Afrikan World Revolution is quietly emerging.

In the very midst of this time of opportunity is the greatest threat to Afrikan survival in the history of the world. There is an international phenomenon threatening to destroy our people before we get the opportunity to launch our next movement. It is the international push to “homosexualize” Afrikan people. In particular, whites are spending billions of dollars globally to enforce the effeminization of the Black male.

This zionist-inspired dysgendering of our people is having a devastating impact on Black youth in amerikkka. In fact, Atlanta is one of the best examples of the impact that the white-sex (pedophilia & “homosexuality”) war is having on Afrikan people. Atlanta might be as bad as South Afrika. Our sons are completely destroyed and are no longer of any value to our Racial survival. Our daughters actually believe they are males and the city is a cesspool for sexual molestation of Black youth. No Black child is sexually safe within the confines of the city of Atlanta, GA.


Since 2005, white-sex offenders (pedophiles and “homosexuals”) have infested the Black Conscious community like roaches in a cereal box. They have joined organizations like the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC), the Nation of Islam (NOI), and many other traditionally “Black Progressive” organizations. Famous “Black Conscious” white-sex offenders like Naim Akbar, Gerald Smith, Al Sharpton, and George Stallings have paved the road for a new breed of Afrikancentered “homo” to invade the Black Nationalist Movement while subtly or openly proclaiming their “gayness.”

It has gotten so bad that “homosexual” Afrikan drumming groups are welcomed at Kwanzaa celebrations all over this country. When asked what their position is on “homosexuality”, most PanAfrikanists stutter through their answers, afraid to offend faggits who might be watching. Black Nationalists scream “Black Power”, while quietly allowing faggits to chant right alongside them. It’s almost as if the Black Nationalist Community has become so disjointed that we cannot muster up enough collective consciousness to see the imminent threat posed by the “homosexual” agenda and strike against it.

Ayo Kimathi #racist waronthehorizon.com

[Note: This individual actually works for the Department of Homeland Security.]

Black Ethnic Cleansing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The Black Race has made many mistakes throughout the course of history – the greatest mistakes involving our interactions with white folks. We have allowed them to integrate into our societies and destroy almost every powerful Afrikan empire in history. Even today, we foolishly trust this sadistic race of devils who only seek to exterminate us from this planet. In our passionate love for the white race (our historical archenemy) we are desperately naïve and suicidal. We love the very race that murders our babies, destroys our culture, and commits countless acts of genocide against our people worldwide.

The mistakes and poor decisions regarding integrating with whites are numerous and obvious to the informed, intellectually courageous Afrikan who respects and acknowledges truth. Integration with whites has literally enslaved and/or killed Afrikan people in every corner of this planet where we exist. As a result of this reality and mounting white racial military momentum, a Black vs. white Race War is inevitable. The 21st century will either mark the return of Black resistance to white domination or global white-on-Black genocide leading to our complete extinction. Warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count.

This harsh reality is becoming more apparent to Black people with continuing white racial acts of aggression like the Bush/Brown Massacre of 2005 (aka “Hurricane Katrina) and the current bombing and siege of Haiti. The sophisticated members of our Race are beginning to realize that Black Racial death is looming over our heads and that violence and war are necessary to protect global Black interests. And though this is a hard pill to swallow, our people are beginning to wake up and accept our rendezvous with destiny.

Waging war against whites is at the core of the Afrikan warrior’s spirit. It’s the flame that drives our willingness to fight in the face of certain defeat and/or death. But there is another reality that is more difficult for the committed Black progressive community to accept. The one thing we dread more than brutal warfare with the white race is the spilling of Black blood. We don’t want to harm our own people. We understand that our people are victims of centuries of abuse and torture, and we want to help them. Our hatred for white life is many times only surpassed by our love for our own people.

This would be beautiful if it resulted in the unification of Black people under the umbrella of Black love, self-respect, self-defense and decency. However, the reality is the very opposite. Because whites have produced an almost endless supply of black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors, the Afrikan Nationalists’ love for Black people has become the very lifeline for Black racial treason.


We should have expected the smallhats (white so-called “jews”) and the white homos like Gay Edgar Hoover to fight against the rising tide of Black empowerment spearheaded by Marcus Garvey and his UNIA. However, it was the Uncle Tom Negroes that made it clear to the white establishment that Garvey was a threat to the system of white supremacy. It was W.E.B. Dubois and his cronies who called the U.N.I.A. (Universal Negro Improvement Association) the Ugliest Ni**ers in amerikkka because the organization was made up of mostly poor, brown to dark-skinned brothers and sisters. The UNIA did not discriminate based on the complexion of one’s skin; however, the smallhat run and operated NAACP did. So these jealous, high-yellow mentality having Uncle Toms who desired a caste system of preference based on their lighter skin, galvanized their forces and started the “Garvey Must Go Movement.” Started by A. Phillip Randolph (Uncle Tom Negro and mentor to the white-sex offender and Uncle Tom Bayard Rustin), this Uncle Tom inspired movement led to the imprisonment and deportation of Garvey. Dubois, William Monroe Trotter, and other shuffling Toms destroyed the largest Black self-help organization in the history of the world.


As a result of our constant tolerance for Negro treason in the face of mounting white racial aggression, we are living in a cesspool of race treason with koons like:

Clarence Thomas, Jesse Lee Peterson, Condoleezza Rice, Colon Powell, Joseph Mobutu, Naim Akbar, Al Sharpton, Ken Hamblin, Henry Louis Gates, Ward Connerly, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Halle Berry, The Wayans Family, Tyler Perry, Keith Boykin, Morgan Freeman, Monique, Tyra Banks, All Rappers, All Political Homos, All Promoters and Supporters of Interracial dating/marriage/sex, etc . . .

War on the Horizon #racist waronthehorizon.com

War on the Horizon Creed

Afrikan people are an international racial family who share a common: homeland (Afrika), Racial origin, culture, destiny, and a bitter enemy – the white race. We are challenged by our common destiny to eradicate the system of racism white supremacy and its benefactors in order to establish righteous Black Dominion over Planet Earth.

We are mandated by our Creator to return to our proper status as rulers of this world. It is within the full rights and responsibility of every member of the Black world family to see to it that this ultimate goal is achieved so that we may once again restore peace and prosperity to Planet Earth under the divine and just leadership of God’s first people – The Black man, woman, and child of Afrika.

May our Black Brothers and Sisters see eternal progress,

May our International friends reap the benefits of refined Black leadership and,

May all of our global enemies perish by means of our Black swords.

Amen Ra!

War on the Horizon

We’ll See You on the Battlefield!

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