
ServantofChrist #fundie#conspiracy#psycho unenumerated.blogspot.com

You know what they say. History is written by the victors. The satanic witches won and now they run our country. That's why history books say they weren't really witches.

You must understand God can not be evil. For he is God. He decides what is good and what is evil and he never does evil. Evil is the absense of God. If God decides someone has to die then it is God's will and it is good. Maybe they were bad and God wants to rush them to hell, or maybe they were about to encounter something terrible and God was getting them to heaven early so they wouldn't have to deal with it.

But for the most part if you are innocent God will show you to be innocent and if you are guilty God will show you to be guilty so long as the accused puts their faith in God that he will show the correct result.

That is why we must bring back trial by ordeal.

You keep repeating "they weren't really witches." over and over. Please provide some evidence other than that historians don't think they were real witches and a few people (probably under the command of Satan) renounced their testimony.

ServantofChrist #fundie unenumerated.blogspot.com

How do we know that not a single one of the accused was a witch?

I haven't seen any proof in those history books. The historians are just assuming that, because we've been mislead to believe that witches aren't real. Speculation is not proof.

What evidence do I have? They put them on trial and found them guilty. Now, I admit trial by judge or jury isn't as fair as trial by ordeal because you are leaving it up to humans instead of God, but still most of the time the jury arrives at the right verdict. It's only rarely that someone is falsely convicted, and if those people lead virtuous lives oh well they went to heaven anyways.

1 or 2 may have been innocent, but they would've been spared if they had used trial by ordeal instead. Not necessarily the drowning test, but maybe having them scalded and seeing how fast the boils heal. When people are accused and you have a trial by ordeal to see if they are innocent or guilty so long as those people believe in God and are innocent then God will cause the boils to heal by the deadline for the verdict.

ServantofChrist #fundie unenumerated.blogspot.com

[[Salem Mass. produced more than it's share of this idiocy durring the 1700s. Unfortunatley, not one of the poor people accused of being in cahoots with the devil lived to testify about it. How convenient for the accuser(s). If you think your faith in the Almighty is supposed to be used in this manner, I'm afraid you have missed the point of faith entirely.]]-Annonymous

Faith means to believe, because you feel it in your heart. It doesn't mean to think. The devil puts all sorts of confusing 'evidence' to deceive us.

Faith is about believing unconditionally that God is there and he is just. A just God wouldn't let innocent people get found guilty when put throught an ordeal.

As for the witches. Well, those servants of Satan got what they deserved. I can't believe everyone believes they were innocent. There were so many witnesses. That many people don't lie. Now a few people came forward and said they lied. OK. A few people wanted to be part of the victim crowd. They were probably witches too and didn't want anyone to point the finger at them. Granted, maybe one or two were innocent. So they made a mistake. Instead of putting their full faith in God and having a trial by ordeal like they were supposed to they had a trial by humans. That's not going to yield fair and impartial results to trust in man to determine guilty or innocence. Only God knows who's guilty or innocent.

In Salem they stood up to the vile practice of witchcraft only to be fooled by the Devil that witchcraft wasn't real.

There are still witches today, not the 'Wiccans' that's a silly fad heathen religion. Real witches are secretive. They usually pretend to be good, pious Christians so no one would suspect.

ServantofChrist #fundie unenumerated.blogspot.com

[[Hey Servantofchrist, I hereby officially (and anonymously) accuse you of the act of heresy and treason of the high church. At noon you will be judged by fire. If you are innocent, you will not suffer the flames o' righteousness. If you are indeed guilty and an agent of the devil, you will perish 'neath the flames of holy fire. Sound familiar dumbass?]]-Annonymous

Sounds fair. I am a faithful servant of God and of the church. If that actually happened I know God would spare me, because I am innocent.

What evidence do you have that trial by ordeal wouldn't work? There's not a single case where someone was judged innocent or guilty in a trial by ordeal and then the verdict was proven wrong. If there is please bring it up.

As for cortisol levels. Sounds like God is raising the cortisol levels to cause people not to heal as fast.

ServantofChrist #fundie unenumerated.blogspot.com

There's a fourth possibility nobody seems to be considering. Trial by ordeal worked. God would truly see to it that the guilty failed and the innocent passed.

It wasn't until we started turning our backs on God and disbelieved that it could work that it failed. If you don't believe then God will not help you.

We should bring back trial by ordeal. It is the best, most impartial way to solve a case. It allows God to speak and God knows all. If you are innocent you have nothing to fear from trial by ordeal so long as you believe.

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