
Barona #fundie torontocatholicwitness.blogspot.ie

Until last evening I had never heard of Ariana Grande.
A few minutes on the internet this morning identified her as a promoter of sexual libertinism, pornography, obscenity, profanity, feminism, and the LGBTQ agenda. Yet for all of this, it seems that parents have no qualms about sending their pre-teen and teen girls to listen and watch this loathsome individual.

What kind of parent permits their child to listen to this woman's so-called "songs"? To attend her "concerts"? Objectively, a very evil parent.

A brief extra minute searching the internet identified a Scott Samuel "Scooter" Braun as her manager. This vile man is nothing but a huckster and promoter of pornographic filth. A review of the types of show Grande stages, are what might be called "slutfests" and the promotion of homosexuality. The promotion of sexual libertinism and perversion is not the type of concert a good parent takes their child to.

A further review of a few Grande "songs" show them replete with graphic, street slang referring to sexual acts, as well as the usual four letter words. Apparently, such evil did not concern the parents who permit mere children to listen and attend Grande shows. What kind of parent allows a young child to be exposed to the pornographic filth, profanity-laced, sexual debauchery of "Side to Side", or "Bad Decisions"?

I cannot but be puzzled how parents who seemingly are so distressed about the killing of their children, but remained utterly unconcerned that their children were slowly being spiritually poisoned. Tragic as the murder of the human person is, a far greater tragedy is their eternal destiny. To murder the body as evil as it is, is not as evil as murdering the soul.

It cannot be denied. Had parents showed vigilance and spiritual concern for their daughters, these children would be alive today. Sin breeds sin.

It is interesting that the Islamist mass murderer, the apostate Catholic Grande, and her Talmudic Jewish Manager have one thing in common: a hatred of Jesus Christ.

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