
Sleuth_Girl4Christ #fundie thesevenproject.com

The closest any kid will ever get to becoming Gandalf is to watch the movies, read the books, play video games, and use their imagination. The closest you can get to being Harry Potter is becoming a witch. Casting spells, fortune telling, tarot cards... In one word: witchcraft. LOTR is plain old fantasy, no way it can become real. Harry Potter CAN become real; witchcraft is very real.

godskidathhs777 #fundie thesevenproject.com

any way the sherad desrer is the bigs one if the wolrd was 4.6 billon years old the why isnt there a bigger one some were, they have dated the desrt to be about 4300 years old by the way it grows about 4 miles every year,. i have a throy i belive that god made the earth about 6000 years ago and there was a flood about 4400 years ago. so the biges desrt wold have to be less than 4400 years old. gess what it is [winking smiley]

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