
Infected Beat #fundie spoonyonesucks.blogspot.com

Because Spoony refuses to accept the fact that ex-Trans and ex-gay people exist, crushing the lie of Genetic Sexuality and Fluid Gender. Www.sexchangeregret.com proves it, as well as the thousands of ex-gay/Trans testimonies readily available. Spoony is just a braindead zombie at this point, retweeting nothing but emotional based propaganda fueled from the same machine that caused such a large influx of fags to begin with. He refuses to debate anyone, which constantly pushes him deeper and deeper into the insane bubble of child minded narcissts on Twitter he has yoked up with. Faggotry doesn't make the world work. Teaching children that they cannot control their emotions and that their perverted feelings are unavoidable is essentially eugenics, because you are mind controlling children into thinking that fighting against perverted anti-humanity urges is bigotry, when in reality it is purely logical to be against faggotry. Again, ex-GAYS and ex-Trans, as well as statistics of Trans individuals largely being child molestation victims, only proves how much of an evil person Spoony really is when put into the perspective that he LITERALLY URGES PTSD SUFFERERS INTO SELF MUTILATION RATHER THAN SELF ACCEPTANCE.

Infected Beat #fundie spoonyonesucks.blogspot.com

Yes, I can. Anything that begins to exist must be caused. The Universe (Uni = One, Verse = Sentence, aka LET THERE BE LIGHT) began to exist, therefore it was caused. QED.

Would you like me to prove that Jesus Christ's Resurrection is a Historical Fact too, or would you like to go research that for yourself? It's called the Minimal Facts Argument by Dr. Gary Habermas. Have fun studying for once in your life, retard atheist.

But I don't see what's so important about me proving God exists, when I proved that ex-gays and ex-trans already exist, proving that the "born this way" movement is nothing but a Eugenics lie.

Infected Beat #fundie spoonyonesucks.blogspot.com

Here's another tidbit for you to choke on:

You narcissists LOVE inclusion because you hate having your immorality and illogical lifestyle/beliefs be the result of you being excluded in a normal society.

Inclusion sounds nice, but wait a second...

Truth is DIVISIVE, and does not care about feelings. Truth is the same today, tomorrow and forever, otherwise it wouldn't be true.

What you have been brainwashed with is the narcissistic idea of emotion having higher intrinsic value than TRUTH.

Your truth, your "god" so to speak, is you and your emotions. You don't stand against anti-humanity behaviour because you don't want anyone to stand against your own perversions. Our society has turned into a narcissist's wet dream.

That's why instead of addressing the FACTS aka the TRUTH, you come here to call what I say "vitriolic" and then declare yourself done.

This is SHIT RHETORIC, and ONLY works on a faceless written medium.

If I said all of that to you IRL and all you had to say to me is that I'm vitriolic, I would laugh in your face and you would KNOW you can't answer me cause is badger you with the same facts you can't refute until you cry.

But this is online, a world where narcissism flourishes because you can pretend you're right and run away.

You're a coward, as all narcissists are. Why do you think America has been pussification? Because narcissism is growing, and with narcissism comes a loss of moral standard, since everyone values their emotions above truth, and nobody wants to put in the effort to stand against the masses like I do.

I'm a real man. Welcome to reality, bitch.

Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Thankfully, your emotions are irrelevNt to truth, so if truth makes you feel bad maybe you should try changing your beliefs so they align with the objective truth.

Tell your faggot friends you know their dirty little secret, ask your Trans friends what age they were first molested. Grow up and fight against the deception that is harming our youth.

Be a man, fucking coward.

If Spoony nuts up and reads this and actually decides to discuss this with me, maybe I can bring him back from insanity and depression and worthlessness and hatred from his community.

Infected Beat #fundie spoonyonesucks.blogspot.com

why do you hate ex-GAYS and ex-Trans and the testimony which backs up the scientific evidence we have that shows how sexuality is not genetic, and Gender is genetic?

Why do you believe the COMPLETE INVERSE of their testimony without a SHRED of evidence other than what your sodomite friends tell you?

Are you a bigot against ex-GAYS and ex-Trans? Why do you hate them and their testimony? Why do you hate logic and truth? Because it hurts your feelings?

You've been driven insane by faggots and the perverted media has rotted your mind.

Ex-GAYS and ex-Trans exist. Either they don't exist and you are pretending that these men and women are liars (HAHAHAHA you're fucking insane) or you admit that miracles exist and these people have been changed by the will of God, as over 90% of them are Christian converts.

Before you respond with "why would anyone choose to be gay and be persecuted", as is the typical 98IQ response, let me remind you that crackheads smoke crack even though they know it will kill them.

Why do they do it?

Various reasons, but chiefly addiction which stems from how they were raised.

Faggotry of all kinds is the result of sexual addiction, brought about in most Trans from molestation at a young age (documented statistics prove this), as well as our overly perverted and sodomite agenda media which has been busy from birth, brainwashing them and you to be sex addicts who see nothing immoral about promiscuity or fornication.

Which is why we now see a rise of polygamous relationships.

Soon, pedophilia acceptance is coming, since Muhammad raped a 9 year old girl, and restricting that would be "unloving to Muslims".

I mean, the "girl wants it" so it should be okay right? Who are you to judge?

You're insane. Grow up or kill yourself before you breed.

Infected Beat #fundie spoonyonesucks.blogspot.com

His meds have chemically lobotomized him and he has settled in his place, at the bottom of the barrel with the Libertarian, Atheist, New Age, Vegan, BLM, Hillary DEATH CULT that has taken the 98IQ majority in North America by storm.

Not to mention LGBTQXYZ and the rest of the Alphabet gangs. He's pro baby killing too, what a surprise. I bet he's never seen a late term abortion via ultra sound where the baby actually flinches and actively tries to run away as it has its limbs pulled off one by one by the murderous "doctor".

the Zygote has distinct DNA from conception. It is a living person at conception with potential for growth and full life. Cutting it off is murder.

Noah Antwiler is extremely evil, and DnD helped it along a lot, whether you believe it or not.

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