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Warm and Fuzzy Witchcraft on Television
Shows like Medium, Supernatural, Charmed, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones and Sabrina The Teenage Witch blatantly promote a friendly warm and fuzzy witchcraft with plenty of appeal to children and teens.

The Bible tells of an occult revival in the last days. We see that happening. We see countless television shows glorifying the occult, the power of witchcraft, and the false promise of having control over supernatural forces. In Florida, a group of witches are actively petitioning right now to have their materials accepted into the school system curriculum. Chaplains in the military now have to recognize Satanism as a genuine religion.

There are several locations in the USA with entire cities dedicated to witchcraft. Cassadaga, Florida, New Orleans, Louisiana and Salem, Massachusetts, just to name a few.

The great news for us Christ followers is that we are given a seat of authority over these spiritual forces. So why aren't we seeing more power from God? We are living compromised lives. We want the things of God for our life, but yet we enjoy the things that the enemy offers, as well.

When I first went through a deliverance session out in Michigan, it took over two hours. The doctors had given me five years left to live. Each year, I grew sicker and sicker. I was in pain, torment and agony every day. I was so sick, and had been in bed for more than 30 days straight. The deliverance session saved my life. Quite literally.

During those two hours, we had estimated that some 300 unclean spirits had been kicked out. I felt so clean, pure and wholesome afterwards. I felt light as a feather. The exciting thing was that the sickness had completely left me. First time in five years I was free of the horrible and dreadful symptoms.

So when I tell you that you are embracing the occult and allowing it to walk through your front doors and seep into your churches, know that I have been on the other side of the fence.

The Lord has so many more wonderful things for you than the enemy can offer you. Anything from the enemy always bears a terrible price. Whatever gift, supernatural ability or physical healing you think you can get from the enemy, the price you pay later on will be at least one hundred times worse than that "gift" you think you've gained.

Don't go running after miracles, signs and wonders. Satan is more than happy to supply you with his counterfeit lying wonders and send the New Age Christians your way to indoctrinate you.

Stay pure. Keep your lives clean and dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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