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[A Mormon explains the real reason for his church's backing of Prop 8, which outlawed gay marriage in California.]

As for the Prop 8 issue, I think the history of polygamy shows why Mormons are so concerned about legislation on marriage and the potential consequences of marriage legislation not going our way. When polygamy was outlawed their were several blatant violations of Mormons’ right to worship freely including the seizing of church property and the government temporarily unincorporating the Church. More recently, news stories reporting how businesspeople in Massachusetts were penalized for not wanting to support same-sex marriage added to Mormon fears that the legalization of same-sex marriage would eventually lead to infringements on our freedom to worship. While the Church hasn’t clearly detailed its motivations for getting involved in Prop 8, my opinion is that the issue was more about protecting religious freedom than discriminating against gays. This fear of violations of our religious freedom stems from numerous historical examples of the government violating Mormons’ religious freedoms combined with modern news stories from places where same-sex marriage is legal. (emphasis added)

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