
Rabbi David Eidensohn #fundie sinaicentral.com

What Nobody Wants to Know about Homosexuals

All of us in the family-values community are up in arms against the Gay Lobby, but sometimes we forget that the enemy is not just the young guy with the earrings. The enemy is often right behind us: some kindly grandfather, a sweet teen, or a quiet parent. It is easy to arouse the troops when the druggies and perverts come charging over the hill demanding our children, but when child molesters are busy in our backyards, and we don't know enough to watch out, the damage can be much worse.

There are thousands of Americans fighting the gays while their children are away in sleepover summer camp. What they don't know is that their kids in camp are in great danger of learning the very things we don't want. Boys alone with boys in the summertime, when discipline is relaxed, and schedules are loose, is the biggest problem. Thousands of boys simple and pure will go to camp and come home much different. Summer is suspect because wherever children go swimming there are pedophiles panting behind. No, it's not pleasant to talk about. Years ago, I wrote a book about this. I got a call from a clergyman. He said, "A congregant came to me with your book, and he said, 'If I had read this book earlier, my child and all of her classmates would not have been molested by their teacher.'"

Nobody is safe. No age group, no parent, no teacher can be considered beyond the pale of suspicion. Never trust anyone. Arm your child with a warning, as I do, about the "piggy-men." One day my kid came rushing into the house. "Tatee, tatee," he called to me, " a piggy man came after me." We ran outside and the piggy man just made it to his car a few steps ahead of me. He never came back to my neighborhood.

One day a man called me: "I've got him," he exulted. "I found out about a molester and I'm going to call the police and fix him." I congratulated him, but also, told him the facts of life. The man was stunned. He could not believe it when I told him that a parent who calls the police can ruin his child and the lives of the parents, because the Family Courts with their secular feminist anti-religious social workers and therapists will take control of the child's mind and run the family. A few hours later, the phone ran. "I checked out what you said, and I thank you," the father said. If you have to go to the police, make sure you have a good lawyer and a good therapist; otherwise, they will do what they want. In some courts, a parent is at fault if a child is sick, and then, the parent is treated terribly, and forced to undergo therapy at great financial and emotional cost.

A prominent educator had a molested son. He called the police and they arrested the molester. The molester got a good lawyer, and a little boy is no match for a good lawyer. The man went free, and the boy and family live in pain and disgrace.

All of this is said not so we despair but to get us to improve the situation, and not let the family courts be controlled by those who despise parents and religion. There are plenty of molesters in the religious community, and we have to know how to deal with them. We have to be sensitive to the pain of the molester, and know that his soul is aflame with guilt, at least with a normal religious person. We must be sensitive to the family of the molester, and not ruin the reputations of the family members. We must be sensitive to the molested children, and to all of those who could be victims. We must be aware of the terror of ubiquitous threats to our children, because only in that is our salvation. We have to fight for our children, and keep our eyes open. When you think you have heard everything, then you and yours are in big trouble.

Rabbi David Eidensohn #fundie sinaicentral.com

Rabbi David Eidensohn, director of the National Non-Sectarian Council of Pro-Family Activists declared, "We talk about women's lib, but in practice we produce women's slavery. If one fifth of girls are violated by their boyfriends, who consider it their right, then all of the millions of dollars spent on teaching secular respect for women is wasted. The only way for women to have respect is to marry a religious man."

Quoting an older study whereby college students confessed they would rape a girl if they could get away with it, Rabbi Eidensohn said, "Plato and the Greeks considered women lower than a pretty slave. Wives were baby machines and had no value other than producing men. The secular world of evolution, power-seeking and nihilism has turned women into putty for the secular boy just like Athens."

Rabbi Eidensohn called upon American parents to realize that sending a child to public school and college is to destroy their daughter. "How many Chanda Levys and Monica Lewinskys do we have to produce for people to realize that secular public school, college and the work environment is not safe for women?" asked the rabbi. "How can we sit silently while our daughters, boiling with biology, go alone into bars, find anyone, and spend the night, and wake up the next day with disease, a baby, or who knows what? Are the hearts and souls of our children not worth a protest and warning?"

Rabbi Eidensohn had this to say to the girls of America: "Stay away from secular men, unless you like to be a toy, and unless you are prepared for your heart, body and soul to be squashed and crushed. It may be fun to go to the beach with a handsome boy, but you have a long life, and you want it to be free of drugs, suicide and a spirit that washed away with the tide," said the rabbi.

"I married off five daughters," said the rabbi, "and they saw nobody until I brought a proper suitor into the house. Thank G-d, they don't know what this article is talking about. Those who turn their daughters loose are guilty of modern child sacrifice."

Rabbi David Eidensohn #fundie #homophobia sinaicentral.com

Sure, there are problems with marriage today. Yes, heterosexuals, even people like me with all of our progeny can improve our act. But if Gay Marriage becomes marriage, we make a mockery of marriage. Next will come marriage between brothers and sisters (why not?), and then, if people really find true satisfaction with their dog, and there are such people, why can they not sanction this with the civil title of marriage?

Even if you don’t go so far, you can at least let people marry their mothers. Freud would understand. So, it is surely not a “bold faced lie” to consider Gay Marriage a mortal blow to the status of marriage and family. I am very upset that anyone can call me a “bold faced liar” especially when the person doing so is dishing out whoppers by the dozen.


Those homosexuals spraying their infected and battered anal cavities in desperate effort to alleviate pain and infection know better than the rest of us just how unnatural their compulsions are. Nature hates homosexuality. HIV and AIDS didn’t develop from oral sex. Studies have shown that homosexuality is a compulsion that is not related to human love but to chemical releases. Some gays have a dozen partners in one night. This is “natural”? This produces the worst diseases. I am not saying that oral sex is right or wrong. But it is surely not as unnatural as homosexual sex.


A man without a wife is “alone” and lacks real “goodness.” However a man with another man is not just lacking in “goodness,” he is evil, an abomination. G-d said that to Moses at Sinai. That is in the bible. When we demand that people recognize the evil and abominative essence of homosexuality, we do what G-d wants. Physics accepts the cosmos as being of Anthropic Design, meaning that its creation was for people. The Creator who made the cosmos had to tell us why. He did this, to Israel at Sinai. Anyone who opposes homosexual marriage has nature, the cosmos, G-d, and the bible to back up his arguments.

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