
Mark Dice #fundie q13.trb.com

SEATTLE — The Starbucks 'mermaid' logo is causing an uproar with some Christian groups.

The groups say the 'mermaid' seen on Starbucks cups is 'slutty.' The logo shows the 'mermaid' or 'siren' spreading its tails and showing bare breasts.

"The woman is actually a siren, not a mermaid, which in Greek mythology lures people to them with their beautiful songs, and then kills them," explains Mark Dice, Founder of The Resistance.

Several blogs have reported on the angry protest over the logo. Groups like the Resistance say the naked woman on the cups is in poor taste. The Resistance is a Christian media watchdog organization. The 3,000 member group is boycotting Starbucks across the country.

"The Starbucks logo has a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute," explains Mark Dice, founder of the group. "Need I say more? It's extremely poor taste, and the company might as well call themselves, Slutbucks."

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