
David Berg #fundie pubs.xfamily.org

(David Berg was the leader of the Children of God, a sick cult that has been around for 50 years.)


The Devil, through his demon-possessed geniuses, has turned once-Godly Mankind into devils, until the World today is more full of devils & devilish men & wicked people than Godly people! When I was a kid most people were good people, hard-working people who lived & worked on their farms & believed that doing right & good was the right thing to do even if they didn't really even know the Lord or weren't even Christians. Most people in those days when I was a kid were good people, Christian people, at least in the Christian countries, & went to church & professed to be Christians & tried to be good people & were ashamed of wickedness. Now are they ashamed? Ha! As Jeremiah said, "Were they ashamed? Nay, they could not even blush!"--Jer.8:12.

Today they're proud of their wickedness, they flaunt their wickedness! The Sodomites parade down the streets by the thousands bragging about their wickedness, flaunting their wickedness in the face of the World, showing off their wickedness, their evil, & demanding more liberty & freedom for their sins! Whew! Wow! I mean, it's a wicked World today, filthy wicked, to where Sodomites can brazenly, boldly, brashly strut down the streets by the thousands publicly in demonstrations to parade & brag about their wicked filth & filthy wickedness & sickening sin! Ugh! It's becoming more & more popular so that it has to be included in movies now, love stories between men, blah blah, sickening!

God wiped out whole nations for Sodomy in the past & He'll do it again, too! That's one thing He held against some of the kings of Israel, that they didn't destroy all the Sodomites! They were to slaughter them,destroy them, kill them! That's the only cure of that kind of wickedness & sin. It seemed that God didn't have too much faith for their repentance or their regeneration or their changing, He just said "Kill'm!" And He held it against some of the kings of Israel that they didn't slaughter all the Sodomites!--1Kg.14:21-24; 15:12; 22:46; 2Kg.23:7; Lev.20:13. [EDITED: "HomeARC note: Maria writes: "Look how we differentiated between the sin and the sinner in that Hope Magazine story about the teen witnessers who encountered and witnessed to two homosexuals. (See Hope Mag #33, pg.16-21.) The whole point of that story was to try to show our kids that even though Sodomy is a sin, the homosexual himself is a human being who can be delivered, and whom Jesus loves and wants to rescue. I'm well aware of the fact that Dad has expressed very strong feelings against the sin of Sodomy. But I have seen him sit with people who were afflicted by Sodomite spirits and lovingly witness to them, listening to their heartcry, sharing encouragement from the Word, and showing understanding of their problem" ("'God Is No Respecter of Persons!'--Acts 10:34, " ML #2909; 1/94)."]

Now the Sodomites strut down the streets & politicians polish their politics to please the Sodomites & seek their votes because they've become an influential political power to govern & rule the people & get their so-called "gay rights." And instead of the governments & the people slaughtering the Sodomites, the Sodomites are slaughtering their people through their filthy diseases like AIDS & their filthy wickedness & sin!--To where now they're even attacking children with their Sodomy, molesting little boys, kidnapping them, buying & selling them on the open market in some poor countries to be played with like toys, perverted & sickeningly abused, almost openly! Although it's supposedly illegal & unlawful in most countries, in the poor countries they do it, sell the poor kids to the rich foreigners for molestation, sexual slavery!--Sexual slavery worse than the old White slavery of girls!

Whoredom & harlotry is old hat, it's considered almost respectable today compared to Sodomy! Even Sodomy is becoming respectable now. Politicians, governors & leaders engage in it, to where the leadership of the World, businessmen, politicians, are exposed as being Sodomites, so that it's being made legal now & lawful in many of the so-called "developed" countries. Ha! They have developed, all right, they developed every kind of filth & wickedness & perversion ever known to Man, & some that weren't known before! They've developed, all right, into monsters!--Filthy, wicked, sinful, iniquitous monsters, "brute beasts created to be destroyed!"--2Pet.2:12. And God's going to destroy them pretty soon. He's gotta stop it soon or the whole thing would just absolutely explode, blow up or degenerate into horrors!

If He & His Spirit had not kept control & kept it from getting completely out of hand, the whole World would have been gone long ago! But "He who letteth (prevents, restrains) will let until He be taken out of the way."--2Thes.2:7. He's letting them go ahead doing what they're doing right now, but He is controlling it & keeping them from going too far. But now that they're beginning to go too far & Man is really getting out of hand, He's going to have to stop them, & the last & the worst will be the Antichrist System.--And since he doesn't acknowledge or consider the desire of women, it sounds like he could be a Sodomite!

Wouldn't that be the ultimate in Man's wickedness to have a World ruler who is a Sodomite, & probably encourages sodomy & rule of himself & his Image to try to bring worldwide wickedness into recognised righteousness!--So you'd be considered peculiar if you were good, odd if you were righteous, strange if you're a Godly Christian, out of line, out of order in the World Order of Orgies!--Eccentric, off the center of wickedness, fiendishness, devilishness! Whereas we're actually the ones who are not eccentric, we are the ones who are on the right Center!--Christ is the Center, the right Center! They're the ones who are eccentric, out of order, strange, wicked, vile, filthy, iniquitous, unrighteous, completely perverted men & women!

Moses David / The Family International #racist pubs.xfamily.org

1. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER YOU REALISE THE SITUATION WHICH IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. As usual, people seldom ever see impending doom or things that can happen until too late. The usual herd, the usual sheep, just go on their way like things have always been.

2. KURT WALDHEIM, THE JEW, PROBABLY ISN'T TOO ANXIOUS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM since the Jews hate Spain and the Arabs anyhow, and he probably wouldn't mind a bit if Morocco took Sahara. But situations like that are very explosive and nobody knows what might happen.

3. THEY COULD HAVE ERUPTED INTO FULL-SCALE WAR in which I'm sure ? America would sympathise totally against Spain with Morocco. She has already expressed her sympathies and support for Morocco's claim to the Sahara.—Because Morocco is one of the headquarters of the U.S. Mafia and virtually an American colony‚ armed by the U.S.

4. THOSE EVIL MOROCCAN LEADERS have always been evil beasts, thieves‚ murderers, cutthroats, pirates and Mafia. I can't remember one single good thing about them, can you? The word most closely associated in my memory with Moroccans is those "Moroccan pirates." They've always been a bunch of the worst and cruelest kind of people!

5. WE RECENTLY RECEIVED A LETTER FROM ONE OF OUR BOYS WHO WAS IMPRISONED THERE: Joseph of Bradford, England: "Believe me, I've got plenty to kick about! I was imprisoned six months in Morocco and do you know what the charge was? Are you ready for this? Plotting to overthrow the government through the use of ... the MO Letters! How about that? The Moroccans are so God damned anti-Christ and anti-God, the filthiest, morbid‚ degenerate, most disgusting and downright lowlife disease–ridden people I have ever come in contact with! Almost all the Moroccans are homosexuals, perverted‚ etc. I love the Lord and His Word and that means you and the Letters too! I've always been fanatical about the Letters and it's gotten me into trouble a couple of times. ... However, I'd rather die for something than live for nothing!"

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