
Michael Petek #fundie protest-the-pope.org.uk

Ernst Roehn, by the way, was actively gay. In fact you couldn’t be promoted within the SA unless you were.

J Wilkinson is right. Atheists and secular humanists, in common with Nazis, are into euthanasia. Catholics aren’t.

Imagine this future dystopia in which Richard Dawkins has become Prime Minister.

Dear Mr and Mrs Shameless

Your claim for Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Housing Benefit, Child Benefit and Council Tax Benefit is time-limited by law and will soon expire. This means you will not get any benefits after [DATE].

An appointment has been made for you and your family to attend the Harold Shipman Exit Clinic at


on the above date. You do not need to bring any sleepwear or personal belongings with you.

It is important that you keep this appointment, as another is unlikely to be available for several months.

You must also notify us at once if any member of your family is pregnant and due to give birth before your clinic appointment date, as an abortion will have to be arranged as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Job Centre Plus
On behalf of the Secretary of State for Work and Social Hygiene

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