
Pastor Lance Davis #fundie morningviewchristianchurch.wordpress.com

Retardation is a choice and sin!

Posted by Pastor Davis on July 1, 2015

When I was growing up nobody was retarded. Sure, you had dumb people. But I never met one person with down syndrome or this other modern-day nonsense we hear about daily these days.

Millions, if not billions of dollars are wasted yearly on “mental illness”. God-loving tax payers is forced to pay for these lazy people. Think about it for a second. Have you ever known someone who fakes being sick to avoid going to school? Do you know someone who fakes a cold to miss work? Retards are no different. They play being dumb to avoid military service, working and attending church.

This man can join a gym and win medals. Yet, he fakes this “down syndrome” myth to avoid working and living a Godly life. This is almost as bad as being a homosexual. At least those sodomites normally have jobs.

Again, this “down syndrome” guy lifts weights. I wonder how much welfare he gets weekly?

2 Thessalonians 3:10 -” For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

When we house and feed these sinners, we are disobeying God. Who do you follow? God or this “down syndrome” God hater?

Pastor Lance Davis #fundie morningviewchristianchurch.wordpress.com

The past week I have received countless hateful emails. Most are from the parents of so-called “retards”. Retardation is a sin and nothing more. Studies have clearly shown more and more children are being born with “autism” and this myth known as “down syndrome” now days. This is due to the fact more and more people are rejecting Jesus Christ.

I was born in 1936. I am the oldest of eight children. I am the uncle of 19. I’m the father of six and the grandfather of 13. Not one single child had a “learning disability,” was born with autism or Down Syndrome. That’s because we were raised to obey the Bible and God. Studies show less and less people are attending church regularly or consider themselves Christians. No wonder God is cursing us with retards.

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