
Sawtul Khilafah #fundie islamicity.com

Do you think it's right for Rapists to adopt children ? If not, why ? Are you so worried your sexuality to be bothered by it that much?

Or, why is it illegal for people to be naked in public or why do toilets have doors ??

The western governments are trying to make the immoral moral and the moral immoral, and the simple reason why is that most Western politicians are Satanists.

They are trying to make these things the "norm" and one of the ways to do this is to destroy families (which they have already pretty much succeeded in) and allowing homosexuals to adopt children.

Thenthe next generation are going to be even more immoral than this generation, and then it will be "ok" to pass even more immoral laws, and so on. They have been doing this for the past few decades thats why people are becoming more and more preverse and immoral.

crass #fundie islamicity.com

Why don't homosexuals accept all the consequences of their own choices?

If they believe that gay sex is equivalent to normal sex, and they want children, they should use their gay sex to produce children. Why do they want to adopt children that are the result of normal sex?

Sign*Reader #conspiracy islamicity.com

The American people have been led to believe that Jews are "God's Chosen People". This myth was started by a small group of Jews. A few Jewish leaders took excerpts from the Bible and interpreted them as "Chosen People". But, isn't it odd that it is not the religious Jews who claim to be "God's Chosen People." It is the atheistic non-believing Jews who claim that honor.

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