
Hezekiah Ahaz #fundie hezekiahahaz.blogspot.com

In all my exchanges with unbelievers, I'm always amazed at how much they act like they care for logic and reason. Anyway, Instead of writing a bunch words that might put you to sleep I will make this a little more entertaining:

A: You don't understand reason.

C: How do you know?

A: Because you don't understand Logic

C: How do you know?

A: Because you don't understand reason.

C: Ok, what's reason?

A: It's our only means of knowledge.

C: How about Logic?

A: Logic is our guiding principle.

C: Ok, so all knowledge is based on logic and reason?

A: Yes

C: How about that statement?

A: What do you mean?

C: Is the statement "All knowledge is based on logic and reason" based on logic and reason?

A: Yes.

C: Ok, well now your begging the question.

A: How?

C: Because you are relying on logic and reason to prove logic and reason.

A: Silence

C: Anyway, how do you know that you reason correctly?

A: I compare my reasons to the others.

C: How do you know they reason correctly?

A: Silence

C: How do you define Logic?

A: Logic is the guiding principle of the mind.

C: Is everybody Logical?

A: No

C: But you just said logic guides our minds?

A: Well, some people choose not to be lead by logic.

C: Why?

A: I don't know.

C: How do you know your logical?

A: Silence


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