
Iconoclast #fundie freewebs.com

I would like to note that this particular quote comes from a person who still uses Windows 98, hence the eye-scorching web design.

Welcome, fans and followers, to the new home of the BelchBlog. Sadly TV.com is discontinuing its user blog service; however, change is (groan) an inevitable part of life...and I have been looking to do something different with the old blog anyhow. I plan to be a better blogger--more frequent updates, more content, new location, same old me. Never fear; my pearls of wisdom have not been lost. Here's a link to The BelchBlog Archive. I apologize that it's such a mess. Maybe, if I have the time and patience, one day I'll sort it into something more readable.
But we must move on. Congratulate me, for I am 37 years old today. And in my nearly twoscore years of life one thing I have observed, with a mix of fear and disdain, is the evolution--or perhaps mutation--or the modern American feminist movement. I have noticed that angry women seem to be more the norm than the exception.
Recently Time Magazine celebrated motherhood with this eye-opening cover.
Some cried this was bordering on ponography. My first thought was, "There's no way that kid got that big breast-feeding. Those little tiny tits don't look like they have enough milk in them to keep an anemic kitten alive."

Of course I had to do my own version of the cover for The Belch Dimension.
So feminism celebrates motherhood now? I thought they decried pregnacy as a life-sucking cancer and marriage as slavery for women. Pick one, ladies; you can't have it both ways.

And then there's the book 50 Shades of Grey. It's an erotic novel celebrating degredation, bondage, rape, sadomachism, and basically the physical and emotional abuse of women. And it's marketed as "romantic" reading. Basically, it's everything feminism hates, being read and lauded by feminists. Hel, it's even replacing the BIble in some hotel rooms.

So what is the deal? Is the mustache brigade doing a one-eighty on everything it believes in? Has it finally admitted that its whole movement has dispensed with equal rights? Forget suffrage, forget equal pay for equal work--they now champion casual, dirty, stinking monkey sex and whipping their nips out in public. I say, good f***ing deal if you can get it.

Of course this is nothing new. I have known since I entered the dating arena as a young, virile buck some 21 years ago that the deck is stacked more in the woman's favor. I mean, think about it. When girls call up random men on the phone for sex, it's fun and cute and empowering. If a guy were to phone up a strange girl to spank one off, he would be considered a disgusting pervert and likely be arrested as a sex offender. If a girl runs out on a man for talking about his feelings, she is congratulated by her "sisters" for dumping that weak chump. if a man pulled that stunt with a woman, he would be looked at as a selfish, uncaring pig. Why is this?

I also note that the left is all for it, as long as you meet their arbitrary criteria for worth and they approve of who you wish to do it with. You needn't apply if you're too old, too physically unappealing, or don't happen to think a certain way. Theirs is a sneering elitist world of ageism and superficiality, ruled by selective outrage, pseudomoralistic sniffing, and raging hypocricy--in short, the very culture celebrated by 50 Shades and its audience of bored housewives and aging Lotharios reliving their faded glory days with this masturbatory piece of claptrap.

Of course the wild girls I knew two decades ago, who liked nothing better than sex without boundaries, now have daughters of their own. They see their teenage girls embracing the same attitudes and bitterly regret the wild seeds they sowed in their callow, ignorant youth. A few of these second-generation sluts may well find their way to the same men their mothers once enjoyed the company of--maybe a little snow on the shingles now, a few extra folds of flab around the midsection, but still that same old fire burning in the old furnace.

I say, good f***ing deal if you can get it.

Next blog: the long-awaited part one of four in my "Indian Outreach" proposal. Adios for this week.

unknown (sorry, couldn't find a name) #fundie freewebs.com

FSTDT is one of the most truly disturbing websites I have ever seen on the internet. Please don't visit unless you want to be mocked, ridiculed, and persecuted just because you are a moral person with faith.

"Guess we're more popular than jesus" - malicious_bloke [Guess you don't remember what happened to the last guy that said that. Or that Jesus is capitalized. I imagine there is a great deal that you don't remember, or else never knew in the first place.]

ASTWC #fundie freewebs.com

Everybody knows that to be an atheist, you have to be at least somewhat intellectually subnormal. With the constant inundation by agendas hostile to the notion of morality and family values, being particularly virulent to Christians, it's a good idea to know what the freaks are saying.

Man came from monkeys? No problem!

The universe originated with a Horrendous Space Kablooie? Why not?

A woman killing her child is morally ambiguous? Of course!

A man can have sex with whomever or whatever he wants? This is the 21st century!

God had anything to do with it? How DARE you be so close minded?! Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? Cue the frothing at the mouth at the very mention of the word "Christ" and then try to tell me that atheism is not Satanic in origin.

So without further ado ... I invite you to proceed to the "Quotes" page and investigate the deepest depths to which the human mind can sink.

ASTWC #fundie freewebs.com

[I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Steven Roberts]

Nice cop-out, there Steve. Unfortunately, comparing the God of Abraham to, say, Shiva, is comparing apples to false gods. So you're not excused.

Creation 4 Teens #fundie freewebs.com

Discussing Genesis 1:

It is suggested that the word ‘day’ is used figuratively and could mean millions of years; however, there is absolutely no justification for this in the context. ‘Day’ here could not mean anything but a 24-hour day. The phrase ‘the evening and the morning’ precludes any other explanation.......Note that the sun, which was not created until Day 4 is not needed for a day-night cycle. All it requires is that the light source, which God had supernaturally created, shines on one side of the earth.

Confucious' sister #fundie freewebs.com

I don't believe in macro-evolution, neither do scientists or archeologists or palentologists; there has never been a single piece of evidence to support this THEORY, and it is largley discredited in the scientific community since the 1940's.

Maxine Dietrich #fundie freewebs.com

When we look to the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah, we find in Chapter IV, Father Satan says: "I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures."

This is a description of the DNA molecule! Anyone who is familar with the composition and structure of DNA knows the molecule is spiral shaped, and coiled like a SERPENT. The DNA also has rungs like a ladder. The rungs of the ladder are made up of FOUR compounds, called bases. The bases are adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. (Abbreviated A, C, T and G). These FOUR nucleotides can combine in pairs, in sequences of limitless variety and are bound into place.

DNA IS THE BASIS OF LIFE! Without DNA, life would not exist. The Serpent is the symbol of healing for both the body and the soul. The Serpent is also the symbol of medicine. The medical caduceus has two serpents entwined around a staff. This can be seen in nearly every doctor's office and symbolizes the kundalini, which is of Satan.

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