
enceladus #fundie forum09.faithfreedom.org

How to stop Islam?

Well.... ridicule is very powerful.
I'm sure that now that the film "The Innocence of Muslims" has come along, we will see the floodgates opened and there will be cartoon after cartoon, movie after movie about dirty old Mo and his hangers-on.

Ridicule, ridicule, ridicule and ridicule again.

Ridicule the stupid cult and its pathetic leader with his made-up "god" allah.
Drown the Muslims in ridicule, scorn, derision and contempt. They deserve no better.

After a few years of that, a certain portion of Muslims will decide to become terrorists (and will try to take a few of us with them). But a large number will also leave Islam.

Even in the midst of all their stupidity, Muslims are still human (more or less).
Imagine - your "team" has become the laughing-stock of the world.
Why would you want to stay with it? Why would anyone want to join it?

Being tagged a "loser" can be very, very powerful.
The power of ridicule, scorn and derision should not be underestimated.

At the same time as the ridicule comes the standing-firm by us (and those like us).

The violence and mayhem that Islam causes has made me massively more hard-line when it comes to Islam. I am now not only not afraid of Muslims - I actively despise them. When I see one in the street, I sneer, scowl and "look daggers" at them, whether it be a man, woman or child.

One thing about my country (which I will not mention) - it may be small, but it is very rugged and very easily defended..

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