
UncleAthanas #fundie forum.rpg.net

[From three seperate posts]
I too am a Christian and my campaigns are always in congress with the catechism. Alignment is based on Christian Ethics, and there is only one God. All other false gods are treated as demons. This has allowed my gaming group to enjoy the fun of gaming, while not risking their immortal souls.

[Another poster asks: I'm not seeing why pretending that Christianity is false endangers anyone's soul. Does performing an Ancient Greek play in which other gods exist endanger anyone's soul?]

Yes. Ideas are powerful. While the greeks contributed much to western civilization, one must always be wary of the pagan underpinnings of their writings. Honoring a false god, even if you are only playing a character, puts your mind and soul in harmony with the darkness. Not to mention much of the morality advocated in such plays is entirely un-Christian. I know such beliefs are out of fashion these days, but this is how I feel. You cannot expect me to do something that I feel goes against my religion just because you feel differently. Mind you, I am not in the habit of denouncing role playing games or even Harry Potter. I just want my campaigns to be wholesome. I would prefer there be no misunderstanding when I appear before St. Peter.

[Gets called a troll and a sock puppet]

I am not a troll. Unfortunately my strong Christian views did get me kicked off the previous RPG forum I was on. I do tend to a splash wherever I go.

Perhaps you are protestant. Catholics are not free to interpret scripture to their tastes. I do not believe it is correct for a lay person to read a translation of the Gospels and believe that they know what Jesus intended to say. I don't know why you think I live in fear. I live in joy knowing that Jesus died for my sins and that the true God is a God of love. I try as hard as I can to live according to Catholic teachings, and to be a good person. I also do believe that evil people will suffer eternally for their choices.

Since it has come up though, I find it interesting that people react so strongly when you advocate a set of Christian precepts that acknowledge the existence of evil. Yet when people advocate the most horrendous things in the name of tolerance and relativism, no one bats an eye.

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