
Some Fundie Parent #fundie failblog.org

Note: Just to let you it is not that we don’t believe in things like that, it is just misleading when you talk about it being billions of years old, when we all know that the world is only about 6,000 years old. So why would I pay so that you can misslead my children, your world is just a revolving(?), ours has a start and an end. God created the world. He created animals and man all in the same week. It was also Adam who named all the animals, they will do the essay ‘Rock and Minerals’ but it might not be 5 pages long, and about billions of years, it will be according to the Bible

Aaron #fundie failblog.org

evolution is a philosophy, not science and nowhere near proven fact. You need to look at both sides of the argument and see where the evidence points to and make your decision. Time is the enemy of evolution. If the universe was millions of years old, it would no longer exist because it is proven that the universe is slowing down, i.e. the sun is dying out, the speed of light is slowing down. One question: where are all of the fossils of the creatures in the evolutionary chain and why are we not seeing any obvious signs of evolution today? And before anyone goes and bashes the Bible, maybe you should try reading through it with an impartial attitude. I’m sorry, but most of it is not metaphorical.

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