
dasho #elitist #wingnut doomworld.com

[Context: below and in quotations is an article of the Washington Post talking about the working conditions at Blizzard Entertainment. Dasho is reacting to it.]

“Previously, it’s ruined relationships I’ve been in where no one wants to date someone who barely has time for them for months at a time, at least once a year, if not more,” said a current Blizzard Albany employee, who described often working 12-hour days. “It’s affected my health, it’s affected my relationships, both familiar and romantic. It affects my ability to just enjoy things.”

If that article was supposed to generate a modicum of sympathy from me, it's pretty piss-poor.

Unless she has a 7-day work week, all I'm reading is she had a lot of weeks where she worked more than 40, but less than 60 hours. I was able to have friends, meet a woman, marry her, and start raising a family while working more and certainly earning far less at the time than she does.

The rest of this "journalism" piece seems to be comprised of opinions of people who just don't like their job in general or the now-oft-used "sources familiar with x", aka "complete heresay."

RDETalus #wingnut #psycho doomworld.com

[Context: he is defending TheCriticalDrinker after he made fun of a journalist on Twitter for receiving death and rape threats.]

All he said was "cry harder" on twitter. That's not extremism, misogyny, bigotry, or radicalism. Come on dude you make it out like this guy is the new hitler or something. I don't understand why this would elicit such emotions in you.

I don't know how much you know about that journalist, but she isn't exactly an innocent little angel either. She's a grown woman who made intentional choices in her career to boost her own popularity that ended up attracting a lot of negative attention. It's not a big deal all in all. I would even argue that if you're not pissing some people off, your journalism career isn't doing something right.

RDETalus #dunning-kruger #wingnut doomworld.com

Receiving threats is basically part of the job description for well-known public figures such as politicians and journalists. You're going to find a million bajillion people on the internet making every single sort of threat imaginable. Really not worth your time

dasho #wingnut doomworld.com

[Context: they are talking about the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk]

Outstanding, I don't use Twitter at all but this pisses off the kind of people that I get amused by seeing pissed off. I also posted that in the first thread, but it's even more true now that it's come to fruition.

dasho #wingnut doomworld.com

You have to dehumanize your enemies for effective propaganda. If you were to believe everything you see in US media, Putin is sitting in Moscow twirling a comically large mustache and tying women to train tracks. It has to be hyperbolic in nature to work as intended.

Skeletonpatch #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

I find it interesting that so many here are so quick to decry and dismiss any validity in the concept of a monarchy when I've never been convinced that democracy or whatever other governmental power structure one supports is any better. While the idea of a monarch being appointed and gaining authority via God or some other religious institution does not resonate with me, I do not see the very idea of someone being raised from birth to rule as inherently heinous in and of itself. In my opinion, those who seek power are rarely those who deserve it and those who are deserving will rarely seek it. All I need to do is take a cursory glance at any given selection of democratically elected leaders to confirm this position for myself. Will a lot of bad people end up on the throne? Absolutely, but not every person that wears a crown will abuse their power and intentionally bring suffering to their subjects. If my assertion on those who seek power is correct, then it honestly seems less likely to me that genuinely good-hearted leaders will be sworn in under democratic practices, but as democracies tend to have rather short terms the statistical probability that a few will get in from time to time does shoot up.

As for colonialism and imperialism, yeah, those are indefensible from a moral standpoint but I don't see how they're intrinsically tied to monarchies either. It will be hard to convince me that colonialism doesn't happen within modern democratic systems, especially when most modern democratic powers were built on colonial foundations. Individual wars under traditional monarchies may have been much more common but I feel that is simply due to technological advances allowing fewer seats of power to control much larger regions in the modern day, which reduces the total number of world leaders and thus statistically decreases the chances for conflict. However, thanks to that same technological advance the conflicts that do happen are on a much larger scale and have much higher stakes.

scalliano #wingnut #pratt doomworld.com

But no, like all fascistic movements, Gamergate missed the mark from the start, blamed everything on marginalized people with little actual power and allowed itself to be used as the watchdogs of an oppressive industry that was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the show - because at the end of the day those self-proclaimed crusaders for "ethics in video game journalism" would give the industry their money anyway.

Really? I must have been reading about an entirely different GamerGate. You know, the one that #NotYourShield became a big part of after all those hitpieces dropped at exactly the same time?

Internet shitfights are not fascism. I live in a country with an actual far right contingent, and GG ain't it.

This is why you can't cite Wikipedia in academic studies.

dasho #wingnut #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

[Mr. Freeze]
LOL m8 I hate to tell you this but one half of the USA's political spectrum is explicitly anti-democracy and pro-censorship against anyone not sharing their views. Handing control over Twitter/Facebook et al to the GOP every few election cycles would be an absolute disaster. You think it's hard for LGBT folks to exist on social media now? Try having Trump/DeSantis/Abbott at the executive helm and outright striking those pages/accounts from existence out of some faux concern for "the children" or "treating mental illness."

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

EDIT: If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

dasho #wingnut #psycho doomworld.com

[Context: Melissa Lucio was a case of an innocent going to get the death penalty unfairly. There was a campaign to save her, and dasho was very adamant about not wanting to donate]

This is a really serious and pressing issue, so if you are not going to help spreading the word or do anything to help, then I would kindly ask of you to stop derailing this thread with cynical hot takes.

I was correcting your inaccurate assertion, which is not "a hot take", and neither is making sure that people are aware of who they might be giving their money to. For instance, they may believe Melissa is innocent but also in the death penalty as a just punishment. These are not cynical statements, and if you could step outside of whatever emotional attachment you have to this issue you'd realize it as well. As long as you don't try to continue to mischaracterize what I've said, I am not going to fuel this any further.

scalliano #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot doomworld.com

Youtube has been in the red since Google bought it out. Google doesn't really seem to mind as long as they have you in their ecosystem. This entire move had absolutely nothing to do with "muh mental health" and pretty much everything to do with protecting the reputations/botttom lines of the White House, big pharma and the corporate media. If they had their way, you can bet your arse that comments would be history. Dislikes are a shorthand way for people to show their disapproval (Nintendo Switch Expansion Pass, anyone?). Yeah, it sucks when you get them and they are open to abuse, but so are transit vans and household chemicals.

The plebs may have won this round, but don't believe for one second that this has gone away. The run may have failed in this instance, but the walk is much more insidious. Take microtransactions (please :P).

scalliano #wingnut #pratt doomworld.com

Obviously it's not bulletproof, but it's a preventative measure that still helps matters. If everyone just stopped being a baby about it and did the right things, we'd probably be in a better place with it by now. The longer people selfishly bellyache about it, the longer this fucking thing will be a part of our daily lives.

Your mistake is believing that this will go away of its own volition. Coronaviruses don't work that way, and neither do governments.

I got my second Pfizer shot in October and I've felt like complete shit ever since. I literally feel like I have a golf ball stuck up my nose and my sleeping patterns are all over the place. It's not like I can talk to my doctor about it because p r o t e c c m u h n h s.

Besides, it's not like our political representatives give a shit about masks or social distancing when they think the cameras are off. If the ones imposing the rules don't follow them, why the hell should anyone else? One does not simply comply one's way out of tyranny.

scalliano #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

Yes you do. You can go to your town centre with a microphone and speak your mind. That is a platform. I walk past people like that every goddamn day (mainly God Squad types). Whether or not anyone listens is another question, and I'm in the UK so I'm more likely to be arrested for it because we don't have free speech as a principle unlike the US.

scalliano #wingnut #sexist doomworld.com

Problem is, saving the babes IS politically incorrect these days. If this does get out of development, I am fully expecting Duke to be sidelined and ritually humiliated by some insufferable bargain-basement Tessa Thompson-a-like. Deconstruction seems to be all that Hollywood has left.

scalliano #wingnut #crackpot doomworld.com

Irish procrastinator, part time modder and music producer. Currently watching all of Western civilization fall to corporate fascism.

Equity is prejudice.

Privilege is subjective.

Censorship is tyranny.

Mockery is imperative.

Equality is just.

Your life matters.

dasho #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt doomworld.com

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

dasho #sexist #wingnut doomworld.com

I thought this would have been clear by now, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. "Toxic masculinity" is a term I don't take seriously, and in practice it is used to vilify men in general. Anybody with a reasonably well-adjusted moral compass doesn't need a diagram to classify behaviors as generally good or generally bad, nor do they need any kind of special language to describe it, nor do they need to confine it to one gender.

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