
TrueBeliever #fundie departout.com

Again, I do not know why Oct 21 appears to have failed, but my REST and HOPE is still in the Lord.

We are living in very interesting days, the fulfillment of the Bible itself.

The Rapture will occur in only a BLINK of an Eye so God can bring about the Rapture at the very last moment.

I wish I knew why God tarried on Oct 21 but perhaps others are correct that the Rapture will take place tonight, or even tomorrow, Sunday.

But even if nothing happens tonight, or tomorrow, the Lord is still my strength. Everything I learned I still hold to because they are the TRUTH!

Like I said, we are living in very interesting times.

May the Lord's perfect will be done!

UKPerson #fundie departout.com

There are now only 5 or so days until Friday, the day of the end of history as we know it - the same day God's elect will be Raptured into everlasting life - whoever they may be. This is it - God is going to melt this Earth along with the entire universe in a few short hours.

God is so merciful - He never intended for the unsaved to through a literal 5-month period of hell on Earth. Instead, we now know that the literal signs will take place in one day, then it will all be over. Nothing. Just like this world never existed.

There are different theories of what form the day will take, but one thing we all agree on is that 21/10/2011 is the undeniable date of the End, backed by so many, rock-solid irrefutable proofs. This date was ALWAYS the end and nothing has changed whatsoever.

THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Friday, the 21st of October, 2011 AD is the END OF EVERYTHING as we know it.

TrueBeliever #fundie departout.com

People are afraid. Deep down, they know May 21, 2011 will happen. It WILL coincide with Judgment Day. They can deny it all they want. They can call us "cults", "fools", "crazy" - NONE of these things matter. If they are unsaved, in twelve months and a few weeks, they will be DUST. They will be BONES. ROTTING FLESH. DEAD. They speak today and what they say only confirms they are DOOMED.

On the other hand, we Camping-ites, haha...we have EVERY reason to jump for joy for we are RICH. We will eternally be the Sons of God forever and ever, doing great and amazing things in the new Earth.

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