
Anonymous #fundie askaradfem.tumblr.com

The trans delusion knows no bounds. Just found out one of the foremost surgeons in reversing female genital mutilation also regularly mutilates male genitals into misogynistic pseudo-vaginas. How on earth can these people live with this kind of double consciousness? It makes absolutely zero sense. A friend was recommended this doctor, but despite the good 'she' does, I'm really terrified my friend is putting her life at the hands of someone who has committed countless human rights violations.

r4df3m #fundie askaradfem.tumblr.com

["What is your opinion of strap-ons?"]

I think strap-ons are a product of compulsory heterosexuality. I have never used them in my relationships with women because to me it just seems like a product of the “who’s the man in the relationship?” trope that is applied to lesbian relationships. There is constantly pressure to apply heteronormative roles to lesbian relationships, and I think wearing a fake penis to mimic heterosexual sex is one of those things.

r4df3m #fundie askaradfem.tumblr.com

["Do you think it's bad I have to put safe mode on my laptop just to ensure my bf won't watchh porn? Like why is it such a big ask"]

No. Ensuring that your male partner doesn’t engage in consuming violent, misogynist materials is important. You are taking a preventive measure, and ultimately protecting yourself.

Ana #fundie askaradfem.tumblr.com

The definition of rape seems to be subjective these days. I personally do not believe it is possible for a woman to rape a man, since I define rape as sexual male violence done to females, involving penile penetration orally,vaginally,or anally. Since women don’t have penises, by this definition they cannot rape—unless you’d go out of your way to use a foreign object. But even then I am conflicted, because the term rape also carries a historical context, in which rape has been, as is still largely used a tool by men to keep women subordinate, take away their autonomy, dehumanize them, impregnate, spread disease etc. Rape is used as a weapon during times of war, in which historically more women are killed during the organized mass rapes then the men who die in combat.

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