
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust #fundie aprolifechristmascarol.com

[This is from a guide to "sidewalk counselors" attempting to persuade patients not to have abortions.]

- If she won't stop: Get literature into her hands. Don't ask if she wants it, just offer. Make sure the graphic signs are visible as she walks inside.


- Continue the conversation as long as possible: "Abortion isn't safe", "I'm here because I care about you", "They only want your money", "Please don't kill your baby", "This will haunt you the rest of your life", "Look at how perfect these tiny feet are," or "You can see that this baby is a boy."


- Do not ignore the husband or boyfriend: Often he is the key to turning her around. Include him in the conversation and explain his responsibilities as the man of the family. Make him an ally, if possible. If you can convince him, frequently the woman will gladly follow. Appeal to his pride as a man. Remind him that it is his child too.


- If a woman decides to enter the clinic anyway: Keep talking until the door closes behind her. You never know if those last words will be the ones to prick her heart and cause her to come out. Pray for her once she is inside that God would convict her and help her to change her mind. If undercover work has revealed that women can still hear when inside, continue preaching the truth. Speak to a friend that has brought her and ask that person to go in and bring her out. He or she brought her to the mill and now shares part of the responsibility of trying to change her mind. Use them to help you, if you can.

- You must be aggressive: You are the last line of defense of the unborn child. Do not worry about hurting someone's feelings. You can apologize later. Your popularity is not worth a child's life. Remember that the people entering the abortion mill are on their way to kill their baby. They need to feel bad about that. Be sensitive to the situation, but do all that you can to save the child's life.

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