
Amber Dover #fundie amberdover.com

We, like so many fans, were super excited for Avengers: Infinity War. The movies have been building up to it for nearly ten years or so. I guarantee lots of people saw this movie and its influence is huge. I’m all for good fun, but the end of the movie disturbed me. The fact that so many young people saw the end of this movie disturbs me.

Okay, so when Thanos comes on the scene he assumes the role of a death god—trying to bring balance to the universe. He is pure evil and his mercy is not mercy at all. It didn’t take long for the movie to parallel Thanos to the Judeo-Christian God. Thanos calls himself “I Am”. This is the name the Hebrew God (my God) goes by in the story of Moses and Jesus identifies Himself as part of the God-head when he says “I AM” in the garden before His crucifixion. So I was pretty ticked that this evil Thanos would be compared at all to my loving God who chose to die for the WHOLE world. The character of Thanos wants to destroy all and would never sacrifice Himself to save anyone, especially those who hate him. (Edit: This is my opinion from the latest movie. I haven’t read the comics. Thanks for the comment, though, Dear One.)

Yes, I know it’s a movie and fiction—but opinions are often formed by fiction. Media shapes us whether we think it does or not. We are willingly brainwashed daily—. every time we stare at a screen, hear a song, or look at a book. Well, I chose to not think too hard about Thanos’ being compared to GOD and I got back to watching the movie. After all, the Avengers have a lot of crazy spiritual stuff (Hello, Dr. Strange!). I’m not sure how much of it people pick up on. The attack on Jesus is subtle. But then the end of the movie happened—and I was floored.

Thanos wins. He gets the 6 infinity stones (Rabbit Trail: 6 the number of man) and with one snap of his fingers half the world’s population flakes away and disappears in a horrible way. Planes fall out of the sky and cars crash. It felt like I was seeing a messed up version of Left Behind. SpiderMan cries as his body starts to flake away. It was traumatic. The first thing I thought was, “Oh no they didn’t! They did not just take a hit on the rapture!”

Thankfully the rapture will be a happy event for all who experience it (me included unless I die first—really hoping to be raptured instead). It will happen so fast and it won’t look like our bodies are disintegrating. Christians will happily meet Jesus in the air and be given new bodies in the twinkling of an eye. Our God will be saving us from the wrath to come—not taking His wrath out on us. The world will experience crazy things during the Tribulation that follows, but God has been warning the world about this for thousands of years. Sadly, Satan has done everything he can to blind the world to the truth. Avengers reminded me of how brainwashed people will be. They will believe lies like “aliens did it” or “it was some new weapon”. The good news is that everyone who wants to be raptured can if they believe in Jesus. There is no reason to be left behind but unbelief. God is merciful and He wants everyone to be saved. He won’t force you though. If you’d rather have a world without God, well, that’s coming—stay behind. It’s not worth holding on to.

Okay, back to the movie. Maybe you’re thinking, “Amber, you’re taking this too far. It’s just a coincidence.” Well, now I point you to several secular entertainment and news sites that also saw the “rapture” connection in Avengers. I have no doubt that when the rapture happens, this movie scene will pop up in everyone’s mind. Anyways, read how the likes of USA Today and even Forbes describe the Avengers last scene.

” a Rapture-like event that turns half of the galaxy’s population into dust. “1

“a side order of the Rapture“2

“half the universe appears to perish in clouds of ash like some twisted, somber rapture.” 3

“Which other superheroes were raptured?” 4

“— Thanos pretty much instigated the rapture. That means cars crashing and planes dropping out of the sky. The sheer amount of destruction, both physical and emotional, that would happen after half a population disappears is incalculable—” 5


Yes, Forbes—it will be “incalculable”. There’s a good reason the Rapture is called the Blessed Hope for believers. The world is going to be one crazy mess when we leave—even worse than before. We’re leaving just in time. You see, we’ve been in the way—in the way of the New World Order—in the way of complete immorality. The Church has held back the worst of the worst. Soon the light of Christ (which is us, the Church) will be taken out of this world and the darkness WILL be “incalculable”. The devastation of the Rapture is just the beginning—7 years of Tribulation come as soon as the Antichrist signs the peace treaty with Israel.

Christians don’t want to experience the Tribulation. No matter what you believe (pre-trib, post-trib, pre-wrath etc), be honest—you don’t really want to be here when everything goes down. Most who get saved during the Tribulation will be martyred—if they’re not killed in an apocalyptic event—earthquakes, plagues, and the such. The Antichrist will hunt down Tribulation Saints. People will starve if they don’t take his mark (the mark of the beast).

My point is—.the Rapture IS merciful. Do not fear for those raptured. We will be happy. Fear for yourself if you are left behind (and I pray you’re not). The Rapture won’t look anything like the Avengers’ rapture (except maybe in the devastation after), and Jesus is nothing like Thanos. Those who are raptured are the beloved of Jesus, all who have believed in Him and called on His name. You can be among Jesus’ beloved, the Bride of Christ.

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