
Carl469 #racist townhall.com

Latinos, like blacks, love the welfare state. A free lunch is what they seek. And Democrats serve the largest portions. We'll get nowhere desperately trying to impress the Democrats with our newfound commitment to "diversity." Whites, and only whites, are the key to our success. Don't be bashful or apologetic. There's simply no other way to win.

Marie150 #fundie townhall.com

And RADICALS are deceived. The deceived are ignorant. They want chaos. They want revolution. Because they are blinded with evil. And evil is always dumb. Satan is an idiot.

God is wise. God is good. God established order. God gave us rules for our benefit. God sent us a Savior because we are deceived and therefor not good. Only good can stand before God. Jesus stands with those He has saved.

DockyWocky #fundie townhall.com

Speaking of buffoons, I heard that the Great Obama plans on hosting a display of Chistian godlessness as he will perform a "MOMENT OF SILENCE" later this afternoon in front of the nation and world.

What? Is he afraid to mention the word "PRAYER?" Perhaps there is no equivalent non-ceremony in the religion of peace and the Grand Prevaricator will continue to pretend he is an actual Christian.

wade #fundie townhall.com

You know another gross thing I learned when I got older is that there really are Boogey Men. When I was a kid and it was getting dark outside we'd sometimes say to our friends "You better get home the boogy-man will get you!" We'd laugh and say there was no such thing.

The origin of the boogy man phrase stems from the distortion of the old word that described the homo. lifestyle as "buggary". Those men that engaged in buggary looked for male children like Mohammed the prophet did. Hence the boogey man will get you!

Mike Adams #fundie townhall.com

Over the summer, I was convicted of anti-gay hate speech. The most incredible thing about it was that I never set foot in Canada. The conviction happened while I was in Colorado. But the offense took place almost 15 years ago.

In the 1990s, a friend of mine announced that he was divorcing his wife because he had decided (after a couple of unhappy marriages) to pursue the gay lifestyle. My decision to support him was born out of ignorance. Not only was I harboring the illusion that there actually was such a thing as a gay gene. I was also ignorant of the fact that gays could be successfully cured through therapeutic efforts.

My decision to label my own verbal support of his lifestyle choice as “hate speech” makes sense only after one becomes educated about that lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 82% of all known sexually-transmitted HIV cases in 2006 were the result of male-to-male sexual contact. Moreover, gay and bisexual men account for over 60% of all syphilis cases.

Some will say that homophobia is the indirect cause of such numbers. They claim that fear of stigmatization keeps gays from seeking information before they become ill and from seeking medical help afterwards. But, clearly, that is not the case. In cultures where homosexuality is more accepted the numbers are worse. That is why I steadfastly maintain that supporting my friend’s decision to turn to the homosexual lifestyle was indeed an example of hate speech.

Most gays become angry when someone tells the truth about the health consequences of their lifestyle choice. The reason they get angry over the facts is because their conscience convicts them. When I came to realize that I helped make it easier for my friend to pursue his unhealthy lifestyle my conscience was convicted. I have regretted my verbal support of his decision ever since.

No sane person could ever posit that the act of rectal sodomy is safe, normal, or healthy. The rectum is a one-way street. It is a sewer meant for the expulsion of poison. Treating the rectum as a sex organ is damaging to the health – especially for the recipient of such abuse. That is why it is an act of hate, regardless of whether some choose to call it “love.”

Phyllis Schlafly #fundie townhall.com

Knowledge of our Declaration of Independence should be required of all schoolchildren. They should also be taught that many of the 56 men who signed it then paid for their courage with their lives and fortunes, and that's why we are able to enjoy our freedom and independence today.

It is dishonest for schools to ignore our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage. It is historical fact that our Founding Fathers were men of faith who took their Christian religion seriously, were well-schooled in the Bible, and believed that religion and morality are the foundation of good government.

Fortunately, the declaration is not subject to amendment or to whims and biases of supremacist judges who may claim it is a "living" Declaration that can be reinterpreted. It's important for Americans to be on guard against those who don't like our Declaration of Independence or are in denial about what it says.

The message of the Declaration of Independence is under attack from the ACLU and atheists because it refuted the lie about a constitutional mandate for "separation of church and state." Atheists have filed numerous lawsuits in the courts of activist judges to try to eliminate our right to acknowledge God in public places, in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and in Ten Commandments monuments.

The atheists are trying to change American history, expunge all reference to religion from textbooks and make us a completely secular nation. History proves America was founded by religious men who believed that a divine Creator is basic to good government.

We get the impression that President Obama is embarrassed not only about references to God, but also by the concept of independence, which asserts our national sovereignty. He's more comfortable bowing to foreign dictators, declaring himself a "citizen of the world" and pledging to "rejoin the world community," as he did when speaking to cheering German socialists.

Phyllis Schlafly #fundie townhall.com

Coakley insulted people with religious values by declaring that those who oppose abortion probably shouldn't work in emergency rooms because an occasional patient might demand an immediate abortion. Feminists refuse to allow respect for a right of conscience because that might get in the way of their ideology that abortion is women's premier right.

Feminists pretend they want all laws and behavior to be gender-neutral, with identical treatment of male and female (and other genders, whatever they are). But when it comes to domestic violence and child abuse, feminist ideology decrees that men are naturally batterers and women never lie so they don't have to present evidence in order to convict a man.

Dennis Prager #sexist townhall.com

It is an axiom of contemporary marital life that if a wife is not in the mood, she need not have sex with her husband. Here are some arguments why a woman who loves her husband might want to rethink this axiom.
Compared to most womens sexual nature, mens sexual nature is far closer to that of animals. So what? That is the way he is made. Blame God and nature. Telling your husband to control it is a fine idea. But he already does. Every man who is sexually faithful to his wife already engages in daily heroic self-control. He has married knowing he will have to deny his sexual natures desire for variety for the rest of his life. To ask that he also regularly deny himself sex with the one woman in the world with whom he is permitted sex is asking far too much. Deny him enough times and he may try to fill this need with another woman.

Chuck Norris #fundie townhall.com

Lastly, as we near the eve of another Christmas, I wonder: What would have happened if Mother Mary had been covered by Obamacare? What if that young, poor and uninsured teenage woman had been provided the federal funds (via Obamacare) and facilities (via Planned Parenthood, etc.) to avoid the ridicule, ostracizing, persecution and possible stoning because of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy? Imagine all the great souls who could have been erased from history and the influence of mankind if their parents had been as progressive as Washington's wise men and women! Will Obamacare morph into Herodcare for the unborn?

Tommy #fundie townhall.com

[Re: The old "gays can't reproduce, so they can't marry" argument:]

Fred: So what do you call the union of a couple of 70 year old's who can't have children?

Tommy: Biologically still possible, Fred. Two dïcks? two vaginas? Can't happen in a billion years. That's the diff.

Brian #fundie townhall.com

Rein in your idiots, gay activists
Don't push this too far, gay men. There's a reason why gay men were brutally repressed in every society until the Western Societies of the past 20 years -- the potential forces of violence arrayed against you are infinitely greater than anything you can muster.

Everything you enjoy now is "dependent on the kindness of strangers" Stay tolerant to get tolerance. You may have pushed things as far as they can go. If so, live with it. If you break down religion you may also break down the institutions that restrain violence being visited on you.

Ann Coulter #fundie townhall.com

The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view. Producing oil isn't so bad for the environment anyway. During World War II, our boats were going at breakneck speed to get oil to England (what with the war and all). There were oil spills everywhere. Half the beaches in the United States were slathered in oil. Six weeks later all the birds were back.

Kevin McCullough #fundie townhall.com

While President Obama was in Cairo preaching Islamist propaganda to the ears of Muslim students this last week, his administration was carrying out an even more sinister agenda. While he was willfully misleading the television audience as to the "tolerance" that Islam allows, he quietly nominated a man who teaches students to hate parents. While President Obama seemingly praised the earliest traces of recognition of Sharia law on U.S. soil (women being subjugated into wearing hajibs even in America), he stealthily put forward a nominee who refused to report a sexual relationship where a man was molesting a school age boy, even though the law required him to do so.

To call Obama's plan this last week to nominate Kevin Jennings to the Department of Education dishonest, while he himself was spreading factually incorrect information himself to an Islamist audience and the enemies concealed therein some sort of deception times two, would be like calling the pacific ocean a puddle, NBC's Brian Williams a kiss up, or the new national 9.4% unemployment a hiccup...

St. Denis in Obama's Red America #fundie townhall.com

I have two young sons and I will sue the mf that teaches either of them about homosexuality. They are too young to learn about sex and I should have some rights as a parent.

What do you think about the school in San Francisco that wants to use a book about a gay penguin couple in kindergarten book and does not want to allow parents the right to opt out.

5 year olds learning about homosexuality is obscene. 5 year olds learning about sex period is obscene.

Ya happy? They are both obscene.

Fabius Cunctator #fundie townhall.com

Individual Rights?
Where do "individual rights" come from?
Answer: Individual rights are based on morality. Morality comes from God.
When individuals define their own "rights" or "morality" we get anarchy, immorality, chaos, and moral relativism (whatever I want is good as long as I don't (seemingly or immediately) "hurt" anyone else).
For example, "individual rights":
1) Redefine real heterosexual marriage to mean a union of same-sex couples; then what follows are other deviant marriages - polygamy, bestiality, male and female harems, child-adult marriages, and any combinations that the deviant and debased mind can imagine.
2) The "right" to murder babies in the womb; the "right" to chose who lives or dies- the weak , the sick, the old, the handicapped.
3) The "right" to suicide.
4) The "rights" to produce, sell, and watch pornography.
5) The “right” to special rights; affirmative action, quotas, hate crimes, hate speech (calling someone who disagrees with the Homosexual agenda a “homophobe”), and some people are more equal than others.

Manuel #fundie townhall.com

With the election of the impostor President B. Hussein Obama, the forces of intolerance and bigotry, AKA as the Democratic Party, has started its assault on the American people. Lechers and simpletons embodied in sodomites and unbelievers are attacking the very foundation of America: religious liberty, decency and morality.

For example, when sodomites and anu’s worshippers rioted against the Mormon church for the passing of the Proposition 8, the anti-American media, which is run by sodomites, did not cover the violence and bigotry that these lechers displayed against people of faith.

Under the mantra of “change,” the fascists in the Democrat Party are motivated to transform America from a Republican form of government into a socialist gulag where constitutional rights are not longer respected.

Illegal immigration, Muslim radicals, activist sodomites, abortion fanatics, lecher unbelievers, and a coward media are all confabulated to sink America and destroy the only hope in the world. If we want to resume in a word what these bunch of losers are doing would be outrage.

The Big Mick #fundie townhall.com

Can't stand the Truth, huh?

Prager needs no more qualifications for this then being married and having been denied sex by his wife.

You got a cogent rebuttal, cough it up, girlfriend.

But you don't, do you?

You don't because the REAL UNPALATABLE TRUTH BENEATH what Prager is saying her, is that most women simply DO NOT LIKE OR WANT SEX!

What they WANT is Security, Companionship, Children. They are willing to BARTER sex, and that at as favorable (minimal) an exchange rate as possible. in order to get what they really want. Once they got it, all interest is completely lost.

That's just the way it is.

Don't buy it? Of all the women I have known in my life I can accurately say that I have known only 2, that upon close analysis of their statements and behavior, could claim accurately to actually enjoy and WANT sex. Both of those could also accurately be said to have emotional problems.

Now admitting that most of the women I know have never had a conversation in my hearing about sex, but counting what I know about my friends wive’s, that still comes out to something less than 1%.

I challenge any man on this thread to better that percentage, and prove they weren't lying to you.

Ann Coulter #fundie #racist townhall.com

This year, I believe my triumph over this synthetic holiday is nearly complete. The only mentions of Kwanzaa I've seen are humorous ones. Most important, for the first time in eight years, President George Bush appears not to have issued "Kwanzaa greetings" to honor this phony non-Christian holiday that is younger than I am...

...(Sing to "Jingle Bells")
Kwanzaa bells, dashikis sell
Whitey has to pay;
Burning, shooting, oh what fun
On this made-up holiday!

Kwanzaa itself is a nutty blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism.

Burt Prelutsky #fundie townhall.com

This being the holiday season, the word “tolerance” gets tossed around like a beach ball at an L.A. Dodgers game. By and large, it’s liberals who carry on as if they have the word copyrighted. Which would be funny if there weren’t serious repercussions. One of which is the misnamed Fairness Doctrine, which hangs by a slender thread, like the sword of Damocles, over the heads of conservative talk show hosts.

Liberals are so intolerant they often can’t even bear to have people say “Merry Christmas” in their presence. In fact, they can’t even bring themselves to recognize it as a celebration of a specific event. Instead, they dismiss it as the holiday season or the winter solstice. Isn’t it funny how nobody feels the compulsion to exchange gifts or attend church services or decorate their homes for the summer solstice? Well, in spite of Kwanzaa and Chanukah, this is Christmas season because most Americans are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Even though I’m Jewish, even I have to acknowledge it’s a special occasion, and those who feel entitled to disparage it are worse than Scrooge. They are bigoted, intolerant, ignoramuses.

Reed #fundie townhall.com

McCain is going to win at the wire!
Sarah Palin 2016! The advantage Republicans have and always will have, is that we are on God's side. Perhaps America will slip and fall into the New World Order during the end times, but perhaps not. The poor, silly Democrats don't understand....God wins!

Frank Pastore #fundie townhall.com

[Editor's Note: The "emergent church" is a progressive Christian movement rooted in postmodernism. It emphasizes open dialogue and non-traditional models of church.]

The greatest threat to world peace is radical Islam. If not for the United States, millions more would be suffering under the tyranny of sharia law all over the world. Our Muslim enemies know post-Christian Europe has already lost the will to fight. Africa, Asia, and South America seem to be already lost. Russia, China, and India would rather trade than fight—for now. And the United Nations continues to be irrelevant.

Only the United States, and more specifically, only the conservative, evangelical Christians of America are who stand between radical Islam and their quest for global domination.

If the world is to be saved from Muslim conquest, it will be America who does it. And if America is to be saved, only conservatism can do it. And if conservatism is to be saved, it will be those Bible-believing patriots who do it–those conservative, evangelical Christians who are the bedrock of the American way of life.


Which is why al Qaeda supports the emergent church.

The emergent church is an ally in the war against radical Islam–al Qaeda’s ally. Not in the sense they are supplying bullets and bombs to Osama, of course, but in the sense they are weakening our conviction to fight.

scooter #fundie townhall.com

i am sick and tired of all the BIGOTS on this thread who continually voice a negative view towards pedophiles and bestials [sic]. They keep harping upon some happy sex between individuals of the same gender while denigrating that of young citizens and pets with rights.

All you who fail to see the great progress that pedophiles and bestials [sic] can and will make in gaining rights (following gay rights precedent) are small minded bigots.

Do you not understand that pedophiles and bestials [sic] DON'T want to be compared to gays sexually (they are attracted to different RIGHTS groups) they do however, want the SAME rights that gays get.

Why is it fair for a gay to get married by changing laws SODOMY, MARRIAGE? But not for a pedophile AGE of CONSENT, MARRIAGE?

Where is the justice in that? Not to mention, polygamy, necrophylias [sic], bestials [sic], incest,,, etc.....

If we are going to open this marriage thing to gays,,,, let us open it ALL the way for all the different groups rights. Why are the gays so special that they are the only one's getting this treatment?

Luis #fundie townhall.com

Will/will, you are only a lib/lefty/homosexual/homosexualist pervert who doesn't understand the purpose which God OR evolution meant for the complementary genitals, so your opinion on this or any subject is worthless.

JimP #fundie townhall.com

JimP writes: Wednesday, April, 09, 2008 9:06 AM

Jews and Christians
are the ones who have shed their blood throughout this brutal world's history so atheists, pagans and hedonist can spew their silliness with a freedom not of their making.

FreedomResponsibility #fundie townhall.com

["Earth is not a closed system...Sun"]

Semantics - depends on how you define "closed" system. Earth only?, Solar System only? Galaxy?Universe? Everything? You can play the game by saying nothing is closed, which i think you are trying to do. But, you still can't reverse the 2nd Law.

So, again like Munck's logic, if the earth is not a "closed" system, then the 2nd Law doesn't apply here, and we would expect to find it violated often. We never do. I would be very interested in examples of where the 2nd Law is violated regularly. Show me the 100%+ efficient engine. It does not exist. If it doesn't exist in simple, inantimate, unintelligent objects, the evolutionist make the jump to say that it happens in geometrically far more complex living organisms? That is folly.

You can argue semantics, but you can't argue the 2nd Law. We did not descend from apes, priordial soup bowls of amino acids, from other lower life forms. It's complete and utter foolishness. That belief diminishes the nobility of man, and denegrates our God, and takes people away from, not toward, salvation. It's a convenient doctrine to allow men to do whatever they want, with no consequences eternally. But the 2nd Law will get reversed one day - by Power. Christ came, and gained the power to reverse the 2nd Law, to save us from the effects of this terrible Law.

greenhorn #fundie townhall.com

Today one of the biggest religions in America is sexism. Practically, it's the same as pagan idolatry in its practice of child sacrifice, temple prostitution, and animal worship. It's cruel, unnatural, and mean. Maybe America is becoming Zimbabwe.

Dinesh D'Souza #fundie townhall.com

I'd like to see Christian legal groups suing school districts for promoting atheism in the biology classroom. No need to produce creationist or ID critiques of Darwinism. All that is necessary is to parade the atheist claims that have made their way into the biology textbooks and biology lectures. The issue isn't the scientific inadequacy of evolution but the way in which it is being used to undermine religious belief and promote unbelief. If the case can be made that atheism is being advocated in any way, then the textbooks would have to be rewritten and classroom presentations changed to remove the offending material. Schools would be on notice that they cannot use scientific facts to draw metaphysical conclusions in favor of atheism.

Michael Medved #fundie townhall.com

[In an article stating that atheists are unfit to serve as President of the United States.]

Just as the Queen plays a formal role as head of the Church of England, the President functions as head of the “Church of America” – that informal, tolerant but profoundly important civic religion that dominates all our national holidays and historic milestones.

Mike S. Adams #fundie townhall.com

I also understand why atheist professors would be unwilling to debate their reasons for rejecting religions like Christianity. Back in my days as an atheist, speaking truthfully on a panel would have required a public admission that I rejected Christianity largely because it would not have allowed me to continue getting drunk and high every night while splitting time between four girlfriends.

Chuck Colson #fundie townhall.com

In contrast, the record of avowedly atheistic regimes is, shall we say, less than inspiring. Atheist regimes like the Soviet Union, Red China, and Cambodia killed tens of millions of people in an effort to establish an atheistic alternative to the City of God. For men like Stalin and Mao, people were expendable precisely because they were not created in the image of a personal God. Instead, they were objects being manipulated by impersonal historical forces.

One atheist understood the moral consequences of his unbelief: That was Nietzsche, who argued that God is dead, but acknowledged that without God there could be no binding and objective moral order.

Of course, the “New Atheists” deny this. Instead, they unconvincingly argue that you can have the benefits of an altruistic, Christian-like morality without God.

Doug Giles #fundie townhall.com

Here’s my last word for the teenager: Nobody on the abstinence side of the sex spectrum is trying to keep you from having fun. We’re just trying to keep you alive so that when you meet the right person and get married you can have a healthy sex life with no regrets, diseases, infertility or untimely death, that’s all. And yes, it’s come down to that. The sexual revolution is over, and we all lost. In this, your day, my young friend, there is a very real pay day for buying the BS our sex-obsessed culture is selling you. This is the hand you’ve been dealt. Be afraid.

Mountain Rose #fundie townhall.com

Wacky- if most people are making the right decision, then why is it increasingly common for children to be born out of wedlock?

This is well known to be the #1 predictor that a child will be raised in poverty.

You are doing young people no favor if your fail to teach them to save themselves for marriage. We need to return to the time when there is a stigma against being an unwed mother.

We have managed to convince these girls not to have abortions, but they go get pregnant anyway, and think they can live like Madonna, when they haven't got her dough.

As a culture, we not only need to shame girls into not having children out of wedlock, we need to shame them out of having abortions and shame them out of acting like $lu+s in the first place.

Frank Pastore #fundie townhall.com

...Essentially, they [liberals] want religious people to care less about abortion, homosexuality and gay marriage and more about poverty, war and the environment. That is, they want people to support pacifism, environmentalism and socialism-or in terms of specific policies, they want higher taxes to grow a larger welfare state, immediate withdrawal from Iraq and everybody to pay a pollution tax in the form of carbon offsets.

Or, to be even more clear, they just want voters to put Hillary in the White House....

You see, it all comes down to one's view of inerrancy. Inerrancy is the view that God is the author of every single word of the original autographs of both the Old and New Testaments, and that He superintended the human authors to compose and record without error exactly what He wanted, even down to the specific words that were used.

paul #fundie townhall.com

The Gay Agenda
Gays are like little sexual Chuckey's that escaped from the asylum.

They will rape anything in their path.

You heterosexual fools that apologize in any way for the Gay perverted sex cult. They will sexually abuse your children if you so much as turn your back

Homosexuals are BEHIND all these perverted TV shows.

eagelclaw #fundie townhall.com

[Luckily, we are secular and free from any FORCED religion.]

Try telling that to Christian schoolchildren who are hammered with secular humanism all day at school!

FORCED religion is OK as long as it is secular atheism.

Just another hypocrisy coming from the left!

CPTBman #fundie townhall.com

The free practice of religion, as clearly specified in the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution, cannot be prohibited for any reason (such as the location of the free practice). Persecution of Christians in the USA happens daily. Everytime a teacher is told not to bring their Bible to school, everytime a student who brings their Bible to school is told to put it away, everytime a university cuts funding to Christian groups and bans them because they violate unconstitution "anti-discrimination" policies, Christians are persecuted. Federal lawsuits have been filed to stop these types of things from happening, so please stop saying that they don't happen.

Bob #fundie townhall.com

Women have dominated the pews in Christinan congregations since St. Peter preached in private homes, probably since Jesus preached on a hillside. The difference today is Nancy at the pulpit. Men have left Christian churches in droves.

Maybe its time to ask the other question: Is Christianity relevant for men today. Maybe men need a religion of Gods and Heros who weren't afraid to kick some female butt.

Doug Giles #fundie townhall.com

going to church has become very dainty. That’s right. Church, for most men, has not only become irrelevant, it has also become effeminate. Hanging out in church for most Y-chromosomes seems unmanly, and most men—more than anything (at least for now)—want to be masculine! [...]

The question is, how do we regain the masculine spirit in our houses of worship? Here are a few things the Church can do:

• Put an end to preaching by whiny, over-preened and giddy Nancy Boys . . . like . . . uh . . . now. It freaks out us meat eaters. Get it? If you want to draw men to church, then put a man in the pulpit. It’s pretty simple. You get what you fish for. Duh. If you want a bunch of Nancy’s, then keep your Nancy pastor. If you want some dudes to fill the pews, then get a dude to do the preaching. Good luck finding a non-neutered minister, though, as most seminaries are cranking out puppets and not prophets...

If the Church wants to recover its losses, we’ve got to draw the knuckle draggers back to church. Masculine men are pretty easy. Toss in reason, competition, initiation, struggle, irreverance and a problem to throttle, and we are there man. Blow off, suppress and emasculate the environment of these holy testicular necessities, and your church, as far as men go, will be more empty than Paris Hilton’s head.

anti-socialist #fundie townhall.com

(Regarding an elected rep who happened to be Muslim whose wife is a Christian):

A true Christian believer would never marry a Muslim. If anything, she would wait for him to convert - then wed him. Male Muslims welcome the option to marry those who are of different faiths as it is their option to "kill the infidel" - thus by his religion, he has every right to kill her.

Dennis Prager #fundie townhall.com

[Regarding Keith Ellison, the first Muslim Congressman, and his request to be sworn in on the Qur'an, not the Bible]

He should not be allowed to do so -- not because of any American hostility to the Koran, but because the act undermines American civilization.
But these naive people do not appreciate that America will not change the attitude of a single American-hating Muslim by allowing Ellison to substitute the Koran for the Bible. In fact, the opposite is more likely: Ellison's doing so will embolden Islamic extremists and make new ones, as Islamists, rightly or wrongly, see the first sign of the realization of their greatest goal -- the Islamicization of America.

When all elected officials take their oaths of office with their hands on the very same book, they all affirm that some unifying value system underlies American civilization. If Keith Ellison is allowed to change that, he will be doing more damage to the unity of America and to the value system that has formed this country than the terrorists of 9-11. It is hard to believe that this is the legacy most Muslim Americans want to bequeath to America. But if it is, it is not only Europe that is in trouble.

Mike S. Adams #fundie townhall.com

[Discussing his victimisation by virtually every single gay person ever]

One of their more recent stunts was to get together on a gay website to hatch a plan to destroy my marriage. Actually, they started their plan on one of the Transgendered websites. Since the Transgendered people are so angry, I suppose they are technically classified as “gay,” too.

The first step of their plan to destroy my marriage was to concoct a false story that I once committed adultery. For the record, I have never cheated on my wife. I did, however, attempt to cheat on my wife one time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past Ms. Coulter’s bodyguard.

Kevin McCullough #fundie townhall.com

Liberals love pedophiles, because they must do so to keep their own belief system intact.

For liberals to denounce pedophiles, ultimately they would have to denounce, lesbianism, homsexuality, and their particular favorite - adultery. And that's just no going to happen.

Nathan Tabor #fundie townhall.com

Imagine going to your doctor and being offered a pill—not because you were sick, or in any danger of becoming sick. No—your friendly physician is simply giving you drugs because you’re a woman.
The gynecologists’ group employs this fuzzy reasoning for promoting morning after pill prescriptions: women tend to have sex on weekends. Maybe women also tend to have beer on Saturday nights. Does that mean their family doctors should load them up with six packs every time they come in for flu shots?
what’s to prevent the pill from getting into the hands of the woman’s impressionable 13-year-old daughter, who sees the pill as a good excuse to "hook up" with a boy she barely knows? Will ACOG pay for the girl’s counseling when she discovers that the boy who took away her virginity is a stalker or 40 years old?

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