
Taylor #homophobia cnn.com

The general rule is that discrimination is allowed. We discriminate every day when we change TV channels, buy one brand of soap over another at the supermarket, or choose friends. Certain exceptions to the general rule of allowing discrimination have been made. One exception is for "immutable characteristics", for characteristics one cannot change, like race or gender. Another exception has been made for religion since our country was founded on religious freedom and it is enshrined in our Constitution.

Homosexuality is not immutable like race or gender. Homosexuality is, by definition, a behavior. You are not a homosexual until you engage in a homosexual act. Liberals have created the term "sexual orientation" which is a meaningless phrase, a political euphemism, as if one's sexual urge is fixed at birth, like a board game wheel, in any one direction: a man, a woman, a dog, a vase. The best science can say at the moment is that a propensity for homosexuality is genetically inherited by some people. Then, environmental factors, such as overpopulation, work to catalyze homosexual behavior.

People should be judged by their behavior. Therefore, discrimination against homosexuality should be allowed. Churches should be allowed to discourage it. Children should not be taught it. Private groups and individuals should be allowed to exclude people who engage in that behavior. However, I believe it is morally wrong to discriminate against any individual based on that individual's group classification. This applies to homosexuals, cops, or even yuppies. But this would not make a practical law.

The purpose of marriage is procreation (but, it is not a requirement). Homosexuals cannot procreate

alfred curmi #fundie cnn.com

I am sure ALMIGHTY GOD who is in heaven receveived Mary Shelly (who wrote Frankenstein in the early 19 century) with open arms when HE called her to glorify and rest in peace with HIM for eternity.

I am sure about this because HE rewarded her for realizing that although GOD gave mankind all his intelligence in abundance and without limit even share in HISproc-creation of mankind itself, , Mary Shelly still realized that no one can play GOD. Because there is only ONE GOD who created heaven and earth and man and woman out of his abundant love.

Busy #fundie cnn.com

I think a line should be drawn somewhere also. I do not interfere with homosexual couples but i believe in the Bible. God created man and woman to marry. Man and Woman. Thats all there is to it. The U.S. is based off of the Bible and I am tired of seeing people take it out of the schools, taking the ten commandments out of our buildings and making up their own rules about marriage. I dont care if they are together because they will have to settle that with God when the time comes, but they do not need to be married. And if they do get married they don't need to do it in a church, near a church, with a preacher, or with a Bible- in fact, it shouldnt even be called marriage. God has made it clear that he wants nothing to do with that. So if you want to get married to the same sex and you dont believe in God then dont get married, just be together and leave it alone. The Bible was once America's Bible because our principles were first based upon the Bible at least until now- the phrase "separation of church and state" is not in the constitution so i wish people would stop saying that it is and state what it actually says.I am not saying that you have to believe in the Bible or God. It just makes sense, if you want to get married to someone of the same sex. Dont. it is a contradictory act.

Carla D'Esposito #fundie cnn.com

People participating in Homosexual Behavior or entertain ideas of sex changing have got to undergo psychological counseling because they are sick, they need to be genetically tested and deign/work with the DNA identity God has given them, not to encourage confounding it......Persons participating in sexual perverted behavior should have no legal right/standing to personally raising children or working closely with them as a teacher/leader or counsellor

Samuel #fundie cnn.com

I think since we are a Christian Country, people who are going to become Doctors need to be put through a series of faith based questions to see where they stand on life and the creation of it. If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine. You are dealing with peoples lives and that has to count for something. I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me. If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period. If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!

US Military #fundie cnn.com

Hall said he met some atheists who suggested he read the Bible again. After doing so, he said he had so many unanswered questions that he decided to become an atheist.

His sudden lack of faith, he said, cost him his military career and put his life at risk. Hall said his life was threatened by other troops and the military assigned a full-time bodyguard to protect him out of fear for his safety.

In March, Hall filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, among others. In the suit, Hall claims his rights to religious freedom under the First Amendment were violated and suggests that the United States military has become a Christian organization.

"I think it's utterly and totally wrong. Unconstitutional," Hall said.

Hall said there is a pattern of discrimination against non-Christians in the military.

Two years ago on Thanksgiving Day, after refusing to pray at his table, Hall said he was told to go sit somewhere else. In another incident, when he was nearly killed during an attack on his Humvee, he said another soldier asked him, "Do you believe in Jesus now?"

...He also said he missed out on promotions because he is an atheist.

"I was told because I can't put my personal beliefs aside and pray with troops I wouldn't make a good leader," Hall said.

Audra #fundie cnn.com

[Atheist press charges for discrimination in the army]
It amazes me how on a daily basis Christians are asked, no wait ordered, to put their faith aside and NOT pray and the courts back it up. But yet it's not okay when the tables are turned. Interesting.......

Mahender Sabhnani #racist cnn.com

A millionaire [Mahender Sabhnani] who inflicted years of abuse on two Indonesian housekeepers held as virtual slaves in her Long Island mansion was sentenced Thursday to 11 years in prison.

The victims testified that they were beaten with brooms and umbrellas, slashed with knives, and forced to climb stairs and take freezing showers as punishment. One victim was forced to eat dozens of chili peppers and then was forced to eat her own vomit when she couldn't keep the peppers down, prosecutors said.

"I just want to say that I love my children very much," the defendant told the court as two of her grown children looked on. "I was brought to this Earth to help people who are in need."

Matt #fundie cnn.com

[A board discussing the trend of women sacrificing their careers to augment their husband's career.]

Oh, give me a break with this feministic garbage. Not only are people now trying to change what marriage means (into homosexual blasphemy) but now it's supposedly wrong to ask the woman to change her name. The only reason people continue to write these absurdly edgy articles is to win support for those who (unfortunately) HAVE been abused by the system of allowing the man to protect.

You cannot argue that women and men are wired differently. I won't bring the religious argument into this because I know most are too blind to see truth, but you cannot make an argument against physical, psychological and emotional differences between general makeup of men and women. It's not that men think they are better any more (and if they do think they are better than women, they are wrong!) however, men have the role of provider and protector. Why are women running from what is such a glorious role of raising children and preparing a home!? Any man who loves his wife is not going to let that be compared as a lesser role than his, just different.

Give me a break with this "appeal to the [blind and ignorant] masses" crap.

James Dobson #fundie cnn.com

(The whole article warrants a read, but this sample should whet your appetite.)

"I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology," Dobson said, adding that Obama is "dragging biblical understanding through the gutter."

Shay #fundie cnn.com

[Regarding the death of George Carlin]

"Finally, another useless, unmoral, nasty human removed from this earth. He did nothing but spew his grotesque language and try to convince the world that nothing was wrong with it. He's now paying the price for his chosen lifestyle in Hell. A very strong statement I know and I'm not a religious freak, just a mother who is tired of people like him trying to turn this country's morals into garbage. When in fact it is HE who was garbage not those of us who actually HAVE morals and don't condone the language and lifestyle he spoke of."

Sergio Casian Aguilar #fundie cnn.com

TURLOCK, California (AP) -- Police on Monday identified a man who was fatally shot by an officer for allegedly refusing to stop beating a toddler to death along a remote road.

Sergio Casian Aguilar, 27, parked his truck on an unlit road Saturday night, removed a 2-year-old boy from his car seat and proceeded to stomp, kick and punch the boy to death, authorities said. The boy was unrecognizable when he was pronounced dead at Emanuel Medical Center, the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department said.

Authorities have not released the boy's name but say they believe he was Aguilar's son.

He said Aguilar had a "total hollowness in his eyes" and talked calmly of the boy being filled with "demons."

Joseph Omache #fundie cnn.com

[Regarding deadly witch hunts in Kenya]

Others are skeptical the slain women were witches. At the top of a hill outside Kisii, Joseph Omache practices his craft. Omache is a shaman, or traditional healer. He throws bones and communes with ancestors to help heal physical and spiritual ailments.

"It is very painful when somebody kills another person in the name of witchcraft," he says. "Why couldn't they come to me so that I can perform my herbal potion to identify the real witch so that I can go ahead now to trap him and then we can see what to do?"

Some uptight woman in the stands #fundie cnn.com

[from a CNN.com report about a lesbian couple who kissed in the stands at Safeco Field in Seattle at a Mariners/Red Sox game on May 26]

"But last week, a lesbian complained that an usher at Safeco Field asked her to stop kissing her date because it was making another fan uncomfortable."

. . .

"The usher, Guerrero said, told them he had received a complaint from a woman nearby who said that there were kids in the crowd of nearly 36,000 and that parents would have to explain why two women were kissing."

[about 2/3 down the article is another quote]

"'I would be uncomfortable' seeing public displays of affection between lesbians or gay men, said Jim Ridneour, a 54-year-old taxi driver. 'I don't think it's right seeing women kissing in public. If I had my family there, I'd have to explain what's going on.'"

Love #fundie cnn.com

(Statistics mania!)

Man and woman were designed to become one in a union of marriage. There is a reason that only man and woman can reproduce. We need to stand for morality in our country. Only 2% were for this and then agengas were set and votes were promised and all of a sudden we are pushing homosexality on all of America. Where are the 35% of Americans's who are Christians and there votes that say we don't want gay marriage in our country. You need to be bold in your vote and in your voice. Your opinion does matter. If there 2% can push and persuade can't our 35% overcome?

David Hemphill #fundie cnn.com

[About an autistic Boy who boy died during a faith healing at a Milwaukee church that the pastor said was meant to heal him of 'spirits']

The adults formed a circle around the boy and placed their hands lightly over him as they prayed for him, Hemphill said.

"[They] were just praying for him and asking God to deliver him from the spirit that he had," Hemphill said. "The little boy had spirits in him, and we was asking God to deliver him."

Hemphill said the prayers were in accordance with Matthew 12:43, which says, "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it."

At the end of the prayers, one of the women noticed that Terrance was not breathing. One of the adults called 911, but when emergency services arrived around 11 p.m., the boy was dead, Hemphill said.

Milwaukee Police Capt. Linda Haynes said an autopsy was being conducted. Police are investigating whether the boy had been restrained or hurt in some way.

"We don't know of any kind of medical issues that he had that would have caused this death," Haynes told CNN. "His mother didn't say that he had any kind of medical issues. It's really odd for someone that young to just die."

FLDS Church #fundie cnn.com

[Near the end of an update on the attempt to determine which girl made the call to police.]

Local authorities have said it was not until after the raid began that they learned the sect was marrying off underage girls at the compound and had a bed in its soaring limestone temple where the girls were required to immediately consummate their marriages. A number of teenage girls are pregnant, investigators said.

Philipino Phlagellating Phundies #fundie cnn.com

Health officials in the Philippines are asking -- no, "strongly advising" -- Catholics taking part in Easter self-flagellation rituals this week to first check the condition of their whips before lashing their backs.

Authorities worry that dirty whips could lead to tetanus and other infections, according to a report in the Manila Times newspaper Wednesday.

"We are not trying to go against the Lenten tradition here," Health Secretary Francisco Duque III told the newspaper. "But this advice is important to make sure that no one will land in the hospital due to tetanus or other infections that penitents might get in the process."

In many Roman Catholic parts of this southeast Asian country, locals re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday by nailing themselves to wooden crosses or stripping down to their waist and whipping their backs bloody with whips.

unnamed sergeant #fundie cnn.com

[Atheist soldier is denied a promotion]

According to the lawsuit, Hall was counseled by his platoon sergeant after being informed that his promotion was blocked. He says the sergeant explained that Hall would be "unable to put aside his personal convictions and pray with his troops" and would have trouble bonding with them if promoted to a leadership position.

Mitt Romney #fundie cnn.com

There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the context of the weighty threats that face us. If so, they are at odds with the nation's founders.

Freedom requires religion, just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone.

Margie Phelps and Shelley Phelps-Roper #fundie cnn.com

The church had made a new sign to carry after the jury's decision, said his daughter, Margie Phelps.

"Our message is 'Thank God for 10.9 [million dollars],' " she said.

"By that mechanism [the award], the entire world will look over and see that America is doomed and that in doomed America there is no such thing as religious liberty."

The judgment would not change the message the group was carrying, said another of Phelps' daughters, church attorney Shirley Phelps-Roper.

"It's going nowhere," she said of the jury's decision. "This is a nothing. God is not going to stop killing your soldiers. He's not going to stop pouring his wrath out on this nation. America is doomed."

Church members were persecuted for their teachings and the court "mocked and scoffed at our religious beliefs," she said.

Fred Phelps #fundie cnn.com

Church founder Fred Phelps said the church would appeal the decision, adding it would "take about five minutes to reverse that thing."

"This will elevate me to something important," Phelps told reporters. "This was an act of futility."

Later, Phelps said the case was about "putting a preacher on trial for what he preaches."

"All it was, was a protestation by the government of the United States against the word of God. They don't want me preaching that God is punishing the country by killing their servicemen."

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) #fundie cnn.com

I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles, personally, I prefer someone who has a grounding in my faith."


"I would probably have to say yes, that the Constitution established the United States of America as a Christian nation."


"What I do mean to say is the United States of America was founded on the values of Judeo-Christian values, which were translated by our founding fathers which is basically the rights of human dignity and human rights.

Eva Marie Mauldin #fundie cnn.com

A woman blames the devil, and not her husband, for severely burning their infant daughter in a microwave, a Texas television station reported.

Eva Marie Mauldin said Satan compelled her 19-year-old husband, Joshua Royce Mauldin, to microwave their daughter May 10 because the devil disapproved of Joshua's efforts to become a preacher.

"Satan saw my husband as a threat," Eva Mauldin told Houston television station KHOU-TV.

News story #fundie cnn.com

(Story on how sex abuse victims' group is turning its attention to abuse cases in Baptist churches)

One SNAP member, Debbie Vasquez, said she was raped by a Southern Baptist minister in Texas when she was 15 years old.

Now 48, Vasquez filed a lawsuit last year against the pastor, the Rev. Dale "Dickie" Amyx and his current church, Bolivar Baptist in Sanger, Texas, about 45 miles north of Dallas. She claims the church knew, or should have known, about Amyx's past.

Vasquez says she was raped when Amyx was a minister at the now-defunct Calvary Baptist Church in Lewisville, another town north of Dallas.

When she became pregnant with Amyx's child at age 18, church leaders forced her to go before the congregation and ask forgiveness as an unwed mother. But the congregation was never told it was Amyx's baby.

The lawsuit claims Calvary Baptist helped Amyx get another job at a church in Arizona.

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda #fundie cnn.com

The minister has the number 666 tattooed on his arm.

But Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is not your typical minister. De Jesus, or "Daddy" as his thousands of followers call him, does not merely pray to God: He says he is God.

"The spirit that is in me is the same spirit that was in Jesus of Nazareth," de Jesus says.
"The prophets, they spoke about me. It took me time to learn that, but I am what they were expecting, what they have been expecting for 2,000 years," de Jesus says.

Hajj Khodor #fundie cnn.com

Young Iraqi Shiite boys have their foreheads slashed to honor the Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram when Imam Hussein was killed in the Battle of Karbala in the year 680 ... In marking the holiest day of Ashura, some Shiites believe children should learn at an early age about Hussein's suffering, which is at the heart of their faith

Hajj Khodor, a businessman and organizer of the Ashura ceremonies, and several other men wiped blades with alcohol before swiping each boy three or four times on the forehead.

Some boys cried and resisted, but the cutting proceeded.

"We're used to it," said Mahmoud Jaber, 43, who brought his five boys and two girls for the ritual. "We've been doing this since we were kids. I started when I was 3. It doesn't hurt because the cry of pain goes away with the faith."

Abu Izzadeen #fundie cnn.com

At a recent debate over the battle for Islamic ideals in England, a British-born Muslim stood before the crowd and said Prophet Mohammed's message to nonbelievers is: "I come to slaughter all of you."

"We are the Muslims," said Omar Brooks, an extremist also known as Abu Izzadeen. "We drink the blood of the enemy, and we can face them anywhere. That is Islam and that is jihad."

Anjem Choudary, the public face of Islamist extremism in Britain, added that Muslims have no choice but to take the fight to the West.

"What are Muslims supposed to do when they are being killed in the streets in Afghanistan and Baghdad and Palestine? Do they not have the same rights to defend themselves? In war, people die. People don't make love; they kill each other," he said. (Audio slide show: Preying on Britain's young Muslims)

But in the same debate, held on the prestigious grounds of Dublin's Trinity College in October, many people in the crowd objected.

"These people, ladies and gentleman, have a good look at them. They actually believe if you kill women and children, you will go to heaven," said one young Muslim who waved his finger at the radicals.

"This is not ideology. It's a mental illness."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran #fundie cnn.com

TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday told delegates at an international conference questioning the Holocaust that Israel's days were numbered.

Ahmadinejad, who has sparked international outcry by referring to the killing of six million Jews in World War II as a "myth" and calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map," launched another verbal attack on the Jewish state.

"Thanks to people's wishes and God's will, the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want," he said.

"Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out," he added.

His words received warm applause from delegates at the Holocaust conference, who included ultra-Orthodox anti-Israel Jews and European and American writers who argue the Holocaust was either fabricated or exaggerated.

His remarks were condemned in Washington, where U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters that the Iranian president's behavior was "despicable" and called his comment "absolutely outrageous."

The Vatican, Germany and the European Commission added their voices Tuesday to others -- such as the United States and Israel -- who have condemned the Tehran meeting.

Olivia Jean Noel #fundie cnn.com

A woman told police she was overcome by "demons" when she smothered her 9-year-old son and then tried to kill herself by jumping in front of a subway.
Olivia Jean Noel was arrested Tuesday on murder and other charges in the death of Knil Jean Noel after telling police: "I did something terrible to my son."
She told detectives that "demons overtook her" when her son woke up Monday upset that a playmate hadn't come to his family's birthday dinner for him the night before, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

She told detectives she called the boy over to her bed and smothered him with a pillow, Kelly said.

The boy's father was at work at the time, police said. They said Jean Noel warned him during a telephone conversation: "You're going to have to forgive me."

Afterward, Noel said, she was overcome with remorse and threw herself in front of a train. She survived with a broken leg and severed fingers, police said.

Rev. D. James Kennedy, #fundie cnn.com

The infusion of an atheistic, amoral, evolutionary, socialistic, one-world, anti-American system of education in our public schools has indeed become such that if it had been done by an enemy, it would be considered an act of war.

James Dobson #fundie #homophobia cnn.com

so where does the issue go from here? Time will tell. It took William Wilberforce more than 30 years to bring about an end to Britain's slave trade in the 1800s. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of a protracted victory.

If the battle to protect marriage takes even five more years, liberal judges and activists will have destroyed this 5,000-year-old institution, which was designed by the Creator, Himself. Even now, they are close to achieving that coveted objective.

Pat Robertson #fundie cnn.com

[After 8 intelligent design school board members lost re-election in Dover]

I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city. And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because he might not be there.

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