
Pat Buchanan #fundie thinkprogress.org

But, awful as this atrocity was, native-born and homegrown terrorism is not the macro-threat to the continent.

That threat comes from a burgeoning Muslim presence in a Europe that has never known mass immigration, its failure to assimilate, its growing alienation, and its sometime sympathy for Islamic militants and terrorists.

Europe faces today an authentic and historic crisis.

With her native-born populations aging, shrinking and dying, Europe’s nations have not discovered how to maintain their prosperity without immigrants. Yet the immigrants who have come – from the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia – have been slow to learn the language and have failed to attain the educational and occupational levels of Europeans. And the welfare states of Europe are breaking under the burden.[...]

As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.

Rush Limbaugh #fundie thinkprogress.org

They’re playing games with us on this heat wave, again. Even Drudge. Drudge getting sucked in here. Going to be 116 in Washington. No, it’s not. It’s gonna be like 100, maybe 99. A heat index, manufactured by the government to tell you what it feels like when you add the humidity in there.

116. When’s the last time the heat index was reported as an actual temperature? It hasn’t been, but it looks like they’re trying to get away with doing that now. 116. Drudge is just linking to other people reporting. He’s not saying it, I don’t want to misunderstand, but he’s linking to stories which say 116 degrees in Washington. No!

It’s going to top out as 102, 103. It does this every year. We have this every year. There’s a heat dome over half the country, midwest is moving east. And it happens every summer. Every summer.

If we want to cool things off, please, Al Gore, schedule a global warming conference, wherever, in Washington! Go there. You want that 103, 116 to get normal? It will, within an hour of Gore announcing that he’s going! Another ten degrees off when he shows up. Plus hail, and rain, and maybe some high winds to really cool people off! That’s all that has to happen.

Herman Cain #fundie thinkprogress.org

WALLACE: But couldn’t any community then say they don’t want a mosque in our community?

CAIN: They could say that. Chris, lets go back to the fundamental issue that the people are basically saying they’re objecting to. They’re objecting to the fact Islam is both a religion and a set of laws, Sharia law. That’s the difference between any one of our other traditional religions where it’s just about religious purposes. The people in the community know best, and I happen to side with the people in Murfreesboro.
WALLACE: You’re saying any community, if they want to ban a mosque?

CAIN: Yes. They have a right to do that. That’s not discriminating based upon religion.

Marcus Bachmann #fundie thinkprogress.org

[Re. homosexuals]

We have to understand: barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That’s what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps—

And let’s face it: what is our culture, what is our public education system doing today? They are giving full, wide-open doors to children, not only giving encouragement to think it but to encourage action steps. That’s why when we understand what truly is the percentage of homosexuals in this country, it is small. But by these open doors, I can see and we are experiencing, that it is starting to increase.

Rep. Connie O'Brien #racist thinkprogress.org

REP. O’BRIEN: My son who’s a Kansas resident, born here, raised here, didn’t qualify for any financial aid. Yet this girl was going to get financial aid. My son was kinda upset about it because he works and pays for his own schooling and his books and everything and he didn’t think that was fair. We didn’t ask the girl what nationality she was, we didn’t think that was proper. But we could tell by looking at her that she was not originally from this country. [...]

REP. GATEWOOD: Can you expand on how you could tell that they were illegal?

REP. O’BRIEN: Well she wasn’t black, she wasn’t Asian, and she had the olive complexion.

John Cook #racist thinkprogress.org

[Explaining his campaign against Jewish Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, which included circulating emails with anti-Semitic messages]

“When I got involved in politics, I told people I wanted to put Christian conservatives in leadership positions,” he told me, explaining that he only supports Christian conservative candidates in Republican primary races.

“I want to make sure that a person I’m supporting is going to have my values. It’s not anything about Jews and whether I think their religion is right or Muslims and whether I think their religion is right. — I got into politics to put Christian conservatives into office. They’re the people that do the best jobs over all.”

Cook insisted he is not prejudiced against Jews:

“They’re some of my best friends,” he said of Jews, naming two friends of his. “I’m not bigoted at all; I’m not racist.” [...]

“My favorite person that’s ever been on this earth is a Jew,” he said. “How can they possibly think that if Jesus Christ is a Jew, and he’s my favorite person that’s ever been on this earth?”

Larry Adams #fundie #homophobia thinkprogress.org


Over NOM’s objections, a NOM tour tracker from the Courage Campaign interviewed Larry Adams, the man holding the sign, who revealed that he had struggled with homosexual tendencies before discovering the bible:

NOM STAFFER TO ADAMS: We don’t want anything inflammatory, we’re here in love. [...]

ADAMS: If homosexuality was punished like it was supposed to be, there wouldn’t be so much homosexuality out here—.

COURAGE CAMPAIGN: Have you ever had that temptation?

ADAMS: Oh yea—I know it is from the devil so I avoided it—.I was all confused myself until about 40 years old and started reading the bible—and now I know what’s right and what’s wrong. The bible says, then I believe it.

Tim43 #fundie thinkprogress.org

My only concern is that we are aborting the wrong people.

A good start would be to require that all progressive liberals should practice what they preach and be forced to have abortions on demand.

Your hippie parents should have had abortions so that the scourge of progressive liberalism that they passed on to you would not be destroying this country today. I know that it is late in the game but it is not too late to correct the real problem in this country of the politically correct, anti-family, anti-police, anti-military, anti-white-male, pro out-of-control-spending, pro marxist socialism that is a cancer to a vibrant country.

To harsh for you?

Don Redman #fundie thinkprogress.org

"Florida councilman mocks Muslim commission nominee, tells him to publicly ‘say a prayer to your God.’"

As discussion on the nomination began, [Councilman Don] Redman called Ahmed, who is Muslim, to the podium and asked him to “say a prayer to your God.”

The comment elicited an audible, negative reaction from the audience and Ahmed refused to comply, saying it had no relevance to his nomination to the commission. At the same time, Chief Deputy General Counsel Cindy Laquidara rushed to the podium to reign in Redman, asking to speak with him privately before he continued.

Instead, Redman changed his approach, asking Ahmed if he was offended by Redman’s opening prayer, in which he referenced Jesus. Ahmed again questioned the relevance of the question, but he said Christian prayers did not bother him. “People do have the right to pray according to their faith and according to their beliefs,” he said.

Redman wasn’t convinced. He insisted that Ahmed, despite his answer, would be offended by prayers to Jesus and that is why he shouldn’t serve on Human Rights Commission.

Col. Bison, 1st MT. Milita #fundie thinkprogress.org

Feminism and lesbianism are the social germs that gave us the homo. We need a more sexually accessible straight female population in order to vaccinate the remaining straight, healthy male population. Women like Sarah Pallin and Katherine Harris are good examples of what I am referring to, they keep their men healthy and happy.

Glenn Beck #fundie thinkprogress.org

So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research, and then some, fundamentally changing – remember, those great progressive doctors are the ones who brought us Eugenics. It was the progressive movement and it science. Let’s put science truly in her place. If evolution is right, why don’t we just help out evolution? That was the idea. And sane people agreed with it!

And it was from America. Progressive movement in America. Eugenics. In case you don’t know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. —. The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening. So I guess I have to put my name on yes, I hope Barack Obama fails. But I just want his policies to fail; I want America to wake up.

Randall Terry #fundie thinkprogress.org

This week, radical anti-choice activist and Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry launched a contest encouraging people to make videos burning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in effigy. Today, he and his followers are on Capitol Hill “with signs and costumes, talking to House Staffers as they enter work,” and they plan to visit Pelosi “and discuss with her child-killing in healthcare and ‘the wrath to come.’” ThinkProgress’ Matt Duss caught Terry preparing for this charade this morning, telling one of his followers, “Okay, you stand here and she’s gonna whip you with this whip.”

John Derbyshire #fundie thinkprogress.org

“What is the case against female suffrage?” Colmes asked. “The conservative case against it is that women lean hard to the left,” Derbyshire responded nonsensically. “They want someone to nurture, they want someone to help raise their kids, and if men aren’t inclined to do it — and in the present days, they’re not much — then they’d like the state to do it for them.”

Colmes then pressed Derbyshire on whether women should have the right to vote. “Ah—” Derbyshire sighed, attempting to dodge the question initially. “I’m not putting forward a political program here,” he said. But then Derbyshire slowly began to open up:

DERBYSHIRE: Among the hopes that I do not realistically nurse is the hope that female suffrage will be repealed. But I’ll say this – if it were to be, I wouldn’t lose a minute’s sleep.

COLMES: We’d be a better country if women didn’t vote?

DERBYSHIRE: Probably. Don’t you think so?

COLMES: No, I do not think so whatsoever.

DERBYSHIRE: Come on Alan. Come clean here [laughing].

COLMES: We would be a better country? John Derbyshire making the statement, we would be a better country if women did not vote.

DERBYSHIRE: Yeah, probably.

realamerican09 #fundie thinkprogress.org

If we didnt have all these sick twisted people in this country we would be ok. What happened to the days of hardworking men taking care of their wives and families? Now we have little queers running around pushing their opinions on everyone and getting upset when real american people such as myself refuse to accept it. If you want to be a dirty fagot, you go right ahead, but dont run around tryin to get anyone to agree with you. Mind your own business. The rest of us have more important things to deal with than your sexuality. If you dont want to get offended or be segregated from us normal people than keep your mouth shut and be gay behind closed doors. Oh and right wing extremists? well if it werent for us this country would have already burned in hell. Its going to anyway, thanks in part to your sick twisted idea of society.

Pat Robertson #fundie #homophobia thinkprogress.org

[Robertson responding to the New Hampshire legislatures vote to approve gay marriage on the Christian Broadcast Network.]

Lee, we haven’t taken this to its ultimate conclusion. You got polygamy out there. How can we rule that polygamy is illegal when you say that homosexual marriage is legal. What is it about polygamy that’s different? Well, polygamy was outlawed because it was considered immoral according to biblical standards. But if we take biblical standards away in homosexuality, what about the other? And what about bestiality and ultimately what about child molestation and pedophilia? How can we criminalize these things and at the same time have constitutional amendments allowing same-sex marriage among homosexuals. You mark my words, this is just the beginning in a long downward slide in relation to all the things that we consider to be abhorrent.

cdmarsh7 #fundie thinkprogress.org

It seems to me that what used to be thought of as “extreme” is now being pushed down our conservative throats. I think it would make wonderful sense to just divide the country in half—put all of those who support homosexuals, abortion, illegal immigrants, and every other form of unlawlessness and unGodliness on one side, and those who want the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to still be the God of their country on the other side. Voila! Problems solved; no more squabling or bickering. The Christians can live in peace, and all others can live in their peace.

Sam Brownback #fundie thinkprogress.org

[Why fundies hate stem-cell research...]


We’re talking about destroying the youngest of human lives for research purposes. I want to show a quick picture of that so people get the idea, and I know people do, but it's just, it’s important to remember we all started out looking like this. Even the presiding officer, as handsome as he is, he looked like this at one point in time, just a little clump of cells, that was him.

Typical Republicans #fundie thinkprogress.org

At the Values Voter Summit this weekend, vendors sold an item called “Obama Waffles” featuring a racist cartoon of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) on the box front — with “popping eyes and big, thick lips” — and another image of him wearing an Arab-like headdress on its top flap. Its creators, Mark Whitlock and Bob DeMoss, said it was meant as “political satire,” and sold the box for $10 from a booth at the Family Research Council event. CNN’s Lou Dobbs stopped by the booth and exclaimed, “My wife will love this!” A photo shows Dobbs with a box of the mix in his hand.

Boudin Bob #conspiracy thinkprogress.org

[In response to: "If these bozos start rounding us up, you're in as much shit as me."]

What makes you think that I won’t be out there rounding people up? I hope, really hope, that it won’t come to that, but we’ll see in 2008. If the people make the right choice, we’ll have no trouble at all. If, however, we’ll have an unsuitable president, well, all options will be off the table.

Rep. Steve King #fundie thinkprogress.org

Earlier this week, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) introduced legislation recognizing the “importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.” The resolution passed 372-9.

Wednesday on Fox News, King said he introduced the bill because he believes “we’re a Christian nation founded on Christian principles.” In an interview on Alan Colmes radio show yesterday, King went even further, saying that “every child” should “be taught” the “tenets of Christianity”:

COLMES: Should they be taught Christianity, should every child learn Christianity?

KING: I think they should learn it. If you’re going to learn American history, you cannot teach it without teaching Christianity.

COLMES: It’s one thing to teach the history of how religion may have been part of our growth as a country. It’s another thing to actually teach the tenets of a religion.

James Inhofe (R-OK) #fundie thinkprogress.org

Sen. Inhofe Compares People Who Believe In Global Warming To ‘The Third Reich’
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is the nation’s most prominent global warming denier. He famously declared that global warming is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” Now, he’s taken the argument a step further. In an interview with Tulsa World, Inhofe compared people who believed global warming was a problem to Nazis:

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