
rebelle_doe@xanga #fundie revelife.com

Advice Needed: How Do I Coexist with Atheists?

I have been a Christian almost all my life and just recently I've been worshiping more than ever. I consult God with just about everything when I remember to. The thing is, I've taken more notice to the atheists and other non-believers around me. Most of which enjoy making rude comments and ask me questions about the Bible that I find difficult to answer.

Being a Christian, I know one is supposed to pray for those non-believers, and I am truly trying, but they make it difficult for me to even care about their well-being.

Does anyone have suggestions for coexisting with atheists?

Tom #fundie revelife.com

[A girl had blogged about how she couldn't stand believing that only those who believed in Jesus would be spared eternal damnation. She said "I can’t comprehend it. If I had a son or daughter, even if they chose not to acknowledge me, but proceeded to live a moral life and made mistakes, I would still take them back with open arms when they came to me." The following was found in the comments section of the post.]

And the fact that you, or I, would take back a sinful child without them being righteous shows that we are in violation of God's law and word in Proverbs 17:15, we are an abomination. We are just as sinful as they. That is why true forgiveness must come from the cross.

Amy #fundie revelife.com

[A blogger's letter to Satan]

I've had so much exposure to you and your antics lately. But you will not steal my joy. You absolutely will not kill, steal from, or destroy me or my family. The Lord God is on His throne, and you will never succeed in causing His plans to go awry. I know you know that. I love that you know that.

You think you are getting to me, but all the harm you seek to do me really only makes me stronger. Do you know that? You are driving me to Jesus! Keep devising your evil schemes if you must...I'll cling to Jesus all the more. The deeper I go with Him, the more absurdly stupid you look. Yes, you've caused us pain, but guess what? God Almighty is in control, and He's turning it all to good! So take that!

You might strike me down, perplex me, or trouble me...maybe you'll discourage me or make me feel stupid and unqualified...you will most certainly continue to hound me with incessant distraction and drop countless obstacles in my path...but my God will pick me up, dust me off, and help me stand again after each and every battle. So get ready because I'm not giving up. I take it as a compliment that you won't leave me alone. I must be a threat to you! I pray so. I pray so in the name of Jesus. Yes, JESUS!! Are you trembling? I know you are....

By the way, get out of my house, and stay out in the name of JESUS. Leave my kids alone, in the name of JESUS. I have my armor on and I'm ready to do battle. I reclaim the Peace that passes understanding. I plead the blood of JESUS over my mind and my thoughts...I plead the blood of JESUS over my children's futures, and I plead the blood of JESUS over my home and my property. I know you have to leave now! Ha!

Hate me all you want. Hate my kids, even. You should, because they are going to do mighty things for their Lord Jesus Christ. I realize you'll keep assigning all your ridiculous demons to attack us and try to deter us. But it won't work, because we have authority over you through the Blood of Jesus. Oops! I mentioned the Blood again! Scared? You should be. You are defeated, loser, and your days are numbered. You remember that day at the cross, don't you? My Jesus shed His blood for me. I am His, and He is mine...and you lose.

Jesus is Lord! I know you hate to hear that because it's the truth! His light illuminates and eliminates your darkness at all times and in every situation. I will overcome you, by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.

Get thee behind me, Satan, in the name of JESUS!