
Andrew Miller #fundie mrc.org

Reza Aslan’s advice to Muslims in the U.S. that aren’t all-in for gay marriage? Get over it and get on board.

Previously, Muslim ‘scholar’ Aslan has been a controversial figure for his interpretations of other religions, like the time he called Jesus a Marxist. Now it seems he’s moving on to rogue interpretations of his own religion and the Constitution.

In an open letter to the Huffington Post, Aslan explained, “With all the rainbow-flag waving and self-congratulatory pats on the back this country is giving itself right now, you don't need another reason for Americans to dislike you,” which is a great reason to believe something – groupthink at its best.

But that’s not enough, Aslan reminded American Muslims that their rights are guaranteed along with LGBT’ers: “After all, the constitution that just ensured the rights of LGBT communities is the same constitution that protects our mosques and community centers—You can't celebrate one without the other.”

Well — except that freedom of religion was explicitly outlined in the First Amendment to the Constitution, while gay marriage is a right invented out of thin air last week.

According to Aslan, “You can't pick and choose which civil liberties apply to which people. Either we are all equal, or the whole thing is just a sham.” But you can – and the Framers did, picking religion, press, speech, etc., and it certainly hasn’t looked like a sham for the past two hundred years.

And don’t forget the Quran’s ringing endorsement for gay marriage! Aslan quotes: "’Believers, stand firm for God, be witnesses for justice. Never allow the hatred of people to prevent you from being just. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness (Quran 5:8).’”

And apparently this is case closed. Aslan explains, “It doesn't get any clearer than that. You may think LGBT rights is a new conversation, something that's only recently come into contact with modern Islamic thought, but trust us, it's not.”

Well it may not get any clearer than that, but you don’t have to be a Muslim scholar to figure out that gay marriage is not what Muhammad was talking about there.

His conclusion from these shaky points: “[Muslims] have to do more than tolerate. We have to embrace. We have to fight for the right of others to live their lives as freely as we want to live ours.”

Toleration isn’t enough, active support is necessitated.

CNN is set to run a new show, Believer, on world religions with Aslan. With demonstrated hyper-progressive views toward religion, he’s undoubtedly their ideal candidate.

Sarah Stites #fundie mrc.org

[On article "Ultra-Lib Lizz Winstead ‘Will Not Cower’ to CMP’s ‘Thuggish Fetus Pornographers’"]

Cosmo loves to highlight women like The Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead: sex-obsessed, profane, offensive and unabashedly pro-abortion.

In an article published July 30, the women’s magazine lauded Winstead for potentially sacrificing her career in order to be a “USO of reproductive rights, visiting clinics and boosting the morale of the ‘troops.’” After all, her “vocal advocacy for reproductive rights can make it more difficult to get mainstream work.” Yes, you read that correctly.

Winstead—who grew up in a conservative, Catholic family—has been an avid abortion advocate ever since she had her own teenage pregnancy terminated. But just last year, she created an organization called Lady Parts Justice in order to support abortion workers throughout the U.S. Her “mobile justice unit” travels to many states, replete with food, microphones, cameras and even a singing plush pink uterus puppet named Eunice. I didn’t make that up.

It gets worse. After its creation in 2014, “the group faced immediate backlash from activists who argued that the organization's name and barrage of uterus jokes was transphobic and non-intersectional, or even simply too crass to play well in more conservative states.” Yep, you read that right, too.

In a Slate article, concerned transgender activist Parker Molloy responded that “Lady Parts” was an inappropriate moniker for the group. “Not all women are the owners of a uterus, and not all owners of a uterus are women,” Molloy corrected. “A person should not be defined by what reproductive organs they have or don’t have.” Gosh, being as progressive as she is, how did Winstead ever get away with that transphobic, bigoted, non-intersectional move? She might as well have named the group “Cis-Parts Justice!”

“As for being ‘crass,’ she has no problem with that reputation,” the Cosmo article read. Then, quoting Winstead: “I'm not afraid to say things crassly and in a 'f*ck you' manner, because sometimes this just needs to be said. Sometimes you just need to say, 'This f*cking sucks and it's f*cking outrageous and it's got to stop.” What a gem. Take out those f-bombs, and I wish she’d say that to Planned Parenthood.

But that won’t happen. Throughout the recent scandal, Winstead has tweeted repeatedly #IStandWithAbortionCareProviders.

Moreover, she has continued to inject her crassness into tweets attacking the Center for Medical Progress. On July 28, the date CMP released the third Planned Parenthood video, Winstead tweeted: “I simply will not cower to these thuggish fetus pornographers.”

Other tweets called CMP an “illegal and immoral outfit” and its videos “amateur propaganda.”

And yes, this is the kind of woman that Cosmo likes to highlight.

Joseph Rossell #fundie mrc.org

Editor's note: When MRC Business wrote this story, the Salon byline listed Peter Finocchiaro, Salon Deputy Editor, as the author. Sometime after that, Salon changed the byline to Bob Cesca.

Being out of lockstep with climate alarmism infuriates the left, including liberal online magazine editors like Salon Deputy Editor Peter Finocchiaro.

Finocchiaro lashed out at Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on July 10, with at least eight nasty names or adjectives including “goon,” “loony,” “buffoonish” and “marble-mouthed” because Gohmert had the audacity to say that Pope Francis had been taken in by global warming alarmists.

“Since when does science not allow opposing viewpoints,” Gohmert asked July 8, during an appearance on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal. “Well, they didn’t allow Galileo to make an opposing viewpoint. There were a lot of accurate opposing viewpoints that weren't allowed at the time that were later allowed to come in.”

That was too much for the Salon editor who responded by attacking the congressman’s “anti-science gibberish” and caricaturing his argument, saying that “Gohmert clings to this notion that he’s just like Galileo and that his version of science is actually correct.”

He hurled another insult saying, Gohmert “probably can’t spell heliocentrism, much less define the scientific method.” Insults against the congressman’s intelligence were pervasive in Finocchiaro’s article about Gohmert’s “‘Dumb & Dumber’ philosophy of climate denial.” How scientific.

Finocchiaro either decided to ignore or failed to understand Gohmert’s critique of consensus-driven science, since he slammed Gohmert for “desperately grabbing onto a statistically minuscule number of scientists whose theories run contrary to the other 97 percent” of scientists. That statistic is a popular, but highly misleading alarmist “myth,” that was defined so weakly it includes many of the scientists Finocchiaro would name-call as “deniers.”

knowledgeisgood #fundie mrc.org

That's fine, and it make's complete since to me. What I mean by that is, if you have a religion that worships satan, why Not embrace homosexuality, they all worship the same god. This should be an easy transition for the Muslim religion. Their all going to follow what Obama wants anyway.