
Nealreal #fundie letspleasegod.com

Fragmenting the soul

I don’t know how much of a person’s soul is actually exchanged through sex, I’m just using fractions to illustrate the reality of sex and fornication as it was revealed to me.

As a virgin, let’s say I’m 100% me. If I have sex with Keisha, now I’ve given her 10% of me. I’m still a whole human being, physically, but my soul is made up of 10% Keisha and 90% me. My soul isn’t whole. So, I have 10% of Keisha’s mind, will and emotions (in whatever condition they may be in). The more I have sex with Keisha, the more of her emotions, will and mind I’ll get and vice versa. Old married couples think alike for this reason.

So now, I’m 90% me and 10% Keisha – assuming Keisha was a virgin too. If Keisha wasn’t a virgin, I would get a portion of Keisha and a portion of Cortes (Keisha’s other “boyfriend”). Now I’ve got 5% Keisha and 5% Cortes in me. Now, if I have sex with more women – you do the math. Can you see the problem with fornication?

Nealreal #fundie letspleasegod.com

When you search out who runs and/or owns these corporations, you’ll find more men of so called Jewish descent. So what’s my point here? Well, Jews claim to be the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. American Christians are encouraged to send money and bless the people of Israel. But being Israelites, the chosen people of the most high God, there are consequences for such sins against humanity.

To destroy multiple countries with fornication, lies, abortion, violence, witchcraft, murder, drug abuse and homosexuality (with Tel Aviv, Israel being named the gayest city in the world)—don’t you think a holy God has a problem with that? Especially with a people he supposedly chose as his own? Don’t we read in the bible of multiple times where he sent his people into captivity for these sins against him?

The world’s media is immoral and they control it. If these were righteous men, they wouldn’t allow that kind of content. Yet sin prevails through their media. The bible says there are immediate consequences for such actions for the people of God, but nothing seems to be happening to these men or their people; and they continue to prosper. Where are the curses God said would be laid on their people for this kind of disobedience (Deut chapter 28)? There are none because these are not the real Jews. As expressed in my article about who the real Jews are, these people are imposters. The bible calls them out:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Rev 2:9)

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee (Rev 3:9).

Now of course, not all the people who claim Jewish descent serve Satan, but from the content of the worldly media, it’s clear that these Jewish owners are of the synagogue of Satan. That’s just something to think about. Research Khazarian Jews and you’ll discover their true origins.

So next time, you wanna blame rap music and black people for their condition, don’t forget to point out the fake Jews behind it all. These powerful men could change the content of most of the world’s media tomorrow, but they won’t because they work for Satan while maintaining racism/white supremacy.

Who are the real Israelites? The so called black men and women suffering in the ghettos for their sins against the all mighty God; the ones racism/white supremacy/zionism hits the hardest, that’s who. Pray that they wake up; pray for their collective repentance and bless them if you can.

And please stop sending money to Israel.

Nealreal #fundie letspleasegod.com

The soul also houses sin and demons. So, through fornication, you’re more inclined to commit the same sins, and contract the same demons your partners have. This is why God commanded Israel not to join with the foreign women. All the surrounding nations served false gods. With all false gods, there are demons behind them.

Those foreign women had joined their souls to these unclean spirits through worship. Therefore, to get involved with those foreign women would lead to the same. If you read any part of the old testament, you’ll see the results of the Israel’s rebellion. Demons are whole beings (corrupted personalities), not fragments of a soul. It’s enough to deal with your own demons, but to deal with someone else’s, along with their fragmented soul, becomes a huge problem.

So you can see why fornication is detrimental and why marrying the right person is so important. You can also understand why God says not to have sex with animals. Who wants to have a portion of the mind, will, and emotions of a beast in them? We should only join ourselves to that one person God has for us, and be joined with Jesus Christ through obedience. To join with any other group of people, outside of the Holy God, will bring serious consequences.

The physical side of sex.

We all know what goes on here: body fluids are exchanged and semen is transferred. The problem with fornication is that every person’s body is different, and through sexual contact, unique organisms meet. The body has to handle this encounter and adapt and/or destroy these different organisms.

Too many encounters with too many different people, and the body gets overwhelmed and infected. This is where STDs come from, and especially AIDS. A man’s semen shouldn’t be in another man’s body and a human shouldn’t have intercourse with an animal. The body’s response to this is, “Woe, what the hell is going on!” Therefore, HIV is born.

Nealreal #fundie letspleasegod.com

Lust is like a dog, if you feed it, it will stay alive, if you don’t, it won’t. So here are some ways to kill lust. In my own experience, these have worked for me and I know they can work for you.

1. Make the decision to overcome lust and fornication.
2. Confess you have a problem.
3. Acknowledge and agree with God that this is wrong and repent
4. Pray to God for his power, through the holy spirit, to overcome this sin. You cannot overcome sin without God (John 15:5)
5. Cut off all sensual and sexual media out of your life: movies, comic books, novels, articles, blogs, jokes, TV shows, especially porn (duh), sensual poetry, and music.
6. Stay away from fornicators, whether they be men or women, Christian or not. Don’t even eat with them (1 Cor 5:11,13 CEV). Break off all sexual relationships with people you’re not married to, including “cyber relationships”.
7. When you go out in public, rather than staring at a woman’s body, look at her face, or keep your eyes on something else. If you need to, for a season, don’t go to the mall, or those places that cause your mind to wander.
8. Fast from food for a period of time to starve the flesh’s ability to lust.
9. Rebuke the spirit (demon) of lust in the fasting period, telling it to “Get out and return no more, in the name of Jesus!”
10. If you know this is a season where you are to be single, stop thinking about a wife. Don’t fantasize and daydream about your future spouse, if it leads you to lust.
11. Meditate on the scriptures throughout this article series instead of thinking about women.

I say that lust is part of the problem because there are often other issues like loneliness, discontentment, generational curses, depression, emptiness, no purpose, no identity and abuse that lead men to use sex, porn or masturbation as a way of dealing with their deeper issues. As you overcome fornication, ask the Lord what the root issue is, and he will work it out. Only with the Lord’s help can you be entirely free. Also know that he was also tempted in these areas, so he understands us