
OnuaNuva #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[About someone throwing a shoe at Bush.]

And people hate this president...

I honestly don't know why anyone would have major reason to dislike Bush... oh wait... the media. I hate them, rigging the election for Obama. Anyways, Bush has just proved that he is 'the One' and his bullet dodging skills will take him far.

Murtagh_wrydfell #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[On a topic about the Rapture.]

No but we have plenty of proof...

1-Prophecies in the bible are history recorded before it happens...that should be enough proof...

2-You have to be an idiot to not beleive...no offense

3-Why should WE prove it?We have faith and you have what?Nothing?WE have undeniable proof and science has NOTHING...

I think I proved my point and if you say Im an idiot or what Im saying isnt true you just prove my point further...really anything you say is just proving my point...

Oh and the Temple can be rebuilt before or AFTER...its a requirement for the Great Tribulation not the rapture

Quoted from toidiedud

Ur my hero Toidiedud!! i agree 100%
Only thing is i read the Childerns Left Behind not the Adult but they are the same basic thing

Jazix #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[Check the thread for the 'pie' comment]

Whoa whoa whoa. Christianity is the belief that God created the earth and all of mankind and died for our sins (if you don't get why he had to die just message me) on the cross. HOW can you believe in Christ AND evolution at the same time? I don't get it! And why do all the Christians besides me want pie?

Redneck Ninja #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[On a debate about evolution.]

i dont believe in evolution. i really think its useless, unsupported and silly, i dont have much else to say.

[Other post by him after someone asked him if he believes in creation.]

i do believe in creationism, i find nothing funny about it

Guns Bovolt #fundie forums2.battleon.com

So, basically, do you believe in evolution? If that's so, you are believing that two apes mated, came out with some hairless freak baby with a really large head, and magically, some other horny ape couple within a reasonable distance had an equally freakish child that by some miracle is of another gender. Those two children must have found each other and mated having at least two more children of multiple genders. Next, those two must mate and have surviving children without birth defects from in breeding, to continue the race. Which, I'll assume is human.........

Yea, evolution sounds REALLY possible. Not to mention the fact that this would have had to occur thousands of times, since, according to evolutionism, we started as single celled organisms. Yet, scientist have yet to find a non divine way for life to begin.

Redneck Ninja #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[on how many people will be raptured

We start with 100%
Then the second seal:WW3(or 4 or 5 depending)
Due to being cut short 5% would be a safe estimate
Now we have 95%
Now the third seal: food crisis
7% would be appropriate
Now fourth seal: disease
Due to quarantine measures probably more like 2%
Sixth seal: earthquake
Theres a sucker punch, 9%
First trumpet: hailstorm
Because of being flaming hail, 12%
Second trumpet: monster meteor
Well see this from half a solar system away, 3%
Third trumpet: poison meteor + infected water
It says many so a lot more than the last ones, 15%
Fourth trumpet: dim sun, extreme cold
More scary than deadly at this point, 4%
Sixth trumpet: killer demons
It says a third, 43/3, rounded for simplicity, is 14%
Third bowl: rivers & lakes to blood
At this point reserves will be enough, 3%
Fourth bowl: sun intensified, super heat
Really just something we see coming by now, 5%
Seventh bowl: end
There we have it. 21%, keep in mind that this is rough and approximate. And I left out anything that doesn’t cause mass death.

narutofan1 #fundie forums2.battleon.com

You can go ahead and think that. Personally I think you must feel that there is a supreme being out there you're just to afraid to admit. Anyways, to be politically correct, religion is now the person's worldview.

For everyone, I totally forgot to mention when I believe the Rapture will happen. Silly me.

I'm a pre-Trib and here are my reasons why-
1. If we get raptured before the Tribulation started this would probably be when the Rapture would have the greatest impact on non-born-agains.
2. If it were the mid-Tribulation view that was correct, when the contract between Israel and the Antichrist is broken halfway through, there would already be so much death and devastation that followers of the Antichrist (no mark yet) would just brush it off as more of the plagues.
3. It makes no sense to me whatsoever for it being post-Trib. What's the point of bringing the dead and believers back to life and earth if they're not going to actually do anything besides wait around for the Millenial Kingdom?

3dd656 #fundie forums2.battleon.com


If the world got populated from the start by two people then how did we get difference races?
adaptation of the peoples. they adapted to their environments.
and no, the story is that....... never mind. well, maybe God made more people after he exiled adam and eve from the garden? thats logical, i guess.
but for the most part we are all related. but none of the relationships are incestuous.
the theory, i believe, is that our ancestors all came from Africa. there were four groups. three of the four groups were Jewish and the other group was caucasian, i guess. the caucasian group ended up in Europe. the other three spread out among Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Unsorcerer #fundie forums2.battleon.com

EXACTLY! That's what it is. Evolution is just a thing of human phantasy because it's still not a fact. Though there really ARE mage's, but they don't relate with gods and spirits. THAT IS A FACT!!! I'm Christian but not like i'm goin' to church everyday! So i don't belive that GOD REALLY CAN PUNISH ME FOR THINGS.

Gabe #fundie forums2.battleon.com

[On yet another evolution debate.]

Oh my god. Another one? Seriously. Stop it. I know what I believe is right, and you all can just shut up about it. Evolutionists just can't accept that evolution does exist. Just not to the point of becoming another species. To the point where my mom does not have brown eyes, but I do. God allowed us flexibility, but not that much.


Toidiedud #fundie forums2.battleon.com

God Made Us and he judges us...after your name is blotted out on the book of life you go to hell unless you are in the lambs book of life then heaven...book of life is the record of every human being and your name is blotted out when you die...the lambs book however is every person who beleives in him and is born again...

I dont see how any sane person would belive in anything else...I dont know if this is off topic but someone is bound to bring these up...

Evolution-No proof whatsoever...microevolution and adaptaion sure but for one species into another?No...it goes against the scientific method...they arnt observing it and they arnt following the scientific method when they "Study" evolution and then of coirse the very idea itself is just stupid...it takes more faith to believe in Evolution than Christ...

The Big Bang-Um...again goes against scientific methods AND a law...Energy cannot be created nor destroyed right?So um...how does nothing ecplode into the universe?It dosnt it goes against everything science thinks...so The Big Bang theory is for idiots...

And just a tidbit...I dont remember the names but two of the worlds best scientists two of the smartest people were asked where we came from...heres their answers...


And Organisms piggybacking on crystals...he never would say anything else...

Thats from a Documentary...I forget its name...Ill think of it...

Oh and this is all from a college proffesor I know...he went in to much more detail though...

Ecitsuj #fundie forums2.battleon.com

dear lord why do I get myself into these things?

I believe in Creation. I believe the world is to well made to be any sort of chance, I believe everything in the bible is correct, benefits society and does not disagree with itself in any location, the only way it would seem as such is if it is misinterpreted.

now that I have that out of the way

if anyone has any serious comments or questions post em :P otherwise I'm ignorin youz...lol

oh and Evolution is a religion, weather you choose to believe that or no, the only difference is it is government funded.
Cristianity used to be in our school systems, and I am glad that it was removed because of things it states in the bible that doing so goes against, but now they have Evolution in there, in children's textbooks as though it were real, pure stated fact, furthermore creation in general has been all but removed, even when Evolution can be proven wrong by something as simple as the spin of the earth; just because we float in space doesn't mean we don't encounter friction. If they were ever to take this into account, they would realize the earth could only be a few thousand years of age at most, since we gain about one second to our every year. this may not seem like much, but if you do the math (the earth spins about 1000mph) you know what :) the earth probably would have been flat... as well as completely devoid of life... *inserts imaginary picture of some random guy flying off the earth shouting WEEEEeeeee......*
yeah I'm done for now. but there's a whole lot more if you want to know it

Toidiedud #fundie forums2.battleon.com

No because god dosnt have to live by our laws or physics he is outside it...

And no the big bang is false it just sounds stupid to any sane persons view...God made made eveything...ooh wow people find a species that hasnt been found it mustbe evolution...NO...thye hadnt found it since they hadnt found it...its painfully obvious...

And Science is the study of the things we can see and touch...we cant see or touch God so he cant be explained with science...the only kind of science I really cae for since its real science is technology chemistry and just studying animalsand plants and leave it at that...

Maybye I should ask that guy...

PaladinLord1123 #fundie forums2.battleon.com

God is real because I am a hard core CHristian and I will debate anyone to the ground just pm me to start It says in the bible that God told the prophets to write the bible so thats how we got it God wil send people to Hell for their sinning He loves everyone and but He hates sin so you have to be saved to go to heaven there is no marrying in heaven because tha wold start jealysy and jealysy is coveting and coveting is a sin But like I said God loves everyone here and everywhere and I dont care what you say because I can debate you to the ground I have many other friends that could debate you to the ground infact I have at least 20 friends and and 35 adults who could debate you to the ground plus there are many others out in the world too but God loves you and you go to Hell if you dont ask Jesus to forgive your sins you will go to Hell You cant be saved and go to heaven by just being good and going to church because everyone is born with a sin nature and God hates sin so you have to ask Jesus to forgive your sins be cause He died on the cross for you and rose on the 3rd day after his death because nothing can defeat God, Jesus ,or the Holy Spirit For they created you and and the whole universe. But by saying this I am not trying to make anyone feel bad. I better not say all of what I was going to or Itd turn into a full blown sermon. But remember this God loves you.

MightyDante #fundie forums2.battleon.com

Ok, heres my biblical layout.

Rapture-------| Instant
____________| 3.5 years of false peace
____________| 3.5 years of vast war and smite
True Peace---| 1000 years of peace, Satan in the bottomless pit
Armageddon--| A breif was between the armies of heaven and "a vast army coming from the east", the army of the east is lead my Satan
The End-------| Eternity

CD #fundie forums2.battleon.com

First off, I don't even really like the term ''sex change'', because no matter how much surgery is done to make you look like the opposite sex, you will ALWAYS be the gender you were born as. There is no changing that.

Trying to change your gender is a disgrace to the Creator, as you were born as your gender for a reason. People who say that their soul is misplaced in the wrong body are wrong. Mistakes like that simply no not happen.

And also, what if someone got surgery to change their genitals to those of the opposite gender and convinced someone they wanted to date that they really were that gender? That person would be unknowingly dating someone of the same gender, and that is, IMO, an abomination. Not the fact they are both the same gender, but the fact that one of them thinks they're dating someone of the opposite gender when they're really not. THAT is the abomination.

Gabe #fundie forums2.battleon.com

What harm is being done? Why should kids be punished (by not being able to pray) for going to school? Don't teachers want kids to like school? (Oh, wait. I'm assuming that teachers are smart.) What I really don't get is why atheists rule the world. It's like, what atheists say goes. Like the evolution thread right here on the forums, for example: Circe posted the stupidest thing I've ever heard by saying there will be no religion in the evolution thread. Yet no-one can stand up to that because she's a mod, and apparently being a mod (or any "higher up")makes it so that everything you say is right no matter what. I'm just glad that, if I need to, I can pray in my school. (My home.)