
Cash #fundie blogs.villagevoice.com

(about fast food and strip clubs near Ground Zero)
Those are staples of America you stupid fucking liberal anti-American piece of shit. A mosque is not although you liberals are trying to make it that way. Go live over there since you like their way of life. I hope you die in the next attacks. What a piece of shit!

johanna michaelsen #fundie blogs.villagevoice.com

While this little second-grader enjoyed the movie, there was something about it that bothered her. She commented that the Care Bears seemed like God. They were up in heaven and knew everything, like God did. And when the Bears concentrated their energy into the 'Care Bear Stare' to change something, it was 'like a counterfeit miracle . . . kind of like the magicians in Pharaoh's court.' Very discerning for a second grader!