
Mark Vallens #racist #wingnut blogs.telegraph.co.uk

Post modernism/liberalism is a rejection of tradtionalism and a sense of belonging, of continuity, familiarity, and a feeling of rootedness in our past and our unique histories and ethnicities .--- and wants to replace it instead with a virtual identity--a pseudo world of ideas and pop-intellectual abstractions .
White liberals swoon over non-White cultures they know nothing about and that they see as more colourful, exotic and spiritually more deep and cultivated , more noble and innocent and virtuous .
White liberal progressives have no moral qualms about these non-White cultures honouring the spiritual communion with their ancestors, historical narratives, mythologies, legends, traditions and folk memories and striving to preserve them and feeling a deep sense of attachment to their ancestral lands and the wish to preserve their genetic heritage of blood and soil .
But when Whites, who are the first and only race ever to have created high culture and have created the most sublime arts, music, philosophies, and literature the world has ever seen do it ---we are called
--- " far right wing, uneducated, bigoted, racial supremacists " ---
The problem for the majority of our university educated liberal progressives is that Western civilisation is a difficult act to master . Their sneering, smug, contempt and distain for it is a camouflage for intellectual and spiritual inadequacy and impoverishment .
They can afford to spit on it while they enjoy the hedonistic life style and freedoms and benefits it provides them with due to the blood sweat and tears of their ancestors, because it's the only thing they have ever known

Sean Thomas #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

Are atheists mentally ill?


In the last few years scientists have revealed that believers, compared to non-believers, have better outcomes from breast cancer, coronary disease, mental illness, Aids, and rheumatoid arthritis. Believers even get better results from IVF. Likewise, believers also report greater levels of happiness, are less likely to commit suicide, and cope with stressful events much better. Believers also have more kids.

What’s more, these benefits are visible even if you adjust for the fact that believers are less likely to smoke, drink or take drugs. And let’s not forget that religious people are nicer. They certainly give more money to charity than atheists, who are, according to the very latest survey, the meanest of all.

So which is the smart party, here? Is it the atheists, who live short, selfish, stunted little lives – often childless – before they approach hopeless death in despair, and their worthless corpses are chucked in a trench (or, if they are wrong, they go to Hell)? Or is it the believers, who live longer, happier, healthier, more generous lives, and who have more kids, and who go to their quietus with ritual dignity, expecting to be greeted by a smiling and benevolent God?

Obviously, it’s the believers who are smarter. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mentally ill.

And I mean that literally: the evidence today implies that atheism is a form of mental illness. And this is because science is showing that the human mind is hard-wired for faith: we have, as a species, evolved to believe, which is one crucial reason why believers are happier – religious people have all their faculties intact, they are fully functioning humans.

Therefore, being an atheist – lacking the vital faculty of faith – should be seen as an affliction, and a tragic deficiency: something akin to blindness. Which makes Richard Dawkins the intellectual equivalent of an amputee, furiously waving his stumps in the air, boasting that he has no hands.

Supporters of Lutfur Rahman #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

It’s never been hard to tell the difference between Tower Hamlets’ council chamber and the reading room of the Bodleian Library. But events there have taken a deeply nasty turn since Lutfur Rahman, the man thrown out of the Labour Party for his links to the extremist Islamic Forum of Europe, was elected mayor of the borough with the IFE’s help.

Since the election in October, councillors say, the public gallery at meetings has been regularly filled with a group Tower Hamlets is starting to know as “Lutfur’s crew” or “Lutfur’s army” – and they appear to specialise in a particular form of abuse towards the Mayor’s opponents.

“It has started really since the mayoral election,” Cllr Peter Golds, the leader of the opposition, told me. “Beforehand there may have been the odd comment, but never anything like this.”

“This” is the homophobic abuse to which Mr Golds, several other gay councillors and even a member of the public asking a question have been subjected in the council chamber. “It is horrible, absolutely bloody awful,” Golds says.

Mr Golds confirms that he was repeatedly subjected to homophobic abuse from the public gallery at the council’s abortive budget-setting meeting on February 23. “A prominent supporter of Lutfur Rahman with a very distinctive voice kept calling out ‘Mrs Golds! Mrs Golds!’ when I spoke,” he said. Another Rahman supporter called Mr Golds a “poofter.” A councillor, Anna Lynch, has made an official complaint about the abuse.

At the previous meeting, on February 2, Mr Golds says, Lutfur Rahman supporters in the public gallery heckled Labour’s deputy leader, Josh Peck, who is also openly gay, with the shout of “Unnatural acts! Unnatural acts!” At the same meeting, a member of the public who asked a question about bringing a (gay) Pride march to East London was greeted with “animal noises” from the public gallery, Mr Golds says.

On LabourList this week, Labour’s chief whip on Tower Hamlets, Cllr Rachael Saunders, who was also present, described the 23 February meeting:

“Part way through the meeting Cllr Anna Lynch told the Chair that she had heard someone shout “poofter” when Peter Golds, Conservative leader, who is openly gay, was speaking. Some people had already been evicted from the meeting for disruption by the chair of council, Motin Uz-Zaman. Motin tried to evict the person who had made this comment. An adjournment was called. Anna and Motin were both then threatened by members of the public in the gallery, with shouts that they would “get them”. Some of those involved in the fracas were amongst the Independent Mayor’s most prominent supporters.”

Jenkpac Shakur #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

Early Christianity was a hostile, Jewish subversion and overthrow of the dominant Greco-Roman culture of the Roman Empire. Alexandria was a Jewish stronghold like NYC. Philo of Alexandria was like a Karl Marx, and the Essenes/Therapeuts was comparable to the Frankfurt School. Here I will give a brief, general history of what we know today as Christianity.

20 BCE – 50 CE. Alexandria, the Roman Empire

There existed many Jewish monasteries that enjoyed much in funding, connections, and influence. Most notable of these where the Essenes and the Therapeuts, among whom Philo of Alexandria? set to create a philosophy/religion that would deliver Gentiles into a Judaic monotheism. They understood that those who held the keys to a monotheistic god would dominate in religion and culture (Protocol of Zion #14). They set to engineer what was to become the hostile overthrow the long-standing Greco-Roman culture & its gods who were to be replaced by the Jewish tribal god Yahweh?.

The Greek title of “Christos” was lifted to name the god of the new religion, whose story is a composite of previous existing pagan gods. Research “religious parallelism.”

Christian theology materialized at the School of Alexandria. In this city rose the early churches, composed of both Jews and of Greeks. Saint Stephen?, Saul of Tarsus?, and Apollos? were most influential in propagating early Christianity. Early Christians were denying & profaning established traditions, angering Romans and conservative Jews, creating lasting religious tensions.

Many years later, 325 CE, Roman Emperor Constantine I convened the Council of Nicaea to solidify one universal religion to unite the Empire. By 380 CE, Nicene Christianity was declared the official Roman religion by ?-puppet Emperor Theodosius. All Paganism was suppressed and outlawed.

In 391 CE, Coptic Pope Theophilus ordered an attack that destroyed the temples and libraries of the Serapeum massacring the priests. The institutional structure of Egyptian religion, then more than four millennia old, was demolished in less than two decades.

Many Christian churches are built directly overtop pagan sacred sites. Thousands were murdered to secure hegemony of the new religion. Among the values of the religion are that you are to be poor in spirit, meek, and/or merciful in order to be blessed. Read The Beatitudes and understand their subversive nature as intended by the Essenes and Therapeuts. With this philosophy, they have convinced its followers to turn the other cheek, love their enemies, and do good to those who hate them. Who benefits?

Religions of our ancestors were replaced by this slave morality of humility, meekness, and poverty.

That is the story of Christianity: a Jewish hijacking of our spirituality.

carlismo #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

t is a bit rich of Dawkins and his ilk to start throwing around the term Fairy stories since we created the world which permits him to learn and study. Farsighted popes and bishops— took the fateful step that Islamic leaders had rejected. By marrying Christian theology to Aristotelian science, they committed the West to an ethic of rational enquiry that would generate a succession of scientific advances

I insist we turn it on him and continue to ask—What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? science alone can speak truth about man and his world.

I think so many scientists and especially people who study genetics (I worked in biotechnology for 8 years, it was hard to find any any atheists there) are religious because they are always struck by the fact we are all descended from Mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam.

Brendan O'Neill #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

[re: authorities banning faith healing group from saying they can heal people]

This is an outrageous attack on freedom of religion, on the basic right of people to express central tenets of their faith. Of course, the authorities have a role to play in keeping a check on the scientific claims made by businesses in their ads. If, for example, Pepsi suddenly announced that a can of its pop can cure backache, that should be challenged; likewise, companies that spout homeopathic claptrap can reasonably be asked to provide evidence for their claims. But the state and its offshoots have no business whatsoever sticking their snouts into the expression of a religious conviction, into the public articulation of faith, which is precisely what the HOTS leaflet was. Monitoring claims that are made in an explicitly scientific fashion is fine, but policing the expression of an inner conviction, of a profound belief in the healing qualities of God, is ludicrous and authoritarian. Not content with policing the public square, the ASA, it seems, now wants to monitor men’s souls too.

Elizabeth Levesque #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

You are the one lost with no connection to reality sorien. Cognitive dissonance? That would be you and your ilk throughout history. Try recent history. Deaths in the millions due to atheism. No accountability. Just murder. Take margaret sanger. Ex catholic. Disciple of hitler and joseph mengela. Eugenics. Euthanasia. 50 million babies murdered in usa. 17 million of them minority babies. No problem right? "We don't want too many of those people" she said. Drain on society? Poor? Minorities? Make sure they don't breed. Old people? Drain on society. They lived long enough. Let them die. Spend money on young people. Let the sick old rich farts die. Let the sick old poor farts die. They have lived long enough right? And what about babies in the womb? Just tissue. Rip it out. They would probably have a crappy life with that uneducated and poor and crappy single mother. Not worth it. Rip that tissue out. No problem. Life is worthless. We are in power. We dictate what human life is worth. You get to live. You over there get to die. Atheism thinks this murderous way.

parisclaims #racist blogs.telegraph.co.uk

I never used to be a racist. That was until the liblabcon party decided upon flooding the country with the third world. Many of them make no attempt to assimilate, many are dependent upon welfare, many try to impose their "culture" upon the rest of us and commit crimes of a sexual and violent nature upon the indigenous people. If Dan would like to write a piece on the benefits of mass third world immigration, maybe he could change my mind, but I doubt it. UKIP has my vote.

John Piggott #racist blogs.telegraph.co.uk

[Emphasis in original]

All truth-speaking on race ends in the following assertion:

Africans and Asians have no place in England. They are here against the English will, and they were brought here by an elite seeking to replace and possibly genocide the English. The English must live, so the Africans and Asians must leave.

That is the true nationalist position, and it is what all Englishmen and women who consider the question honestly and freely come to.

You are far, far away from such clarity. How can it be "racist" or morally illegitimate in any way for a people suffering colonisation to protest and to reject its colonisers?

It is NEVER "racist" to speak the truth about our colonisers.

It IS racist to deny the English people, uniquely, a right to self-defence and to truth-speaking.

Wake up. Do not continue promoting the dissolution of your people.

Gentleman Jim Crow #racist blogs.telegraph.co.uk

I don't know why people keep saying this. The Scottish Labour vote has already been more than replaced by immigrants. Another five million immigrants arrive each decade. Scottish independence would not guarantee a Conservative majority in perpetuity. Blair would have won all three of his elections without Scotland. The loss of five million white Britons would just serve to hasten white minority status for rUK

responsible #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

PM David Cameron is right to refute the Al Campbell 'we do not do God' vote buying arrogance of totalitarian smug smearing neo-Left selfies who strut in not being accountable, and control by smear and innuendo BBC style as they milk taxpayers and others.

There is right and wrong. Not everything is relative to what someone claims to sincerely believe that suits themselves. People are sick of the Dawkins style self asserting self seeking bland smear assertions pretending to be argument about sky fairies from a stance of moral equivalence and dumb relativist opinion as if proof. Physics shows Dawkins' claims are primitive Dan Brown style novelistic rubbish.

The truth is no one knows how the universe or humans began. The true probability of a protein being formed by random chance is so close to nil as to be unseeable. The chance of life creation and evolution as random is like a tornado going through a scrap yard and producing a Massserati. Nil.

So there is a deity as the the world's leading and most notorious atheist Anthony Flew wrote 'There is a God'. After he changed his mind, the shrill self assuring atheistic relativists could only comment 'he was old'! Similar dumb socialistic atheists supported the USSR, and failed completely to notice it collapsed with tragic loss of life and social chaos. Has atheism every had anything except a disaster?

'The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but through every human heart'. Solzhenitzyn wrote after being an atheistic communist Red Army officer and converting to be a Christian.

The pathetic glib claims that wrongs happen and were done by people calling themselves christian, therefore Christians are bad, is like claiming bad actions by lawyers mean the law and lawyers are bad! There is bad, evil exists and people are created free to choose to do it, or struggle against it. Christianity is for each individual heart. Man made institutions, churches and organisations are fallible human efforts. They fail sometimes and face man made law. Individuals are accountable to God, and through Jesus can seek some redemption.

Elizabeth Levesque #fundie blogs.telegraph.co.uk

Hitler was a murderer. Just like his Father. The Devil. Try to spin it any old way Terence. Christian and Hitler don't go together. You Atheists will lie about anything anywhere to denigrate the Christian faith AND you will line any group up and shoot them dead. For a generous fee or for fun. When push comes to shove we know who will be facing the end of a barrel. Jews. Gypsies. Children. Buddhists Monks. It's all their in history dude. Read up. Then fall into your required patsy place. Cause you people have no regard for human life. At all. You can be bought off with the ease of someone promising you a place in the top echelon of power. You are easily seduced by power. But when they have used you to do their dirty work they will turn on you. History reveals one patsy atheist after another doing Hitler's work until he jumped ship to save his skin. Narcissistic self preservation. Ya see dude. Us Christians. We get in line with the Jews and the Gypsies. WE take the first bullet. And the second. Something you would never do. YOu hear the word "Christian" and you reload. These are indisputable historic facts and if you don't like them then tough. They are real. If you don't like them then stop calling yourself an atheist. call yourself a dog. they at least have some semblance of honor.