
Nicholas Dupont-Aignan #fundie blog.nicolasdupontaignan.fr

Parents are now in front of a risky dilemma: either letting their kid without vaccinal coverage and being exposed to penal pursuits and threats to exclude kids from kindergartens, schools and other public services, or vaccinating their kid with DTC-HebB-P-Hib. French have to know that vaccinating their kid with 6 heavy illnesses in one shot is a risky medical procedure.

Albert #fundie blog.nicolasdupontaignan.fr

Allow me to specify, the terrorists are all of foreign origin, of the same ethnicity, of the same religion and delinquents of overbelief. It would be easy to locate and expel them. The story to prevent fascist from taking over the government allows to protect them. That's the proof that the leaders don't want to get rid of them.

A T #fundie blog.nicolasdupontaignan.fr

Dividing the nations to govern better is the backdoor action (no pun intended) of the EU with its separatist movements, but not without the risk of a dogwhistle (drama) that they are too dumb (cunty) to be able to plan this, except if they are both MACHIAVELLIAN and UNRESPONSIBLE.

In fact, by limiting myself to the borders of the hexagone in a doom scenario, I barely see how the autonomists from Britanny, Basque, Catalonia Savoie etc. would end up winning the game except by waiting, I don't tell you about the problems if such a resurgence were to happen...

Yes, we are doomed due to the teaching of regional languages by the National Education Board.
It's as if the specifics of each region couldn't get perrenial unless the EU takes over this institution (as a 5th colon).
In a future party programme it should get stated that we need to have the national language as our primary language.